Yoooo the salt on the first page is hilarious. What a strange cycle Indie games are going through, at some point they won't be "Indie games" any more
I don't think any of the main RPS writers play Dota so that would explain why it's missing.
It'd be nice to see them bring on a MOBA-specific writer, though.
I still can't wrap my head around the Stanley Parable critical acclaim. A few others feel like pretty lousy 'games' as well.
I'm pretty sure the people at RPS think there're games from other platforms worth being GOTY. PC games. But this is the RPS (the site) GOTY list, which means the GOTY list for PC gaming by RPS standards. If's easy to understand. I don't get why so many people get hurt to see a list where there's no TLoU or GTAV.
Name them.I understand its a PC only list, as I have said. Doesn't change it from being a shit one. So many great games are missing.
The only thing I'm laughing at is that list. Platform exclusive GOTY lists look incredibly stupid 9 times out of ten simply because there are usually great games on other platforms as well.
The website actually is pretty interesting. I've already com across a few games that have piqued my interest despite never hearing of them before. Its great there are sites for the smaller games.
I see your point, but very few games do many things well simultaneously, and presumably we can agree that game play is the central concern of... a game.
For example, games with very high budgets are not likely to have inventive game play, for obvious reasons. Games with low budgets are not likely to be superficially pretty, also for obvious reasons. In a world governed by economic realities you can't expect any specific game to excel at everything all at once.
Nice list of all semi known indie games.
Yeah, I'm also barely interested in megabudget games these days. Guess I'm just a hipster doofus.
I understand its a PC only list, as I have said. Doesn't change it from being a shit one. So many great games are missing.
Yeah man, totally. How can we ever trust an outlet when they disagreed with us about one game two years ago?Can't say I care about AAA games, but they did vote for Skyrim as their 2011 GOTY which instantly invalidates their opinions about anything, ever(to me).
I see your point, but it makes little sense. The best is not the most rounded game. The best is the game which impacted you the most, which outshined the rest, the game you look back and think: it's the best I've played this year.I agree, but great works usually combine more than one aspect to make something where the whole is great and not just 1 aspect. That's why categories exist. Personally I prefer games where art and design come together. This isn't some far fetched position to take personally, as books/T.V/movies/music are the same. A book with bad writing but with good characters and story can be considered a good book, a movie with bad cinematography and bad acting and pacing but with a good story and characters can be considered a good movie, etc etc etc But when I want to recognize the best of the year, I have to look at what a whole achieves.
Gameplay is not the central concern of a game in the way you put it, just as plot is not the central concern of a movie. It can be, but it doesn't have to. Just like a great beat or great lyrics individually don't have to be the main concern of a song. There's multiple ways to skin a cat (so they say), and you could swing a dead cat and hit dozens of games every year that have great gameplay mechanics. But a GOTY list has to be about something that means more. This isn't about what game is more addicting, or what game is more complex. It should be (imo) about games that brings certain elements together to create something that is fantastic.
And in that sense, it's not so much a matter of budget as it is of vision. An indie game can have great art for example, just like a 100 million dollar project can look boring and ugly. This is just an example of how budget doesn't define everything.
That said, I might be stuck in my own preferences. But they are my own, and I don't think they are unreasonable, or at least less reasonable than those of many others.
Yeah man, totally. How can we ever trust an outlet when they disagreed with us about one game two years ago?
perfectsil said:remember when indie games were cool when people want Journey to win GoTY 2012?
Its my game of the year. I typically hate game stories because they are awful and try to hard to be like movies. Stanley Parable though just cracked me up.. I couldnt wait to find a new ending. So it kinda broke my not giving a shit about game stories attitude.
Honestly this is about as mainstream indie as a list can get.
Can't say I care about AAA games, but they did vote for Skyrim as their 2011 GOTY which instantly invalidates their opinions about anything, ever(to me).
Yeah man, totally. How can we ever trust an outlet when they disagreed with us about one game two years ago?
He was also one of the best writers on the site. But I guess one disagreeable review is a great enough sin to hate someoneHe quit? Justice has been served then.
I like RPS's list quite a lot in fact. I feel that 9 out of 10 AAA games are money-hatted, overhyped, score-inflated trash cans not worthy of anybody's time with gameplay so shallow, they straight up insult my intelligence. Thank god for not awarding press-A-for-awesome games any more accolades.
