Under $200 is pretty hard to find something you can use longer than like 6 months. They also suffer from less than good build quality and things like high action on the neck, which makes playing it a lot harder than a slighly more expensive guitar. I would seriously consider stretching it a bit to $300-$350 for a lot more quality.Hey guys! I'm finally ready to buy Rocksmith! But I figured I'd buy the game and guitar separate.
What is a solid guitar I can get? I'd prefer nothing over $200.
Hey guys! I'm finally ready to buy Rocksmith! But I figured I'd buy the game and guitar separate.
What is a solid guitar I can get? I'd prefer nothing over $200.
Thom Yorke is here to help.
Craigslist, bro. (or secondhand in general) Epiphone, Squier* and Danelectro are all good brands that you shouldn't have too much trouble finding for cheap, as long as you're not precious about dings in the paintwork.
*but don't buy anything trademarked "bullet" and you probably want to avoid anything "affinity" too
Your hand should be in the same shape for strumming as for picking. Did you level the song up in the leveler? That should help a lot.My head is so full of fuck on this one....How do you play individual notes when constantly strumming?
Your hand should be in the same shape for strumming as for picking. Did you level the song up in the leveler? That should help a lot.
Then again, for the end (the "no no no no no" bit), I just can't make my fingers do that with any amount of practice.
And question to those that have Bodysnatchers DLC, how do you play the main riff at 100%? It seems like some crazy mix of strumming/picking that I can't even begin to wrap my head around.
Hey guys! I'm finally ready to buy Rocksmith! But I figured I'd buy the game and guitar separate.
What is a solid guitar I can get? I'd prefer nothing over $200.
Ya I own an Ultra III. I'm enjoying it..tho I don't use the nanomag all that much with Rocksmith. I usually just plug game cable into the stereo magnetic pickup jack and bypass the nanomag.
I've noticed some fret buzz since getting the setup done after purchasing it..I've been meaning to take it in to a local guitar Lutheran to get a fret dressing and more thorough setup(the one i got as free one with guitar was obviously a quick and easy only).
Other thing I noticed that wasn't listed in this patch.
When you get a new set list and start practicing songs if you fail to meet the score needed to qualify after around 3 tries it will ask if you want to lower the qualify value.
This to me is a great addition to keep the fun game factor going since I found once I hit 7th and 8th level the difficulty level ramped up to much for my skill level to keep up with.
Welcome to my last month and a half. It wants me to play Cousins virtually perfectly. I knew I shouldn't have bought that track.
It's my guitar!(plus a floyd rose)
Honestly, Ubisoft needs to realize that the core of this game is Accelerator and they should work on improving it.
Ubi has to stop seeing this game as a "game" and more of a learning tool. The lives aspect is just stupid and needs to go away. Ideally they should have accelerator as it is now and the manual speed/infinite lives option in the system settings as well.
The Pearl Jam (Pack?) features two songs off Ten, Jeremy and Black
I agree with you completely.The stuff they do to make it more like a game is silly when it gets in the way of practicing. Imagine if you were practicing guitar normally and you had artificially limited attempts before you mastered some chord progression. Or where you were automatically forced to "level up" to a tougher pattern before you have the previous one down comfortably.
The biggest aspect to practicing guitar, or really anything, is repetition. And the idea is to repeat what you know until you have it down cleanly, before moving on to something more complicated. So putting any barriers on those things seems to defeat the point of a practice tool.
Ubi finally had enough sense to increase the amount of lives substantially, but they should have just gone all the way and made it unlimited, as well as allowed for the user to manually select when to level themselves up in a song or riff. It should be asking you if you're ready for the next % level, and allow for the option to remain at a particular level until you personally feel comfortable, rather than when the game thinks you are because you managed to hit most notes on an attempt.
How's the game if I'm actually good at guitar and just need something to make playing the same things over again fun. I don't have anyone to jam with so all my experience kind of pales in the face of isolation and turns into boredom.
I agree with you completely.
It's funny that Rocksmith was touted as an edutaintment software to help complete beginners gain some guitar skills, yet with an ususable Accelerator this "game" is not for beginners at all, but for advanced guitar players. Who are, in their turn, annoyed with the "gamifying" aspects.
Still, I'm glad I supported this attempt - I think it goes in the right direction and I'm eagerly looking forward to the Rocksmith 2... while taking guitar classes.Playing guitar is really fun!
The dynamic difficulty was changed to assume you're really good until you make a mistake. So if you start a new profile, and only play songs you're perfect on, the game is going to assume you are an expert, and continually have new phrases start at a very high level. The dynamic difficulty heavily relies on the rate of improvement. So when you start a fresh profile, since you already know many songs, even though you level back down, if you still have 3+ songs you know really well and then play them perfectly, it's going to assume you can maintain that type of improvement.
If you make mistakes, then there's no change in how the dynamic difficulty works. It should behave just as it did prepatch.
If you didn't start a new profile, the only difference you should notice is how difficult new songs start. If you continually sightread badly, then sightreading will get easier overtime, but the system needs to learn that.
We aren't prioritizing experienced guitarists over beginners. The change helped make it easier for experienced guitarists to level up more quickly. If you can, give a little more faith in the dynamic difficulty system. Since you restarted a profile, it's going to be a little tougher if you are playing songs you've already leveled and learned before you reset your profile. It's going to take longer for the system to adjust since it no longer has the history of how long it took for you to get to that point - which is key to the system. Once the system notices that it's constantly giving you too hard stuff, it'll slow down a lot after that point.
Badly enough is hard to explain, as the dynamic difficulty system heavily relies on rates of increase and decrease. If you just leave the game on, and level everything down, it won't necessarily 'rejigger' the system, because once you start playing again, it'll see you're leveling everything up really fast, canceling out the huge rate of decrease, since you just gained a huge rate of increase. The 'rejigger' will happen, when you constantly fail without doing well immediately afterwards.
Rocksmith is 30 dollars off at GS. Very tempted. I've played since I was 12 (37 now) but I haven't picked my guitars up in a couple years now.
We have many musicians on the team, and we constantly play the game ourselves so we very much understand these struggles. We hear your concerns, and I will ask our team to reevaluate our current priorities to see if we can squeeze something in. Remember we are a small team, and are still working on the PC port, and Bass Expansion.
Just to get a sense where our thinking was throughout development and even now, is that to us Rocksmith needs to be fun first. If Rocksmith isn't fun, no one will want to practice guitar. Being able to manually set speed (and a whole lot more) was originally envisioned for the practice/riff repeater element of Rocksmith. Just because it didn't make it into what's on the disc now doesn't mean we still don't want it.
I still don't have this, one of the reasons being waiting to see if it comes out in my region, but want to ask smething ahead of time.
On the setup section, Optical/TOSLINK isn't mentioned would this be an option for no audio lag, or is it a matter of being a digital connection?
From my own personal experience playing on PS3 with an Onkyo receiver (set to direct audio mode), using a TOSLINK digital connection DID result in small but noticable audio lag. I think the only way to play this game properly is via analogue out.
I like that they listen, try, and communicate. The dev team is human too so everything can't and won't get done but, at least we know that they try.
I'll let you guys guess the song for fun
Any tips on how to purchase the dlc from europe? Do I need a US-PSN account?
well that's fantastic.. glad to see a small dedicated team find some success when it seemed the music game genre was dead.
Rocksmith generated $40 million in North America, and Ubisoft is pleased. There will be more Rocksmith.
We have two tracks from Blinks third studio album Enema of The State All The Small Things and Whats My Age Again and their most recognizable hit from Dude Ranch Dammit