Einbroch said:Turn off AA if it's not already off, it's a HUGE framerate improvement.
Ranger/Nightblade/Bard? You have good taste, sir.AceBandage said:Awesome.
Lebron said:Ranger/Nightblade/Bard? You have good taste, sir.
Big Papa Husker said:I am thinking about pre-ordering the Physical CE from Amazon. Does anyone know if Head Start applies to retail copies or is it only the digital downloads from Trion?
nataku said:All pre-orders get the head start, physical and DD.
Direct2Drive has a code for 20% that ends Tuesday, so you could get the digital CE for $47 if you can live without the physical copy. I canceled my Amazon pre-order and got it from D2D. $30 less than what I would pay at Amazon was an easy decision.
Big Papa Husker said:I am probably going to get the physical CE because I'm a sucker for the extra crap.So when does Amazon send you your key for Head Start, when you order?
arts&crafts said:So once you choose a soul is it there forever? or is there anyway to get a new soul instead (at an early level). I want to try bard on my 15 ranger/marksman
You can do soul quest once you hit level 13 to get new ones. Once you get it, you have it forever. Just buy a new slot from the Rogue trainer to add said souls into, which you can interchange between outside of combat. You also don't have to worry about SP, since it'll add whatever number you have into the new slot to level your souls up with.arts&crafts said:So once you choose a soul is it there forever? or is there anyway to get a new soul instead (at an early level). I want to try bard on my 15 ranger/marksman
AceBandage said:![]()
See this?
This is bad.
Lebron said:You can do soul quest once you hit level 13 to get new ones. Once you get it, you have it forever. Just buy a new slot from the Rogue trainer to add said souls into, which you can interchange between outside of combat. You also don't have to worry about SP, since it'll add whatever number you have into the new slot to level your souls up with.
Somnia said:Got to love when all your quest givers and merchants get wiped out =(
They're in the Sanctum area. I think the first one you get is from the dude in the front of the castle.arts&crafts said:I see, I will try to find this "soul quest" you speak of
There's the porticulum system between major towns/cities, but you need to have been to that place and found the porticulum master (similar to flight points in WoW).Weenerz said:Silly question, but is there quick travel between quest hub/towns? I'm so far away from the Ark and I need to train.
LordAlu said:There's the porticulum system between major towns/cities, but you need to have been to that place and found the porticulum master (similar to flight points in WoW).
Lebron said:They're in the Sanctum area. I think the first one you get is from the dude in the front of the castle.
Edit: Well, that's if you rolled Guardian![]()
I don't know about that as I haven't pre-ordered digitallyWeenerz said:Thanks, also last dumb question from me, the TF2 hat, how do I get it if I preordered from Steam? I have the other CE items, but no sexy hat.
Diseased Yak said:So how would a Bard/Ranger combo do for pure PvE solo? I'm trying to figure out the best build for that that would also be the most fun. I'm assuming MM/Ranger would be a good choice as well. Right now I'm trying a Beastmaster/Champion/Riftblade, which so far has proved to be very effective. I kill things uber fast and unless I get 3 mobs on me at once, I come out pretty good.
AceBandage said:IMG
See this?
This is bad.
J-Rzez said:I wonder how they're going to handle down the road when people are at end game and many players already have a main-alt? I mean, there won't be nearly as many people around to thwart these invasions.
J-Rzez said:I wonder how they're going to handle down the road when people are at end game and many players already have a main-alt? I mean, there won't be nearly as many people around to thwart these invasions.
- Planar Lure (earned from low level quest) You use this ability near any tears to start a rift event. Tears appear on the map as tears, not Rifts. You cannot use this ability unless you are near a tear. This costs no planar charge.
- Guardians Flare (buy in Sanctum/Meridian for 50 planarite) You can purchase this for a mere 50 planarite. This summons a group of NPCs to attack a Planar Idol (Burning Idol, etc). These NPCs seem to last a long time and about 5 come to attack the idol. For tougher idols, you should use this over Holy Champion. Uses 1 planar charge. Note: Known as Defiants Flare for the Defiant.
