Any officers in Lotus on? would like a invite, characters name is Trish.
GhostRidah said:Any officers in Lotus on? would like a invite, characters name is Trish.
1stStrike said:- Every time you level up make sure you're going back to your trainer to train your skills otherwise you'll end up gimped!
Coverly said:Also, let's say I put points somewhere else so a skill i had leveled to rank 3 is no longer available. if I get that skill back later on, will it still be rank 3 or reset to rank 1?
Coverly said:Does it cost anything to reset your points? Also, let's say I put points somewhere else so a skill i had leveled to rank 3 is no longer available. if I get that skill back later on, will it still be rank 3 or reset to rank 1?
Looking at the healer builds, is it worth it putting points in critical chance based options? for example, is it fairly common to crit on a heal?
Wes said:Decided to take the plunge and hope to have the game delivered on Friday. With seemingly so many Rogues being rolled I think I'll go Paragon.
AceBandage said:So, Goon Squad is on my server.
They attacked Sanctum and wiped on a single guard.
The GM mocked them via server wide message.
<3 this game!
Sebulon3k said:Personally I would've enjoyed an outcome that had them winning as it spurs player driven World PvP / faction rivalry.
Stuff like them taking the flight master hostage in WoW was fun.
Their EVE shenanigans are legendary.AceBandage said:If it was any other guild than Goon Squad, I'd agree.
They're all douchebags.
1stStrike said:I seem to have missed out on the Legend of Goon. What asshattery have they been up to?
AceBandage said:If it was any other guild than Goon Squad, I'd agree.
They're all douchebags.
AceBandage said:So, Goon Squad is on my server.
They attacked Sanctum and wiped on a single guard.
The GM mocked them via server wide message.
<3 this game!
A good majority. Thy constantly camp stuff to grief both factions.Flambe said:Not allllllllll bad =[
Morn said:
Hawk269 said:You know being a noob to MMO's and no Strategy Guide available for RIFT really sucks the big one. For starters, I am shocked that they did not make a guide for this game. With as a big of a game this seems to be, I am really shocked that they did not make a guide for it.
But back to being a noob and this game. There are so many things that had I known before, would of made the game even more fun. The game is great and I really like the game, but as I am learning it more, I am enjoying it more. Like crafting, I had no idea there was crafting and how it worked. I spent some time with it today and am still trying to figure things out with it. But still a guide would of been nice to help out newer people to the MMO world and in particular on how this game runs.
The guide someone posted about little things like combining the bags, clicking on the icon next to the quest list on the screen instead of adding the quest items to the action bar etc. are things that a guide would of covered.
So for crafting, I bought a crafting looking wheel thing from a vendor, but have no clue on how in the hell to make it work. Another question, I also got an ability to break down weopons, but have yet to figure out how to make it work. Do i put it on the action bar (which I did) but then what? guys here and the guys the the guild (Lotus Cross) have been great helping a noob like me and I tell you what I am using what I am learning and helping others with it in return.
We're planning on doing raiding 10-man Rifts first before we hit up the 20 mans. And before THAT, we're hitting the 5-man expert. But yes, we'll be picking and choosing people to fit roles, then we'll set up a second raid, and so on.Sebulon3k said:So I'm curious
Max and 1st what do you plan on doing for the raiding, when it comes time to start making attempts. Are you going for a what we need per boss approach, or splitting the guild into different groups and letting them be autonomous?
On that note, does anyone know how the lockouts work in Rift? I know the rift raids aren't locked and are based on how quick you can create the lures but what about expert dungeons and such
LordAlu said:I was hoping to start playing Rift today but my CE has been delayed till Saturday.
Instead, I shall ask these totally important questions:
It looks to me like we have a GAF US guild (Lotus Cross), but I can't see anywhere that in the thread about a Euro GAF guild. Do we have one, and if so what are the details?
If we don't have a Euro GAF guild, would people like one?
If so, what server type would be preferred? PvP or PvE? Also, which side? Guardian or Defiant?
I'm looking forward to starting up my character but I always find MMOs much more enjoyable in a guild so it would be nice for there to be a Euro GAF one![]()
LordAlu said:If we don't have a Euro GAF guild, would people like one?
Fourman said:Enjoying the hell out of this game. I love that you can get 4 roles and switch to them on the fly whenever needed. Been playing a Warden/Sentinel/Purifier so far.
Buggy Loop said:What the hell. You had no idea there was crafting, even though they pretty much take your hand with the tutorial to introduce you to it?
I for one im glad there's no guide or a huge database to look for everything, its part the new mmo experience, being lost and discovering things. It has been since FFXI and EQ i've had this feeling.
Hawk269 said:lol..well it has been fun discovering the game to be honest. Sometimes, it is just the little things that I need help with. Like the whole using the crafting wheel..still have not figured that out..but all in all it has been fun discovering the game and what it has to offer.
For me the Rifts that come out are just way too often and at times they spawn so close ot each other. At one point I counted 7 Rifts or so all close to each other. Great for gaing exp and items, but I think it should be a little less, but that is just me.
Morn said:
Zefah said:So, what server/faction is the GAF guild on? Is it open-invite?
AceBandage said:If it was any other guild than Goon Squad, I'd agree.
They're all douchebags.
Great idea. Any Euro GAFfer picking up the game today and fancy putting together a Euro guild quote this with what faction (Guardian/Defiant) and player style (PvP/PvE) you'd preferWes said:Sure. Maybe we should see exactly how much interest we can gather?
Just see how many names we hit over the weekend. No doubt EU guys who are buying the game anyway will check in to this thread. Can always add their name to the list:
Did You even play this game? They did give a shit in EVE and they dont get bored, they quit after alliance fail and being totally pushed out from Delve.That's why in the end the SRS BSNS factions in EVE couldn't ever beat the Goons, because you know Internet Spaceships Is SRS BSNS to some people. In the end the Goons just got bored and mass-quit EVE, which hear is much suckier and less fun now that the Goons have mostly left.
Ferny73 said:Ok so how are you enjoying that combo? I started with that and while I hardly died, I just wasn't doing any great damage. It took a while to kill mobs.
If you bought the CE, it's late everywhere. We got a message at work saying it had only arrived at their distribution centre late yesterday, which means it would ship today to arrive tomorrow.Wes said:Looks like the Royal Mail haven't got rid of their Christmas backlog or something and I wont be getting it today. Amazon need to renegotiate their contract with them.
LordAlu said:Great idea. Any Euro GAFfer picking up the game today and fancy putting together a Euro guild quote this with what faction (Guardian/Defiant) and player style (PvP/PvE) you'd prefer![]()
LordAlu said:If you bought the CE, it's late everywhere. We got a message at work saying it had only arrived at their distribution centre late yesterday, which means it would ship today to arrive tomorrow.![]()
HixxSAFC said:Euro servers down for 2 hours. Time to finish Bulletstorm.
Congrats! Still gotta wait till tomorrow for mine.Wes said:Oh woot it has arrived. I take it all back Mr Postman. You do fine work.
1stStrike said:It's in the OP in bolded text o_0. We're defiant on belmont. It's open invite for gaffers and we have a website here.