I plan on it. Good ol Gamefly.Try it for yourself?
I plan on it. Good ol Gamefly.Try it for yourself?
I did, and now it's asking me for a verication code.
When they have their backs turn, melee them.
You'll be disappointed, then, as both run at 1280x720 with similar edge smoothing techniques. Image quality is virtually the same between the two demos and I don't expect that to change.Well I'm talking about the game. I wont make calls on the final product until actually playing or seeing the final product.
That fuzzy filter sucks, and I don't know why it was implemented.
You are correct though, I was playing RE6 on a sony tv while watching the 1080p 360 stream on my pc monitor. but I would be extremely disappointed if the 360 version was this jaggy. Just sitting on the coop matchmaking screen (now for multiple hours) and helenas arm dances with jaggies as the train goes through the tunnel.
That's how I played both Dead Space games (which had TERRIBLE music that was completely obnoxious).
RE series has always had good music, though, so I'd be hesitant about doing that here.
Well I'm talking about the game. I wont make calls on the final product until actually playing or seeing the final product.
That fuzzy filter sucks, and I don't know why it was implemented.
You are correct though, I was playing RE6 on a sony tv while watching the 1080p 360 stream on my pc monitor. but I would be extremely disappointed if the 360 version was this jaggy. Just sitting on the coop matchmaking screen (now for multiple hours) and helenas arm dances with jaggies as the train goes through the tunnel.
The loading screen says playing on amateur, all quicktime events are done for you! So QTE haters, there ya go!![]()
I don't have the game yet, but don't you have to start the game first before someone can join it?
You'll be disappointed, then, as both run at 1280x720 with similar edge smoothing techniques. Image quality is virtually the same between the two demos and I don't expect that to change.
I think they made some serious errors with RE6 from a technical point of view.Hmm thanks for the info. So I guess that means Capcom finally can make equal MT Framework ports or they just lowered their bar for acceptable quality.
From RE.net:
"You can link your accounts by entering the 18 digit verification code displayed on the game options screen under Upload Data once you have given your consent."
I think they made some serious errors with RE6 from a technical point of view.
The fact that it runs somewhat poorly on both systems is not acceptable without a PC version at launch to make up for it.
Until Dragon's Dogma, you could at least count on a smooth 360 version, but the latest iteration of MT Framework has failed to deliver great results on both systems.
In the case of RE6 they both seem to suffer from similar problems.
Yeah but Asura's Wrath has that DLC with animation by Shinya Ohira. So Asura's Wrath is better!Some individual with a lot of free time on their hands so count and see which game has more QTEs, RE6 or Asura's Wrath.
Going by this almost completely useless tutorial section, RE6 is gonna win somehow
I wouldn't worry about the costumes yet.I'm like 11,000 points away from buying a costume
Still trying to figure a way of how to get more RE points.
Downloading... finally.
Maybe in a week I will read back through this gross thread.
I am about 5 hours in and its been almost non stop solid gameplay, I know the QTE stuff has its moments but it is very spread out. The variety in this game is insane, the second chapter is morepuzzle based, I say puzzles loosely as they are pretty simple but RE4 had simple puzzles too. It had nice co-op moments where you had to split up, it should be neat to play through this chapter through Helena's point of view. Awesome new monsters and a pretty damn good boss fight.
The camera is the main issue with this game and all gameplay problems stem from it. Many areas are tight quarters and you begin to get surrounded, trying to keep track of everything becomes a mess at times. This leads to melee attacks you miss cause you angled the camera wrong and it can become hard to keep track of enemies. The controls work just fine, everything is super responsive and you have a multitude of attacks and dodges at your disposal its just hard to do it all correctly when you cant see. If you have a low tolerance for bad cameras then I can see you hate the game.
Other than that I don't understand any of the complaints this game is getting. Setpiece by setpiece its been far more interesting than other shooters like Gears to me. Plus its super polished, no glitches, graphics are stunning in certain areas, the music is amazing and the voice work and cinematics are top notch. There is not one thing remotely broken or what I would consider mediocre in the game.
Which system are you playing on?
Well, Dead Rising 2 didn't even use MT Framework. Only the first did.I actually went with the PS3 version for Dogma since it had no screen tearing.
But you do bring up a point that the ports aren't as clearly defined as in the days of Lost Planet and Dead Rising 2.
Don't bother.
Two hours into Leon's campaign and I feel the exact same. Unwarranted hate.Which system are you playing on?
Two hours into Leon's campaign and I feel the exact same. Unwarranted hate.
Just finished Leon 1 on Pro and thought it had more tension than the series has seen since Code Veronica. Like legitimately scary. Am I out of my goddamn mind?
Hmm... RE.net won't let me link my PSN account. I just registered and when I try to link the account it says access denied.
Is this a common thing? I would read back through the thread, but yeah...
Chris, chapter 2 boss: can't waggle fast enough. 20 times in a row now. I'm a RE vet and I'm reduced to knifing a boss to eventually fail a QTE over and over
I try using my right hand and it's faster but sometimes I'll hit the back or guide button. It's still not fast enough and I'm mega frustrated.
Eh I wouldn't say the hate is unwarranted although the 3s and 4s are ridiculous. What bothers me about the game is that, for a Capcom game, everything feels super janky. Even the Capcom games that are considered "bad" i.e. Lost Planet 2, are very polished and technically impressive but RE6 just feels...sloppy as hell. I'm enjoying it but it's jarring to go from super technically polished games like Dead Rising, the Lost Planet games, Resident Evil 5 etc. It's as if RE6 was made by a western studio.Two hours into Leon's campaign and I feel the exact same. Unwarranted hate.
I tried mine and it worked.
I'm wondering this too. I registered in the 360 and everything but nothing is showing up although it was after a play session.Is RE.net retroactive? Or, will I have to replay chapters?
Resident Evil 1 - Ground-breaking
Resident Evil 2 - Improving on the last one
Resident Evil 3 - Boring and repetitive rehash of ideas
Resident Evil 4 - Ground-breaking
Resident Evil 5 - Improving on the last one
Resident Evil 6 - Boring and repetitive rehash of ideas
I can't wait for RE7!
Well, Dead Rising 2 didn't even use MT Framework. Only the first did.
Saw this on Kotaku and LOL'd:
Unfortunately for this commenter, I thought RE3 was fantastic -- even with Nikolai and Carlos. Nemesis is still the best series antagonist. Utsanak is a poor, poor substitute.