Been invading people's game as monsters. This is kind of fun. HE HE HE HE.
So is there a consensus on what the weakest campaign is? I want to co-op the game, but when I have to play alone I'd rather play the worst campaign by myself.
so the $90 edition just contain digital download codes for earlier RE's? No artbook or steel-book or anything cool?
oh and did anyone get the amazon 360 edition delivered yet - is it in a regular case, or has the DLC printed on the front?
ugh took tommorow off to play this and now it wont arrive thanks to amazon not shipping when they said they would
edit= wow worst CE ever (US), at least I saved some cash
I [potentially] hate you.
It makes the game so much harder (but much more enjoyable)
I ordered my 360 copy from amazon, and while i don't have the game yet, i receved an E-mail with the DLC code from Amazon.
What was wrong with the brightness calibration. I encountered no such issue in the demo.Game just came in the mail. Can't play it yet, but I started it up to get the patch.
Why does it still start with an empty screen that says press start, only to take you to the actual title screen?
The animated title screen fades to black and then is replaced with a still image. I guess they couldn't solve the technical challenge of an animated title screen with such a small development team.
The brightness calibration screen is still nonsense. Hopefully I can just leave it at default and it'll be better than the demo. They at least fixed that, right?
So is there a consensus on what the weakest campaign is? I want to co-op the game, but when I have to play alone I'd rather play the worst campaign by myself.
Umm, please tell me that I am being ignorant and that this spelling is actually correct?
Umm, please tell me that I am being ignorant and that this spelling is actually correct?
Umm, please tell me that I am being ignorant and that this spelling is actually correct?
Umm, please tell me that I am being ignorant and that this spelling is actually correct?
That would be correct (as long as it's the same gun as follows:
The worst is Leon's.
Just finished Chris 1 and 2 and oh my god this is horrible. 40% of the screen is blocked because of this giant model, there are enemies spawning from asbolutely random directions and the camera is just awful in these tight spaces. The game is actually giving me a slight headache right now. Maybe it's low FOV.
Umm, please tell me that I am being ignorant and that this spelling is actually correct?
What was wrong with the brightness calibration. I encountered no such issue in the demo.
I don't mind the action in Chris's game, but I really cant stand this military shit. UGH, its so forced for this series and I am just sick of seeing this military crap in almost every game.
If there is one thing that's logical it's this. It's been years since the original biohazard outbreak, it'd be nonsensical for the story to not involve large BOWs which require military intervention. They've been building up the BSAA for quite a while now and a big bio terror threat has been hinted since the beginning of the franchise.
Been invading people's game as monsters. This is kind of fun. HE HE HE HE.
You sure you didn't unlock it? Reading the strategy guide, it directly says:
"Four difficulty modes are available from the start: Amateur, Normal, Veteran, and Professional. Completing a campaign in Professional difficulty unlocks the No Hope difficulty for the campaign"
I [potentially] hate you.
It makes the game so much harder (but much more enjoyable)
Jake's is the most controversial with varying opinion. The "worst" would be Chris'
Though I feel all three are fantastic in their own right.
Definitely not. Jake's, for sure. Chris is the best one!
Game just came in the mail. Can't play it yet, but I started it up to get the patch.
Why does it still start with an empty screen that says press start, only to take you to the actual title screen?
The animated title screen fades to black and then is replaced with a still image. I guess they couldn't solve the technical challenge of an animated title screen with such a small development team.
The brightness calibration screen is still nonsense. Hopefully I can just leave it at default and it'll be better than the demo. They at least fixed that, right?
after I beat Chris' campaign it said I unlocked 8 new skills, but no new skills are showing up. anyone know?
also the ones based on kills with a certain weapon aren't working.
As with most things in the game, it's not stated clearly. What you unlocked is the ability to create 8 skill loadouts, not new abilities.
YES! YES! YES!!! I killed a player playing as a. The poor guy/girl was panicking and I managed to scream my lungs out and it instantly killed him/her.shrieker
I wish we can choose what monster we become though. Playing asweak zombie or Raj...whatever kinda sucks. Although I did manage to spew acid all over two players playing as that meatbags.
so I wanted to play the worst campaign first to get used to controls, unlock skills etc
by worst I mean stuff like QTE with random deaths, trial and error deaths that kind of thing
what campaign should I play first?
It's definitely not on there yet.Anyone able to find the Android application for on the Play Store?
It's mentioned but does it even exist yet?
Jake's. It has the most of both. Leon's is a close second. Chris has the least.
so how do skills work? in demo I didnt see a way to use those skill points you pick up, you assign them on new chapter starts?
really ugly looking game eh (ps3).
the NPCs made me think I was playing a RE game with sims in it.
cleared chapter 1 leon. its like zombies (which is cool), then suddenly there's a:
siren zombie and a big fat zombie and a acid zombie
um, okay?
Kill enemies/play Mercs to get skill points. Use these to buy skills at the end of each chapter or from the game's main campaign menu. Then, assign them to different slots (3 skills per loadout). They are universal and apply to all the characters. You do not need to unlock them per character. However, you eventually gain the ability to create 8 skill loadouts, so you can customize them for each moment. Some skills have multiple levels, i.e., Zombie Killer 1, 2. It costs a lot more to upgrade those skills.