Plane Escape Torment
Game is excellent. Risen is back.
I have a core i5 running at 2.8 ghz
Ok both of you have Intel, I have a FX 8350, was just checking to make sure it wasn't an AMD issue.Ya not getting any camera issues either. :? My CPU is a 3570k i5 overclocked to 4.2Ghz.
I doubt it, happens to me even with mouse and keyboard (although it's harder to notice because of how quick you can make movements with a mouse), and since you actually have to switch control types in the options I don't think the controller code affects the mouse and keyboard code. I've also tried a standard wired 360 controller and a DS3 with better DS3, didn't really see a difference.Definitely something wonky is going on with the game's controller code. Seems like maybe a deadzone issue?
IIRC, moving the left stick directly forward, slightly OR all the way, and rotating the camera caused no issues for me. The only time the camera would start to judder is if i rotated the character AND the stick at the same time. Seemed like the character rotation was disrupting the camera rotation.So holding the walk stick only slightly forward so the character is walking and not running doesn't eliminate the left stick judder? It works perfectly for me... Weird
I'm on Tacarigua and I tried to leave for another island, which caused me to automatically cancel some quests. I need help onDi Fuego's Body -- I found the body. I need to find out who killed him. I'm stuck!
I didn't like Risen 2. Will I like this?
Nevermind -- got it! Time to set sail!
that depends what exactly you didnt like about risen 2.
it still looks and feels like risen 2, but they have listend and improved/changed pretty much everything people complained about in risen 2.
its certainly is the much better "gothic" style game and generally the better game than risen 2.
were you able to solve it completely? I found out it wa sebastiano, but I couldnt to anything, not arrest him, not killm him, the quest just disappeared after solving the case.
Like you, I wasn't able to solve it completely but I did get the "quest success" and the + glory. I found Sebastiano's sword fragment in a chest near Rodriguez and captured Sebastiano's bounty for Di Fuego in his chest (which I got by climbing the roof at midnight and jumping in the balcony) I confronted him, he kicked me out and I went on my merry way.
-It's just a shame that such a fundamental feature as combat takes the shine off what could have been the sequel to make Risen popular beyond its small audience of devotees.
Want to start playing Risen 3, but I did not play Risen 2 because I just could not deal with it and never got very far into the game. Do I have to rush through it before playing R3 or would a story summary do the job?
Played a bit, liking it a lot so far.
Too early to say much about the gameplay, but It's quite an accomplished game technically. Some tweaking tips:
- You can replace SSAOQuality="3" in the ConfigDefault.xml file with SSAOQuality="4" to access an undocumented AO mode. It's much better in pretty much every way compared to the default, so I don't know why it's not accessible in the menu.
- The default AA in the game is FXAA. SGSSAA works perfectly with NV cards, but I can't afford it at 1440p.
- Use GeDoSaTo to inject HQ SMAA (not affecting the HUD!) and/or downsample and toggle the HUD.
Can anyone comment on how the 3 factions change your gameplay abilities?
For example, how does crystal magic feel differ from voodoo.
Also, is Demon Hunter purely a soldier/warrior class or do they also get interesting/spell like abilities?
Is there anyway to make the ingame HUD less...fat? Everything seems like it's meant to be shown at 720p or something. It's not unclear, it's just big, e.g pickup text on the left. It looks really ugly.
Whoever designed quest log in this game is total moron. I saved some guy in Antigua storage, he told me about crystals I need to find, got pop up: Quest - Crystals in the warehouse. I go into log book and there is no such quest there. This whole journal is a mess, too. I got there some quests I didn't even pick up. Completely retarded.
Played a bit, liking it a lot so far.
Too early to say much about the gameplay, but It's quite an accomplished game technically. Some tweaking tips:
- You can replace SSAOQuality="3" in the ConfigDefault.xml file with SSAOQuality="4" to access an undocumented AO mode. It's much better in pretty much every way compared to the default, so I don't know why it's not accessible in the menu.
- The default AA in the game is FXAA. SGSSAA works perfectly with NV cards, but I can't afford it at 1440p.
- Use GeDoSaTo to inject HQ SMAA (not affecting the HUD!) and/or downsample and toggle the HUD.
Yes. And you can bind that key to the keyboard or any Xinput gamepad button.I haven't used GeDoSaTo yet, but considering I play on plasma and this game has terrible HUD, how does the toggle work ? Can I simply disable/enable it from ingame via some hotkey or something ? Thanks.
I had a hard time with battles until I found out that dodge both gives you tons of invincibility frames and can let you cancel out of any attack windup/animation.
Now it's pretty fun, if a bit spastic.
With most enemies so far I have enough time to dodge-cancel my attacks. Also, they have only a small number of patterns, so just let them attack their full pattern while dodging, then counter.Dodge is great until you need to attack again which is usually when they hit me.
Is this game running ok on 360? Or is it like the other two were?
I had a hard time with battles until I found out that dodge both gives you tons of invincibility frames and can let you cancel out of any attack windup/animation.
Yes. And you can bind that key to the keyboard or any Xinput gamepad button.
Joe and his rage at Risen 3 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oXXA3WRNX4&list=UUsgv2QHkT2ljEixyulzOnUQ
Otherwise i like Joe and his reviews and opinions, but man, he can't play shit when it comes to harder RPG's than Oblivion/Skyrim.. yes, we all know that the combat system in Risen games is the worst part of them, but even for me, as a newcomer to Risen series, R3 combat system isn't as bad or hard as Joe is trying to show.. he sucks at Dark Souls, he sucks at Witcher 2 and he sucks at Risen games.. i know that the past Risen games have even worse combat system than R3, but seeing him playing so bad Risen 3, oh god..
The only thing I dislike about the game so far is that it doesn't allow you to create custom map markers.
Does it use the same map system as the early Gothic games, where you are looking at a real drawn map that someone in the gameworld has made, and need to buy it to even get them? Because if that is the case then I am fine with there not being map interactivity.
Joe and his rage at Risen 3 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oXXA3WRNX4&list=UUsgv2QHkT2ljEixyulzOnUQ
Otherwise i like Joe and his reviews and opinions, but man, he can't play shit when it comes to harder RPG's than Oblivion/Skyrim.. yes, we all know that the combat system in Risen games is the worst part of them, but even for me, as a newcomer to Risen series, R3 combat system isn't as bad or hard as Joe is trying to show.. he sucks at Dark Souls, he sucks at Witcher 2 and he sucks at Risen games.. i know that the past Risen games have even worse combat system than R3, but seeing him playing so bad Risen 3, oh god..
Eh, it's actually fine, yes.Really, is that true? Interesting... I was hesitant on this game due to the complaints about the combat system. But I played the other Risen games and while the combat system was certainly not my favourite aspect, I never had any real issues with it. So if they are actually worse than R3, then probably I won't have any issues here,
Actually, I don't see how it would make sense in that case either. If someone else has drawn the map in-universe, why can't you add your own markers in-universe?Does it use the same map system as the early Gothic games, where you are looking at a real drawn map that someone in the gameworld has made, and need to buy it to even get them? Because if that is the case then I am fine with there not being map interactivity.
It didn't even require me to level up to get the hang of the battle system.