Rachel confrontation in japanese, it's been debated if shes creepier in jp or not. I'd like to say certain aspects definitely are. Her laugh is a lot more creepy, but so is her "itaaaaaaaaaaai yo". Like more of a loud scream in comparison to the english. And she sounds even more mischievous when you first run into her with the "mitsuketa", like the additional moans/giggles
Rachel confrontation in japanese, it's been debated if shes creepier in jp or not. I'd like to say certain aspects definitely are. Her laugh is a lot more creepy, but so is her "itaaaaaaaaaaai yo". Like more of a loud scream in comparison to the english. And she sounds even more mischievous when you first run into her with the "mitsuketa", like the additional moans/giggles
Rachel confrontation in japanese, it's been debated if shes creepier in jp or not. I'd like to say certain aspects definitely are. Her laugh is a lot more creepy, but so is her "itaaaaaaaaaaai yo". Like more of a loud scream in comparison to the english. And she sounds even more mischievous when you first run into her with the "mitsuketa", like the additional moans/giggles
Finally got my wifi to work on my 3DS and downloaded the demo. Really enjoyed but I kept thinking that if the enemies where human, instead of the weird mutant things, I would enjoy it more. Like zombies from the first RE, or RE4/5.
Are there any enemies that are more human than in the demo?
Meh... she sounds underage, that's all. The english VA fit's her better, especially the muttered ... kill you, I'll kill... yooouuu coupled with the heavy breathing, it also sounds like a woman instead of some 14 year old.
Thanks, that reminded me of switching to japanese on my Hell playthrough.
you free dawg?
still need someone to do bonus stage with me
boris: we still havent played yet!!!
I felt the same, but after a while when I got the game I found he Ooze to be a good fit, they come in different styles, no human enemies though,But... get the game don't think do it!!
Do it NOW!!
But aren't ooze technically zombies?
Meh... she sounds underage, that's all. The english VA fit's her better, especially the muttered ... kill you, I'll kill... yooouuu coupled with the heavy breathing, it also sounds like a woman instead of some 14 year old.
Alright so.I bought the pale rider and found the drake (drake is lvl. 8 so not really strong). And decided to use the pale rider on 2 of the 3 boss I faced so far. First was the things with the saw hand. Down in 2 shots, 3 if I'm far away. Then I tried Rachel, down in two shots. I am NOT changing this weapon
You will be surprised how quickly you're going to drop it.
Speaking of rare drops, I managed to get a level 37 Muramasa to drop. Good lord, it's insane.
wait until you get a better one![]()
You will be surprised how quickly you're going to drop it.
Speaking of rare drops, I managed to get a level 37 Muramasa to drop. Good lord, it's insane.
I don't see me dropping my lv 42 Pale Rider (with Damage 5, Critical 5 and Charge 2 for good measure) anytime soon. Well, unless I find a higher level Pale Rider with at least three slots that is.You will be surprised how quickly you're going to drop it.
Speaking of rare drops, I managed to get a level 37 Muramasa to drop. Good lord, it's insane.
Dam, I'm stuck at thelast boss, how many shotguns shots directly to the hearth can he take?
I haven't beat him yet but his first two attack patterns are easy as pie. I just can't figure out the third section.
The first stage you just wait for him to shine at you. Use the shotgun and hope you have a lot of ammo and aim for his heart everytime. On the first stage he will either appear in front or directly behind you and charge an attack. Just shoot his chest and he will back off. Load as many bullets as you can into his heart until he dissapears again.
The second stage there will be two of him side by side charging up for an attack. Just shoot the one with the purple smoke coming out of his mouth because that is the real one. After a while he will switch it up and the fake one will appear in front of you and the real one will be behind you so hurry and turn around and shoot. He'll also trick you by having the fake one attack you and then he will immediately appear infront and attack as well. These first two stages are pretty easy and you can beat it without taking any damage.
The third stage I can't beat yet. He just charges at you constantly and is constantly attacking. I've got no strategy yet other than dodge and run for your life and when the real one appears attack him for all you got. Also when he is about to hit you there is no way you can run away from him for some reason.
I thought the last boss was really challenging, yet still fun.
You really need to get good at the dodge mechanic; otherwise, he will just chip away at you.
Other tips:
1. Shooting the spot on his back does WAY more damage.
2. When he starts to split into two images, the one breathing purple is the real one.
3. Also, go for speed, over damage, here. As long as you shoot him before he hits you, he will stumble, leaving you plenty of time to shoot him.