Don't worry, every other gaming site is going to make sure everybody knows that the best games all year are (in no particular order)
- The Last Of Us
- COD: Ghosts
- Battlefield 4
- Mario 3D world
- Zelda ALBW
- Some PS4 title because PS4 is awesome (Resogun I guess)
- Some Xbone title because xbone is awesome (Forza I guess)
- some slightly obscure or smaller title to prove they're not just fucking lowest common denominator clickbait, but not too small or obscure because then people would complain they haven't heard of it. Probably Terraria or some other indie available on multiple paltforms.
- free choice
I see your point, but it makes little sense. The best is not the most rounded game. The best is the game which impacted you the most, which outshined the rest, the game you look back and think: it's the best I've played this year.
Can't say I care about AAA games, but they did vote for Skyrim as their 2011 GOTY which instantly invalidates their opinions about anything, ever(to me).
Edit: That was actually strike two, strike one was that godawful FO: New Vegas review *angrily shakes fist at screen*
Yeah, that's my feeling on this as well. The fact that a number of people have mentioned they don't recognise the titles on this list suggests that the list is actually working pretty well, in that it's introducing them to (potentially) good games they haven't heard of. Isn't that more useful then listing 10 games everyone already knows and has played?
Leaving aside the utility of the list for a moment, it seems pretty solid.
Every game has its downfalls. Even usual contenders such as TLoU or GTAV do so many things poorly.I'm not talking about well rounded games, I'm talking about games that do multiple things really well to create a fantastic whole. Those games are the ones I usually look back, and really are the best games of the year (IMO).
I mostly use GOTY lists as suggestions for stuff that I should look into instead of treating them as some kind of authoritative document. So while their New Vegas review should be punishable by stoning, I can't write them off after they've pointed me to some really great stuff.
I've played a good amount of the smaller games they highlight, and even if I like most of them to varying degrees I don't feel inclined to put every neat thing I played on a pedestal either. 24 games is fine for a year end retrospective from a collective of editors, a little bloated if you're looking for the best of the best in 2013 and incomplete when you limit it to just one platform (no fault there though, RPS is a platform specific site).Once I thought GAF was full of hardcore gamers. This thread shows how wrong I was.
So many people in here laughing at games they never heard of before, believing it's a cool thing to do, but only showing their ignorance.
I'd like to know how you came to this conclusionThey must have hated Infinite.
Can't say I care about AAA games, but they did vote for Skyrim as their 2011 GOTY which instantly invalidates their opinions about anything, ever(to me).
Edit: That was actually strike two, strike one was that godawful FO: New Vegas review *angrily shakes fist at screen*
Wait, you can do that? I've been living a lie!
Didnt almost all sites vote Skyrim as their GOTY 2011?
Also at least the PC version was cool with tons of modding and such.. I think it was a valid winner. What other AAA game has good mod support these days?
Haha, am I being condescending again? <3
This thread will be the end of me.
Perhaps they got together and were like, "What were our favourite games this year?" and answered honestly, without any concern for the consensus.
They have proven that people are offended by deviation from the AAA hegemony, though.
It couldn't possibly be because they're good games?I don't like it when outlets make their GOTY list be all indies just to try and be "different".
It came in second on neogaf...I don't trust them, either. Anyone that likes Skyrim is my mortal enemy.
My God man, I think he's cracked it!
Man, who uses an ignore list?
seems like a list with good games. what are people freaking out about what other people enjoy?
It came in second on neogaf...
Also so if you dont like AAA hand holdy cinematic games you are now a "hipster"?
Is that so? *adds NeoGAF to list of places that shouldn't be trusted*
Yeah, bro. If you don't love awesome cinematic experiences like Uncharted and TLoU then you're a hipster, you have no fashion sense and you probably smell bad.
Didn't they pick Far Cry 3 last year?
edit: Just checked and they did. So why are we giving importance to what they say?
Is that so? *adds NeoGAF to list of places that shouldn't be trusted*
Yeah, bro. If you don't love awesome cinematic experiences like Uncharted and TLoU then you're a hipster, you have no fashion sense and you probably smell bad.
This thread is clownin' out.![]()
It's a good list of good games, how can you get this mad