- Bless Wardstone (buy in Sanctum/Meridian for 50 planarite) - Bless Wardstone will fully heal and upgrade your target wardstone. You want to use this ability to help buff up any wardstones that are under attack during invasion events. Many events require you to defend a wardstone, and if it falls, you fail the event. Healing the wardstone definitely comes in handy if you let a few enemies slip by. Uses 1 planar charge. Note: Known as Augment Wardstone for the Defiant.
- Holy Champion (buy in Sanctum/Meridian for 200 planarite). This ability is awesome. It increases your damage by 100% and reduces damage you take by 75% for a full 30 seconds against any planar enemy (works against opposite faction invasion NPCs too). You can use this to take out a hard wave in a Rift easily when playing solo! Uses 1 planar charge. Note: Known as Anti-Planar Augmentation for the Defiant.
- Summon Rescue Medic (buy in Sanctum/Meridian for 15000 planarite) This summons a medic to your location that you can use to heal up your souls vitality. Convenient if you have died a few times in a row and do not want to use the spirit healer. It seems more like an end-game thing; would be convenient for raiding but for newbies it is not worth gathering up 15000 planarite! Requires 3 planar charges.
You basically would never die unless you're fighting shit way above your level. You don't even need to invest any points in Ranger to get the pet. Your Bard skills will heal and buff your pet a lot better than any of the skills you get for it from Ranger. Bard/Ranger/MM is a good solo mix, a long with Bard/Ranger/NightBlade. The one with MM will be your best one as far as DPS goes.Diseased Yak said:So how would a Bard/Ranger combo do for pure PvE solo? I'm trying to figure out the best build for that that would also be the most fun. I'm assuming MM/Ranger would be a good choice as well. Right now I'm trying a Beastmaster/Champion/Riftblade, which so far has proved to be very effective. I kill things uber fast and unless I get 3 mobs on me at once, I come out pretty good.
AceBandage said:http://public.bay.livefilestore.com/y1penOQ8xsMUGlXW2s-jodwtJP72Vcnd7PknJs9IGi-zq6GfveBcZWvvy8f--3LfaiO-2RBxWMDMBc6Ztd6B7TT6w/rift%202011-02-20%2014-23-45-62.bmp[IMG]
See this?
This is bad.[/QUOTE]
It's like Crossroads all over again.
Oh, do you have to preorder the game to get access to the beta? It's saying I need a code to be invited or something?
Alucrid said:It's like Crossroads all over again.
Oh, do you have to preorder the game to get access to the beta? It's saying I need a code to be invited or something?
Sebulon3k said:Just wait for it, they'll e-mail you a code in a few minutes
Rimshot said:Everybody keeps saying this is the mmorpg to play etc... I haven't played it so far, just lvl 11, but I'm really not feeling it :/ Tried both factions a little, and I don't like WoW, but the world doesn't seem to pull me in.
Is anyone else here feeling something missing?
Oh and just accessability issues (design), like not showing you are auto-looting when holding in shift by changing icon, noting major as the function is still there, just me being an interactiondesigner so bitching about things being intuitive ^^;
1stStrike said:You can set auto-loot so all you have to do is right click on a mob and it auto-loots it and every other nearby mob.
Also, try to get to lvl 17 - 20 before beta ends and check out Iron Tombs and Granite Falls. lvl 11 is barely two steps into the game - believe me, at lvl 41 I've seen some awesome shit. There's some really fantastic design in this game as you progress.
The class system is wicked cool.Rapstah said:I might actually buy this and play with you guys in that GAF guild if it is region free like I heard. I'm liking the sound of the class system.
What, seriously? That's clever.TheExodu5 said:Know what's really awesome? If you alt-tab, and you start getting attacked, the Rift task icon starts flashing.
TheExodu5 said:Know what's really awesome? If you alt-tab, and you start getting attacked, the Rift task icon starts flashing.