Certainly for something else than one of the most boring songs of all time (Smoke on the Water).Of All Trades said:What do you think people were hoping for?
Certainly for something else than one of the most boring songs of all time (Smoke on the Water).Of All Trades said:What do you think people were hoping for?
Of All Trades said:What do you think people were hoping for?
Thanks. I was expecting a visual cue. As it is, you still can't test anything in that screen (that I can tell; the background noodling can be a little obtrusive). Adjust the setting, then back out and start another event to test, then quit and go back into the adjustment? That's a dozen screens to sit through. For a game that shipped with printed inserts about lag and calibration, that's a major UI flaw.Fixed1979 said:I didn't have much trouble with lag so I may be wrong but you should still be able to pick and hear it through the speaker while your adjusting the lag correction. So it's just a matter of adjusting the sound to be in time for when you pluck the string.
Indeed it is boring, but it's also probably the first riff anyone who picks up an electric guitar learns to play.Famassu said:Certainly for something else than one of the most boring songs of all time (Smoke on the Water).
Bl4ckSunsh1n3 said:I can't speak for everyone but, personally I wanted something metal along the lines of MegaDeth through Dimmu Borgir and almost everything in between. Eventually the metal will come though so I can wait and play what is there for now.
Fixed1979 said:Is your "old" axe still in it's packaging? =P
I guess I can't say much, I have a bass that's doing the same.
Fixed1979 said:maybe some Cohen, Dylan,
lobdale said:Wow is this Black Keys song seriously $4.99?
(yes, it is)
Bodysnatchers and Free Bird are both $2.99.
Price error? How much do they cost on 360?lobdale said:Wow is this Black Keys song seriously $4.99?
(yes, it is)
Bodysnatchers and Free Bird are both $2.99.
240MP = $3.00 USD per song.shagg_187 said:Price error? How much do they cost on 360?
Defnitely a price error, then. Don't buy and don't encourage them to take advantage of this!DrBo42 said:240MP = $3.00 USD per song.
Yeah just double checked on the marketplace. Something is very wrong if PSN users are getting charged a dollar more.shagg_187 said:Defnitely a price error, then. Don't buy and don't encourage them to take advantage of this!
Fusebox said:Step 1. Get a chord book
Step 2. Strum chords
Serious, you don't need a game to teach you how to play their guitar parts.![]()
DrBo42 said:Yeah just double checked on the marketplace. Something is very wrong if PSN users are getting charged a dollar more.
bloodydrake said:On a positive note...Caved in and bought an Epiphone Les Paul Ultra III yesterday!
Really pleased with it so far. Just swapped out tuners for Locking ones and Used some Lemon Oil on the fret board(which seemed dry).Got a Clear Pickguard on order which will look really good with it once I install it.
There are diminishing returns, but there are some very nice, expensive, guitars. Until you play one that speaks to you, they're all over priced, and then that one is heartbreakingly unaffordable.Robobandit said:You'd think at a certain point there would be diminishing returns.. unless you were wanting a particular original or vintage guitar, I don't see why people would pay $2-3k and higher for a guitar.
ThxRobobandit said:That is a beautiful guitar right there.
It really makes me wonder how much difference even more expensive guitars make.. You'd think at a certain point there would be diminishing returns.. unless you were wanting a particular original or vintage guitar, I don't see why people would pay $2-3k and higher for a guitar.
If it's a working guitar with strings, frets, a pickup or multiple pickups with a 1/4inch output. It'll work. Haha.TheApatheticOne said:Very dumb question, I know this and I apologize in advance, because Im 99.9% sure the OP answers this (any guitar idiot!), but when it says any guitar, does this include the Squier Fender Stratocaster guitar that was made for specifically for RB3?