Back away and shoot until you see his head begin to light up, as it starts lighting - reload your weapon (Z2 + B on CPP), then begin to run forwards... for the first stage of this fight, I think the AI tries to head you off and give you a good wack by putting him right in front of you when you run forwards like this... so give him a blast of fire to the upper chest / head area as soon as he reappears. Do this a few times and he gets a step angrier, and starts his hallucination stage... highlight the next spoiler for advice on that
Second stage - hallucinations:
Same as before, keep a distance and hit him until you see his head begin to light up. At this point he's going to re-appear around you with another copy. Again, when you know he's going to disappear, it might be a good chance to quickly reload. The real one to hit is the one with purple smoke or something coming from the upper chest / head area -- the other one *can't* hurt you, so ignore it, don't try to get out of its way. A lot of the time if the fake one appeared in front of me and I couldn't see the real one, he was right behind me, so doing the 180 move, quickly looking slightly up and letting off a round was sufficient in those cases. Hit his weak spot hard when he reappears and you'll stun him, leaving an opening for more fire or maybe even a charged melee. After being successful at this for a while, he'll let out another roar, and this time he's angry - next spoiler for more
Rage stage:
He'll charge you. You can get out of the way of this and possibly use the dodge move (I was too panicky to pull it off), just hit him with relentless fire power, if you've got grenades - now might be a good time to use em. There are two herbs in the room, one on a chair to one of the sides, and the other in the far corner (on the right, I believe) -- make sure you've picked those up.
If your ammo is low, or - if you decide your weapons aren't packing a big enough punch - there's aweapons crate in the room. I used it to take ALL of the upgrades off ALL of my guns (even the unequipped ones, some people might not realise that upgrades are left on their unequipped gear) -- and then powered up the weapons I had ammo for as much as possible with the available components.
It still took me a couple of attempts, but I'd feel okay about facing him again.
Oh and as you hit him more and more, he does stagger and become slower towards the end, so keep up the pressure and you'll get there!
I agree with your advice but don't run forward on the first stage. He will appear directly in front or behind you everytime. You can shoot him in the heart and he will stagger back everytime. If you try running he'll hit you everytime and you'll be stuck on the ground.
So I just bought Revelations a couple days ago and I just finished episode 9. I've been having a blast. With the exception of a few technical hiccups that are pretty annoying, this is a fantastic RE game. I don't get the hate on Quint and Keith. So far they haven't been particularly annoying and one of Quint's lines in chapter 9 literally made me pause my game, put my 3DS down, and start laughing because it was so unexpected. Definitely happy with the game.This game is tits.
I got all the legendary weapons and I haven't even cleared the game yet.
Even got multiples!
Nobody knows? Fuck it, I'll just start my Hell playthrough instead.So if I accidentally used an herb while going for the Aloof Challenger Mission can I just restart at the last checkpoint or am I fucked?
Nobody knows? Fuck it, I'll just start my Hell playthrough instead.
Lvl 4 charge? Dammit!!!My god, Python with a lvl 4 charge shot...... it's amazing. Best thing is it can get better!
Lvl 4 charge? Dammit!!!
Lol I have a G18 with 3,000 damage, firerate 3, and a 60 bullet mag. best gun so far imo.
where do you get charge from? haven't seen it yet.
BTW what's the point of the whole lvl 1 ghost ship thing? Is it just to get streetpass missions?
Only got it from the last 4 Abyss stages.
Not really a spoiler but it's always good to be safe![]()
Anybody for same raid? Anything goes! I'm at lvl 46...or so around 45 at least. I'm up for all kind of shit.
Started a no-herb Hell mode run yesterday.
I'm stuck at the part where Chris.has to fend off those Fenrir after he falls down a cliffside
Why do they move so fast? :/
Is that a mission requirement or are you just a masochist?
Is that a mission requirement or are you just a masochist?
I just figured I'd try to beat two missions at once. :b
The "don't use herbs" one and the "beat Hell Mode" one.
Hooray for intelligence.
I'm just gonna tale a wild guess and say you've been sarcastic here.I just figured I'd try to beat two missions at once. :b
The "don't use herbs" one and the "beat Hell Mode" one.
Hooray for intelligence.
But yeah, I can get to the part where Jessica gets to the area you're in, but then a large one gets me (and by that time, I'm about to die anyway and have no BOW Markers).
I'm just gonna tale a wild guess and say you've been sarcastic here.
i struggle with no herb run on casual sometimes.