Barack Lesnar
What's the NeoGAF server(s)?
Heavy said:What's the NeoGAF server(s)?
Einbroch said:Anything but Rogue is a good idea.
Bufbaf said:FEL3-X23X-CZ3L-9N7H-YY2R
usable 25 times
have fun, gaf ^^
Heavy said:Made an Eth female (hot blonde) mage with Elementalist soul. This seemed like a fun soul to pick because you get a range of abilities with different elements + the sweet elemental pets you can summon. I can choose another soul after the next quest... so if I pick Necromancer can I have both Ele and Necro pets out?
Friend used this one, thanks.Fixed1979 said:Only received 2 PM's for the code. I don't know if the people I gave it to passed it along to anyone so there could be 3 uses left...have at it.
1stStrike said:If any of you guys end up subscribing you're welcome to join the guild on Belmont, but I'm not going to allow anyone that's just mooching for the two day trial into the guild as it's just going to be a hassle to clean them out later if they don't subscribe.
iRobotZombie said:Is Belmont a US only server? Can't see it in my EU Shard list.
Well, if I like it, i'll Sub and jump ship to US.
Heysoos said:Ugh.So, downloaded the game overnight. Got home earlier today, tried playing but kept getting an error when I was installing DirectX9 which it told me it needed. Finally get that worked out. Tells me to update my video card. Go to the Dell website, which tells me my video card is updated. I download the "update" that's there. Finally, play for like 10 minutes, during which I click a scroll type thing that's on the wall of a house during one of the beginner quests. Computer crashes. I reboot, my computer boots up in the lowest resolution, my Chipset driver is no longer working properly. Why can't it just let me play?
( (By the way I'm in no way blaming it on this game, just venting a little.)
On the plus side, from the little I got to play, I was having fun.
Chrange said:Find out what your card is and go to the manufacturer's website. Dell's driver lists are often way out of date.
5il3nc3r said:Is there anyone from Australia/South East Asia in the GAF guild?
Snuggler said:I dunno about it being an alt or anything, but the game is still opening up for me at level 22+. In fact, I've sunk in a lot of time but I have like 80% of the map greyed out still. But at this point, I'm dealing with much better quests and there are artifacts and rifts and invasions going on pretty much all the time.
I'm glad you finally got the chance to play it, but for what it's worth, you're only at the very start of the game. You get to lvl 5 within the first hour or two of playing the game, which isn't much for any game, especially an MMO.
By the time you get to level 10-12 you will be drowning in rift events. I started ignoring them.darkpower said:Yeah. I understand that. Like I said, it was just because of early levels. It wasn't until later on in my WoW playing that that MMO began to show why it was such a good, solid MMO.
Like I said, though, the only real, major complaint I have about the game is the early levels and how linear it is. I wish that Trion would've mixed things up a bit for that early tier because that's where you want to get people hooked.
Heavy said:So the grey and yellow spaces you fall through are not the rifts, right? They just bring you back to another area. Couldn't they have made them a little more snazzy? It's just a blank grey thing you fall through. Could have put some cool warp effects or something. Looks really cheap.
Where is the cave to activate the temporal flux? I was standing right on the marker but it's just a mountain.
Wait a minute, you guys aren't seeing these? They're all over the place. The last pic is what you see when you drop inside one. The game just reloads to the area you were at previously... it goes to the loading screen.Zefah said:What?
Regarding the cave, you're doing it wrong if you're climbing any mountains. The cave is at the base of the mountain.
I seem to get better performance out of Catalyst 10.10 then the 11.X ones so I've kept it.Zefah said:You should try updating your drivers if you haven't.
Heavy said:So the grey and yellow spaces you fall through are not the rifts, right? They just bring you back to another area. Couldn't they have made them a little more snazzy? It's just a blank grey thing you fall through. Could have put some cool warp effects or something. Looks really cheap.
Where is the cave to activate the temporal flux? I was standing right on the marker but it's just a mountain.
Heavy said:lmao weird
I just tested a couple other games (Homefront and a full Black Ops MP match) and everything was normal. Maybe the Rift patcher didn't download properly or something and it's missing data.
I seem to get better performance out of Catalyst 10.10 then the 11.X ones so I've kept it.
Well, this is the only time I've ever had a problem with that. There's no confirmation it's due to being on 10.10, either. Probably just a bad download. I'll try again.1stStrike said:Yeah, looks like they're really working out well for you. *rolleyes*
Heavy said:Well, this is the only time I've ever had a problem with that. There's no confirmation it's due to being on 10.10, either. Probably just a bad download. I'll try again.
Heavy said:Wait a minute, you guys aren't seeing these? They're all over the place. The last pic is what you see when you drop inside one. The game just reloads to the area you were at previously... it goes to the loading screen.
I have AF set to ignore App Settings (did this for Crysis 2). Hmm, I'll try that out after I finish redownloading. Thanks.BrettWeir said:Do you have Anti aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering set to "Application Managed"? If not, put them to App Managed.
If the above doesn't work I'll def update.Zefah said:There have been numerous Rift-specific improvements in AMD's recent drivers, so I would strongly suggest updating them if you play the game.
SUPARSTARX said:I changed roms on my Andriod phone and now the Rift authenticator doesn't work. I cannot log on!!![]()
Well, the game is fairly linear for a while - it's that type of MMO - but it's not as bad as that first area makes it look - it's just a training area, taking you through the different types of quests and things you'll need to know to get started. Eventually you will make it to the real world, and that's where it really opens up. And the further you go, the more options are given on what to do, and the further you'll have to range to complete your quests, so you'll get more of a feeling of exploration. I'd say by the time you reach the capital city and finish a number of the in-city quests, you'll have a good feeling for a lot of what the game is. And you still will have explored only really a small part of the world.darkpower said:Yeah. I understand that. Like I said, it was just because of early levels. It wasn't until later on in my WoW playing that that MMO began to show why it was such a good, solid MMO.
Like I said, though, the only real, major complaint I have about the game is the early levels and how linear it is. I wish that Trion would've mixed things up a bit for that early tier because that's where you want to get people hooked.
SUPARSTARX said:Looks like I'm not the only one with the same problem. It's an error that says you can't retrieve serial key. So basically a ton of people with the mobile authenticator cannot log on because they can't even attach a new serial on.