i noticed that with the latest OSSC update, the line3x and 4x modes work with my setup and TV. it's funny to see 240p in line3x looking better than 480p now. it's too bad line 2x for 480p sources looks so bad on my TV (i guess this is what happens when a non-integer scaled resolution is fed to this TV).
it's too bad line5x doesn't work in my setup since that requires better HDMI cables according to the wiki, but if someone knows any trick to get this working, it'd be welcomed. or at least a cable which works with it.
I always get a kick out of playing with no lag. The experience still feels like magic.
sometimes yeah. sometimes it feels like traveling back in time.
with the HDMI N64 i got, i could take advantage of both since i could play on the CRT and record the HDMI output. that was my plan to get back to some games but old age is making it hard (i can't reach my former skill level and i lack the motivation

i still keep it just in case, just like what the insurance ads say "better to have it and not need it than needing it and not having it".
the CRT also has some wonky geometry, which makes it a bit hard to stay playing in it and the buzz kind of bothers me so i can't use it for too long.