CcrooK said:Which mount? Cause I find the 150p mount not really worth it.
Honestly, any of them. I just logged off to walk my dogs and I have 1 plat and like 8-9 gold. Just getting the basic mount is gonna take forever
CcrooK said:Which mount? Cause I find the 150p mount not really worth it.
nataku said:Because getting hacked couldn't possibly have been from that massive security hole Trion had, right?
ACE 1991 said:It seems like this may finally be an MMO I have some real interest in given all of the highly positive buzz floating around the net. However, should my computer be able to run this game (fairly) well? How optimized is the engine? Here is what I'm rockin':
ATI 5650 1gb
4gb DDR3
Core i7 720qm
Windows 7 64 bit
Cheech said:I think you are looking at medium settings vsync'ed with those specs. It's not going to be playable in its full glory at Ultra settings, but owning a gaming laptop, you should be used to that by now.![]()
ACE 1991 said:Alright, great. As long as it's smooth and at least decent looking, I'm fine with it. Now, to decide whether or not I want to drop $50...
ACE 1991 said:It seems like this may finally be an MMO I have some real interest in given all of the highly positive buzz floating around the net. However, should my computer be able to run this game (fairly) well? How optimized is the engine? Here is what I'm rockin':
ATI 5650 1gb
4gb DDR3
Core i7 720qm
Windows 7 64 bit
Cheech said:Don't drop $50. Drop $39.99, with a $15 Amazon gift card.
So yeah, half price, assuming you don't mind using Amazon's DD service and are American.
ACE 1991 said:It seems like this may finally be an MMO I have some real interest in given all of the highly positive buzz floating around the net. However, should my computer be able to run this game (fairly) well? How optimized is the engine? Here is what I'm rockin':
ATI 5650 1gb
4gb DDR3
Core i7 720qm
Windows 7 64 bit
Kintaro said:1) You can not blame people for wanting a free trial of sorts at any point in the title's life. Just because there hasn't been a trial for a new MMO in the past, doesn't mean there shouldn't be in the future. A week long, limited trial going up with launch (if the MMO is good) would be an interesting idea and could prove very fruitful...D
WDFHaldimath44 said:Just curious if it's the same as with Black Garden, but do the Defiants get destroyed in almost every BG in the higher lvl ones too, or do we start to get better??
Zefah said:Nope! Don't bother switching to the Guardians or rolling on a different server, either! The faction you play will always suck no matter what faction, server or MMORPG you play.
The grass is always greener on the other side.
Cheech said:Don't drop $50. Drop $39.99, with a $15 Amazon gift card.
So yeah, half price, assuming you don't mind using Amazon's DD service and are American.
1.1 Plaque of Achievement Costs:
Minor Catalyst: 5(5)
Belligerent's Claymore (2h Sword): 20
Missionary's Hammer: 20
Blackleg's Blade: 20
T1 Helm: 40(30)
T1 Shoulders: 40(30)
T1 Chest: 50(40)
T1 Gloves: 30(20)
T1 Belt: 20(20)
T1 Legs: 50(40)
T1 Boots: 30(20)
T2 Helm: 160(150)
T2 Shoulders: 160(150)
T2 Chest: 200(200)
T2 Gloves: 120(100)
T2 Belt: 100(100)
T2 Legs: 200(200)
T2 Boots: 120(100)
Broadbandito said:where is this free 15 dollar gift card?
BrettWeir said:Any trusted sites for selling an account?
Yeah, I think it is probably better for me given my play style.wfries said:ROFL, the plaque (nerf) is actually a buff unless you run all the heroic dungeons in a day or choose to not do the daily.
Looks like we need to clear up a few points Plaques via dungeons in 1.1
T1 Dungeon Bosses will still drop 1 Plaque per boss kill
T1 Zone quests will no longer reward Plaques
T2 Dungeon Bosses will still drop 2 Plaques per boss kill
T2 Zone quests will no longer reward Plaques
Plaques via Quests in 1.1
Guardian T1 & T2 daily dungeon quests can be obtained from Tam Daggerborn in Sanctum
Defiant T1 & T2 daily dungeon quests can be obtained from the Faceless Man in Meridian
T1 Daily quests reward 10 plaques each
T2 Daily quests reward 20 plaques each
Additional Dungeon Drops (Very soon after 1.1) New dungeon & raid drops will be arriving shortly after 1.1 (probably within a week or so). We've added a couple of hundred drops between T1, T2 and Raids and as such it's taking a bit of time to get those items translated for other regions and through QA. As soon as that is complete we'll be pushing those changes live Progression through our end game content is a pretty high priority for us right now and we're commited to improving the experience for everyone. Moving forward we'll continue to watch how people are doing with the 1.1 changes as well as improving and adding more itemization to other areas of the game including Expert Rifts, Rift Store, Endgame crafting, etc Thanks -Gersh
Str0ngStyle said:Alrighty. I am having a bitch of a time making money in this game for a mount. I have Mining, Weapon Forging and the Enchanting variant. I have a bunch of crap that I cant sell and make anything that can sell. Any help that the braintrust could give me would be greatly appreciated
You must be playing a different game than meKintaro said:crafting appears to be pointless compared to any drops or quests
jersoc said:sweet, with the daily dungeon quests maybe i can find groups easily at 2am now.
spandexmonkey said:Looks like they just added authenticators. Downloaded mine on Android and connected it to my account.
Cheech said:Yeah, and it is Android-only right now. No plans for hardware authenticators, though an iOS version is in process.
Also, for AMD/ATi card users, Catalyst 11.3 is out, with reportedly massive FPS bumps in this game.
ACE 1991 said:Still kind of on the fence about this one. Do you guys think it will be able to maintain its player base, or will a large chunk of players leave after their free 30 days are up?
Very nice, cant wait to test that, in the meantime check out my RE5 mage JillvalentineCheech said:Yeah, and it is Android-only right now. No plans for hardware authenticators, though an iOS version is in process.
Also, for AMD/ATi card users, Catalyst 11.3 is out, with reportedly massive FPS bumps in this game.
gyrspike said:I just started playing a few days and I am having a pretty good time with my Justicar/Shaman build. I'd like to get into the GAF guild if possible, what do I need to go?
BrettWeir said:Any leaked info about new drops from this new world event?
BrettWeir said:Bah, I said screw it and subbed for 6. Nothing else to play til TOR.
As for 11.3, are they including the same goodness 11.4 preview drivers have?