So I keep getting stuck on Stage 19 (Chasm) of Raid Mode. I can't seem to find any keys. Any tips?
Just search around for enemies to kill.
So I keep getting stuck on Stage 19 (Chasm) of Raid Mode. I can't seem to find any keys. Any tips?
I stand by my argument that this game is good, but not RE2 good. ...
I can't imagine that anyone would suggest such a thing. And honestly, Resident Evil 4 and beyond are different games, there's no getting around that. Comparing these modern action games to the very adventure-centric REs of old is almost apples and oranges.
I agree, believe you me.I guess it's me more saying that if Capcom can really figure out how to bring the RE series back to true survival horror and not the action game genre, I think they'll really be onto something amazing.
I figured you'd feel better about it as you continued playing. The first three chapters let on the feeling that the ratio of non-ship to ship segments is larger than it is, but in reality the non-ship (or non-Jill/Parker) parts are a small part of the overall experience.Mm managed to finish chapter 3 and liking the game a lot more now. The ship segment is the real game and the flashbacks/forwards just simple hollow filler. I wish they'd leave that stuff completely off. The first boss was quite fun and pretty strong too...
I don't even think it's a matter of them figuring out "how to bring the RE series back to true survival horror," but simply realizing that a lot of fans want that.
Or do they...
I mean, a lot of us do, but I'm guessing Capcom are merely tracking sales. In an instant-gratification world, will the mainstream bother with a more classic-style RE? I don't think they forgot how to make a great survival-horror game; I'm thinking they don't feel confident enough people want one over the more action-focused games. ORC is, at the very least, a good indication of what they think people want.
Ok, I just got to the part where you get your first smg as Jill. What should I do? Drop a weapon for it, or just pass it for now?
In chapter 3? If so, spoiler alert.
Take it - it's the best way to wreck the chapter boss.
I think i'm on chapter 4, but it could be 3. I've been playing this chapter on and off for about 3 days (lots of college work), so I don't remember.
I'm at the part where you go to find a key, and on the way you're supposed to look for Raymond's partner. I think she's the girl you witness being killed earlier in the game in the crew quarters.
Maybe that is four...I can't remember. Strategy spoiler...
But that's where I was thinking. That weapon is awesome for the boss. You can just unload on her and it will be pretty ezmode (stop shooting when she screams and starts running at you...she's retreating).
Alright sounds good. What weapon should I switch it out for?
I switched it for the shotgun. I'll switch back later, but I didn't need it for what I spoiler tagged.
Yea true. I find the pistol to be very reliable, but right now it isn't dealing as much damage as i'd like it too, and it isn't really good for crowd control at all, so I may trade the pistol for the smg.
Yea true. I find the pistol to be very reliable, but right now it isn't dealing as much damage as i'd like it too, and it isn't really good for crowd control at all, so I may trade the pistol for the smg.
Oh also, I would consider using damage+ custom parts on the handgun. You could toss them on the rifle for a really large boost, but the rifle already does mad damage.
Yeah, I generally never gravitate to rifles in a game -- not the sniping type -- but it's hard to resist the dmg those things do in this game. It's one of the reasons I love using Jessica so much in Raid. Put the double-shot perk on that thing and it's silly fun.
I didn't realize you could double-shot the rifle. That's gross, ha. The rifle seriously destroys. I've also grown keen on left or right biased body shots. On higher health enemies, ~2 of those will stun and allow me to fully charge melee for lolwreck.
Speaking of that, I love how Raid mode shows damage values and shows red numbers for weak points. It is actually helping me pick my equipment and better aim my shots for story mode (which will pay off in my non-herb run). I've actually learned how insanely powerful a fully charged melee is, too.
Despite Raid mode not feeling very RE-like, it is an incredible amount of fun to play. I haven't played multiplayer yet, just solo. How does it actually deal with multiplayer?
Got my Circle Pad Pro in the mail from NOA. I really like it! One question does having my DS on sleep inside the CPP use up the battery on the CPP?
Also... do enemies in this game have certain weak points? I usually just got for center mass shots.
