I think it simply depends on whether you have a background in some music theory or how to read sheet music. The standard setting makes sense if you think of your strings as "Top, second, third, bottom" - just as they try to label the strings as "red, yellow, blue, orange" in the game. But if you have ever read sheet music or tabulature, "deeper tone -> further down" is just part of your musical intuition.
For me it is really simple: if you look down on your hands on your guitar, you see the bass strings at the bottom. So this should normally be the most intuitive for almost everyone. The way they show it by default, you'd have to imagine looking at your fingers straight through the neck of your guitar, which would be awesome if:
1. Your guitar neck is see-through, or
2. You're playing in front of a mirror
In all other cases though, the reverse setting should be default imho.
With all the talk of slow down and load times on the PS3/360 revs, I think I might cancel my pre-order of the PS3 Guitar & Bass disc and get it on Steam.
Anyone know if the new PS3 release is rumored to be a more recent rev, or should I expect the same issues everyone has been talking about?
Personally I think people complaining about load-times have some serious case of ADHD, but hmm. I'm playing it on PS3, but the game does run much better on my PC. There though I have a little more hassle because I have to use the analog out on my PC for my headphones, where I normally have my headphones plugged into my display (or use the TVs speakers). On the PS3, the HDMI out does not cause any audio lag at all.
If you have a good PC though, normally you would have a more comfortable time with it, as it is much faster and higher res (not some of the button images, mind). I have both, but I've personally decided to stick with the PS3 version and try to see it through (I'm level 9 now). The most important part, the audio lag, is very good on the PS3, it's stable and reliable even if the graphics during gigs aren't. So it just helps me to focus on listening to the song rather than become a pianola

, at least during the concerts (its fine during practice, which is the most important).
It helps that the cable works on both versions, so if you've got the PS3 version with the cable, like me, you can use that cable for the PC version as well and try the demo with it.
Also, is there an option to install the game onto the PS3 for load-time improvements?
No, there isn't.
I'd say that if you have modern GPU in your PC - as in anything from the last 3 years, or a fast laptop (friend tried it yesterday with a Celeron laptop, and that basically couldn't run this game at all, you had 0.6 second lag between display and song, and a framerate of 10fps

), the PC version should normally be the best version.