Yeah, I've seen that. There's one tree near the starter area for Defiant (after the starting story stuff is done) that spawns those dog guys.Effect said:This is what I'm most impressed by. Considering what takes place during a rift encounter (minor or major) I'm very surprised. Then there is moving around the large zones without no loading at all.
The biggest complaint I have is the spawning. Killing an enemy sometimes can result in a situation were as soon as you loot it another spawns right on top of you. This can happen about four times I've found before it stops then there is a several second wait before the cycle starts again. This mainly happens I found with stationary enemies.
WDFHaldimath44 said:Anyone else having trouble patching?? I just got Rift from amazon and I am stuck at 8.33/8.36 gigs.... and it errors out every time I restart. It's KILLING me!!
Onagi said:I talked to a classmate about this game. He got it last week while we were on spring break. I asked him what he thought and he said "It's WoW." He didn't say it in a positive or negative light, he just said it matter-of-factly.
I thought it looked pretty neat. Is what he said true or he is really oversimplifying things?
AceBandage said:Grossly oversimplifying things.
It has a lot of MMO basics that were in WoW, but the core game differs greatly.
For starters, you can be whatever you want with the Soul system.
There's no set "best" spec and you can play with it until you're happy.
Also, there's a lot more to do in a much more living world. Rifts and invasions give a good sense of community.
Onagi said:I talked to a classmate about this game. He got it last week while we were on spring break. I asked him what he thought and he said "It's WoW." He didn't say it in a positive or negative light, he just said it matter-of-factly.
I thought it looked pretty neat. Is what he said true or he is really oversimplifying things?
d0c_zaius said:I finally was able to make a Defiant Warrior on Nyx. I would have gone for the GAF server but its PvE.
Anyone interested in starting a PvP guild?
Wallach said:Man, things get really busy at 50 when it seems like you're one of a dozen healers on the entire Defiant side. Lost count of how many expert dungeons we've done already, and that's with only me and 1stStrike being the only in-guild 50s. Now that more folks are joining us I think things are going to start moving even faster.
On the plus side, being so uncommon has also led me to get PHAT LOOTS far faster than my leather-wearing compadres. Especially when half of each dungeon's boss loot is Cleric gear.
Not going to be on tonight as my other stuff arrived today and I need to get a little more set up on my end. Luckily some othersuckerclever GAFer is now a 50 Cleric as well and can get in on my purple gear racket!
Morn said:Should've joined Reclaimer. A couple of GAFers are there, as is Fires of Heaven.
Arken2121 said:Hey guys. I need your opinion on how the game is doing so far. I was involved with all beta events so I understand both the gameplay and some mechanics. It was fun but not sure if it's justified. Amazon has it for 40 which sounds like a pretty good deal. What do you guys think?
sarcastor said:jesus fucking christ. is there a way to not get killed in this game? every time i step off the beaten path i get gangraped and killed within 2 minutes. i'm a level 11 mage but i can't take on two bad dudes at one time cause i just die. and all my quest involve wandering around enemy territory finding idols or sticks or some shit. this is riduculous.
Morn said:Should've joined Reclaimer. A couple of GAFers are there, as is Fires of Heaven.
d0c_zaius said:oh i forgot to ask guardians or Defiants for Reclaimer.
WonkyPanda said:I definitely want to roll a cleric. Is shaman/druid still the best leveling spec?
DeathNote said:Can someone give me a or link to quick rift walk-through summary similar to this:
You pick a class and level to 10 in the starting zone. At 10 you pick a spec and can queue for two battlgerounds. One is capture the flag with 10 players, the other is 15 players where you try to capture more bases. At level 15 you can do a few dungeons with 1 tank, 1 healer, 3 dps. In the dungeon you kill trash then bosses. Bosses have a chance to drop a items/gear you can't get from other bosses and you have to compete with others that can use the gear with a dice roll. More battlegrounds and dungeons open as you level higher. You travel to higher and higher level zones and stay in each for a few hours. You can pick up professions and gather materials in the world. You get a mount at level 20, a faster one at 40, a flying one at 60, a faster flying one at 70. You can grind reputation for items like gear. You have gear enchants. There are X amount of endgame bosses and each class has the same looking epic gear set. There are rare gear and mount items only a select few will have.
Zefah said:I've experimented with pretty much every Cleric build, and I find that heavy Shaman/14 Inquisitor/0 Warden is the absolute best PvE solo build. This is what it looks like at level 44. I guarantee you will kill faster both in AE and single target situations than any other soul makeup.
Throw up Glacial Shield and Healing Spray before a pull, then tag up to 6 enemies with Vex. Once they are all close, open up with Strike of the Maelstrom, then hit Soul Drain, then ravage them with repeated Avalanche Strikes all while making sure to hit Jolt and Fated Blow when they pop up. Refresh Vex and Healing Spray if necessary and use Soul Drain or Strike of the Maelstrom if they repop and there are still enough enemies standing. If you really want to make quick work of all of your targets, just pop Rage of the North before using Strike of the Maelstrom and your enemies will melt before your eyes in seconds.
Against single targets, just tag your enemy with Vex and Sanction Heretic, use Battle Charge to close the distance and unleash on them with your melee macro. Mobs don't usually survive past the duration of Vex.
CcrooK said:Best way to enjoy Stillmoor, is crank up some Castlevania musicAnd my character is looking pretty hot right now. One more to go till I hit 50!
img snip
shigsy said:Interesting stuff, just approaching 20 on my Cleric. What weapon combo would you be using with that build? 1h/shield or 2h? Also would that mean you'd be looking for some strength as a stat as well as int/sp? Any help appreciated![]()
WonkyPanda said:Morn, who can I speak to about getting a guild invite?
BattleMonkey said:Does the invasion/rift stuff change much besides the type of enemies as you get into other zones? Or is just the same thing over and over again with a different boss at the end for everyone to zerg rush?
Morn said:On Reclaimer? There isn't a GAF guild there. I'm in Embers of Heaven, which is the Fires of Heaven casual guild. There's another GAFFer there too, but I'm not sure what guild they're in.
WonkyPanda said:Oh, I thought mostly everyone was on Belmont.
Anno said:I rolled up a warrior just to see how the other side lives and, wow, Riftblades are pretty fun. Getting Fiery Burst and Storm Blade up at the same time makes for lots of fun even at level 4.
1stStrike said:Okay, we're at about our limit on clerics. They already out number everyone else and we have 4 lvl 50 clerics. If anyone else wants to join us on Belmont Rogue/Warrior/Mage only please.
blurredvision said:You'd refuse a player just because they roll a cleric? Seems weird unless you're trying to build a raiding guild with only active raiding members, which maybe you are and I've not seen that somewhere.