Got my Circle Pad Pro in the mail from NOA. I really like it! One question does having my DS on sleep inside the CPP use up the battery on the CPP?
Got my Circle Pad Pro in the mail from NOA. I really like it! One question does having my DS on sleep inside the CPP use up the battery on the CPP?
Also... do enemies in this game have certain weak points? I usually just got for center mass shots.
I've not been playing for long, just cleared Chapter 3 and a few raid stages, but so far it's been phenomenal. Especially Ch 3's boss. I know heart-pounding's an adjective that gets thrown around a lot, but jesus christ that boss! So scary! So tense!
Also liking the cheesy dialogue, but that's not nearly as frightening...
So I'm starting Chapter 11.
Spoiler free stuff:
- I really love this game, a lot. I've said it a few times, but while it's not RE2 good, it definitely kept me interested and playing better than RE4 (I didn't get much further than the first lake boss in that game). A nice change of pace.
- I'm not a fan of having to use the Genesis (I think that's what it's called) to scan things so much. I feel like it's taking away from the experience. As a result, I've sort of stopped going crazy with the scanning and hunting for. It's a cool idea, but it's far too detached for me at points.hand prints
Spoiler stuff:
- I really am not enjoying the super action sequences. This is where, as it's been mentioned, they went a more "action game" route, and while it's not terrible, it's not what I want when I pick up a RE game. I want survival, I want scares, I want to be worried about how I'm going to make it in my next encounter.
- I'm not a fan of the Hunters or Vagina monsters (not sure what these are...the water things, haha). 1v1 isn't bad for the Hunters, maybe even 2v1. But 4v1? C'mon...It makes sense given the nature of the enemy, but they soak up a LOT of damage
and cause more frustration than fun for me. It goes back to the whole SURVIVAL horror. I feel weird unloading 100 machine gun bullets into a few enemies to kill them, or wasting 8 magnum bullets, or 20 shotgun blasts. It aggravates me to no end. The Vagina monsters are just annoying and cheap, haha.
- This is not a fault of the game, but I don't like the 3DS nub very much. I need to see if there's a mod to make it hold your thumb more when playing.
I'll be finishing the final two chapters this weekend I think, so I'll be able to comment on the story and what I think about that as soon as I'm done!
The genesis will be an important part of your hell run (if you ever do one). The game is harder in hell and fewer herbs will force you to scan monsters to get an extra herb to survive(scanning enough monsters to get a 100% in the genesis will get you an herb). The worst part? you need to scan them while they are alive and close to you, since that gets you the most % you can get from a monster. That for me, was the best part of Hell, increased use of the Genesis, in a high risk/high reward way.
About your second point in spoilers
I had trouble with the hunters in my first playthrough. But then I discovered they have a flaw in the way they attack. This game is more about learning how to deal with every enemy type, most of the time you will face a new mosnter alone, or a group comes to you one by one.
If you do a second run for a mission, you'll notice this. At this point I can handle many hunters with just a pistol.
Edit : Ugh forgot some spoiler tags
Yeah, the 100% herb thing has been huge for dealing with larger groups of hunters. If by flaw you mean, I've been trying to exploit that, but 2-3 at a time feels impossible, haha.when they leap at you
Just finished the game! I'm going to start playing much more Raid now, and will probably do the casual no herb run next.
I'm really happy all of the characters survived. I was really hoping Quint and Keith made it, and they did. Awesome.
Also, the final area of the game had me on the edge of my seat. For whatever reason, it was by far the creepiest feeling the game managed to give off. The final boss was "meh" at best. I can see where he'll be a bitch for a no herb run...But I really really don't dig the whole teleporting shit. I realize the game is already pretty unrealistic, but this bothered me a LOT in terms of "what the fuck" moments.
And that last scene was pretty interesting. I'm not sure if it ties into something, but if it does, I'd be interested in at least reading a bit about it. Very interesting, haha.