Not a dumb question at all man, it stumped me coz I don't know much about the Rock Band squire but like the guy said, if you can plug it into a regular guitar amp you can use it for this game,TheApatheticOne said:Very dumb question, I know this and I apologize in advance, because Im 99.9% sure the OP answers this (any guitar idiot!), but when it says any guitar, does this include the Squier Fender Stratocaster guitar that was made for specifically for RB3?
onemic said:Problem is 95% of the targeted user base wouldn't be able to play it, gotta wait for the dust to settle a little before the more challenging songs get released. I can see metal DLC coming in maybe around the next or subsequent DLC batch though. And you can forget Dimmu Borgir for about a good 6 months....maybe never
Yes. Don't buy The Black Keys though, it has a price error.LOVE & TRUTH said:So, is the Rocksmith DLC up in the US PSN Store? I want to check if it is available from outside the US.
Yep the Ultra II had that as well the Ultra III just came out, it adds abunch of cool stuff to it new Pickups ect.DrBo42 said:Edit: Nice Les Paul, Drake. That's the one with the nanomag pickup on the neck, yeah?
Pretty damn sweet. I've come to the conclusion that Les Pauls are a little too punchy for me though. I'm a bigger fan of bright tones hence going for a semi hollow body for a more acoustic feel. On to actual game discussion: Is anyone else having major issues with the low E string all of a sudden? It's saying I'm in tune but it's completely shitting the bed when trying to recognize what I'm playing on it. Was playing a STP song (not the 1 to 3 hammer on one) and when I play the 3rd fret it says I'm messing up. If I play the 2nd fret it recognizes it, even though the interface is telling me to play an F. (Drop D)bloodydrake said:Yep the Ultra II had that as well the Ultra III just came out, it adds abunch of cool stuff to it new Pickups ect.
Heres Video with guy playing it and breaking down new features..if only i could play as good as that guy LOL
Oh P.S. sound quality is better using the HD feed
Thats one purty geetarbloodydrake said:honestly I think the 240MS points a song is to much..there's no reason for these songs to be more then 2dollars each.(140ish)
Just seems like Ubisoft taking advantage of the core fan base a bit.
I won't be buying as many dlc songs as I thought at that price.
On a positive note...Caved in and bought an Epiphone Les Paul Ultra III yesterday!
Really pleased with it so far. Just swapped out tuners for Locking ones and Used some Lemon Oil on the fret board(which seemed dry).Got a Clear Pickguard on order which will look really good with it once I install it.
MiniDitka said:Dearmond M-77 Moon Blue.
bloodydrake said:honestly I think the 240MS points a song is to much..there's no reason for these songs to be more then 2dollars each.(140ish)
Just seems like Ubisoft taking advantage of the core fan base a bit.
I won't be buying as many dlc songs as I thought at that price.
I'm buying RB3 for pro guitar, pro keys, pro drums, harmony vocals, parties, screwing around, whatever. I'm buying Rocksmith songs just for practice on those specific songs, because the main game covers general technique practice better than any individual song. They're comparable, and the RB pricing is much friendlier to checking out unfamiliar music. (Not that there's been much of that since the first two months of RB3 DLC.)toymachine said:If you are someone that buys RB3 for Pro Guitar though none of that stuff matters to you. Which is what Rocksmith is for.
I was hoping tracks would be $2 but whatever it's just a dollar.
After spending a lotta money on yer axe you have barely anything left to do much elseTerrordactyl said:>drops 750 dollars on a guitar, complains about a dollar :lol
shrug I also payed 30,000 for a truck.. I also like to drink 12year Old Rum as oppose to the cheapest kind I can get..Terrordactyl said:>drops 750 dollars on a guitar, complains about a dollar :lol
Terrordactyl said:>drops 750 dollars on a guitar, complains about a dollar :lol
Terrordactyl said:>drops 750 dollars on a guitar, complains about a dollar :lol
Terrordactyl said:I could understand if the DLC was more frequent, it's Clearly not goIng to be though.
bloodydrake said:http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/m0juy/iama_rocksmith_developer/
one band wanted 4million for one song LOL
shagg_187 said:Let's play a guessing game! My guess: Guns n' Roses.
Fucking nice... was so close to buying an Ultra II at one pointbloodydrake said:Yep the Ultra II had that as well the Ultra III just came out, it adds abunch of cool stuff to it new Pickups ect.
Heres Video with guy playing it and breaking down new features..if only i could play as good as that guy LOL
Oh P.S. sound quality is better using the HD feed