Overall, I'm very pleased with the game. I'm pretty sure this is the first game I've beaten with a real story (read: not Mario 3D Land or the main game of Pokemon Rumble Blast) since...uhh...I seriously don't know. I haven't beaten a game in a very very long time. The game definitely had me interested and wanting to know more. Awesome stuff.
On Episode 5 am I suppose to kill the fish cricket assholes? or run away from me. They keep jumping out of the water, leaving me no time to shoot them, and pulling me under. Yet I hang around and try to kill them.
On Episode 5 am I suppose to kill the fish cricket assholes? or run away from me. They keep jumping out of the water, leaving me no time to shoot them, and pulling me under. Yet I hang around and try to kill them.
About the final area:
Making the "vagina" monsters into a One Hit Kill beast was interesting, that's like turning a Goomba invencible and
About the final boss:
I never felt that the teleportation was out of pace in the RE universe. Maybe because at first I belived that he was just really fast and used the flash to distract you to get to another position
I didn't think about the fact that the final boss wasn't teleporting. That's a good point...Except what about when there's the stream of 3 or 4 that attack you (with the last being the real vision of him)? It seems...sketchy. I don't know - I respect the idea of the boss, but I personally didn't find him satisfying. But as a whole package, it's a small complaint!
And I'll have to keep an eye out for the Quint/Keith thing my second run. I do remember it showing the transmission starting up again, but I didn't know if that meant they survived and finished or if it restarted after a hiccup and cut to black afterwards. It was hard for me to tell.
The final area having one-hit kill was loldumb. I swam too close to one on accident and got eaten. Oops...[/spoiler]
I didn't even know that was the case until someone mentioned it on here. Ironically, the next time I encountered them [on my fourth playthrough IIRC] they did in fact one hit kill me. To be fair though, Chris does say to be careful and hint that that will be the case. The game does provide grenades to stun them with to make progress easier too.
Also, I'm happy that last scene wasn't something I was supposed to fully understand. I really hope the next RE game continues this path towards a more survival horror feel. More survival and horror, more ammo management, more creepy!![]()
I concur!I would prefer the balance to be more towards that in the single player but I so want the action orientated Raid mode to continue in future RE games!
Regarding the no herb run...I can already tell the final boss will present me with some issues given the nature of the fight. Any protips for it? Most of the game, if I can remember correctly, shouldn't be too terrible. The first action stage with Quint/Keith may pose a threat, but I don't think it'll be harder than said final boss!(mostly because of the non-standard teleports)
Well if my impression about him having the ability to warp one's perceptions is correct then presumably he could make you see, or not see, whatever he wanted. Given that the abyss virus was developed from a form of sea life it may be that that original 'fish' had some chameleon ability that formed the basis for the final bosses' ability, albeit mutated in some way.
I just used the Rocked launcher you get in a previous stage. And we better leave the mystery to be.. a mystery. I really don't want to rationalize RE enemies :lol.However, this is RE so I don't worry too much about the real world feasibility of it. As long as it makes sense and is feasible within that game world I couldn't care less if it is 'realistic' or not.
I hated the final boss at first but after facing him several times he is one of my favourite stages because I can now almost toy with him *evil laugh*.
Hopefully we shall see them again in a future RE. The might explain it or just leave it as one of those RE mysteries!
He's a pussy once you get used to him. I only died once in my no herb run with him and that was only because I was being careless.
I found the second flashback scenario with Parker and especially the Quint and Keith scenario with the downloading pc to be far, far more problematical than the final boss in my no herb runs!
Regarding the no herb run...I can already tell the final boss will present me with some issues given the nature of the fight. Any protips for it? Most of the game, if I can remember correctly, shouldn't be too terrible. The first action stage with Quint/Keith may pose a threat, but I don't think it'll be harder than said final boss!(mostly because of the non-standard teleports)
This is more of a Circle Pad Pro thing, but damn does it make my hands feel cramped. More so than the regular 3DS. My thumbs just don't feel natural when resting on the right circle pad.
*completes Stage 1 (Abyss)*
"Is that your best?"
*starts Stage 2 (Abyss)*
....Fuck me