Medalion said:4 videos, Paul could not take anymore
This game looks like a huge yawnfest to advanced players
Yep. Got an acoustic for my daughter for her birthday and she doesn't touch it. So hopefully she will become more interested but I plan on giving it a go, and I've never played.ShdwDrake said:Is anyone playing this thats never played a guitar? I'm prepared to buy one because I've always been interested in learning but my schedule is always too random to get set lessons.
Check your receipt. They've been printing Live codes on there now for some preorder deals. Otherwise call and bitch.Pavaloo said:Did anyone who pre-ordered from Gamestop get their pre-order songs? I figured it would be in the box like the DLC that came with Arkham City, but alas there is nothing there.I'm missing out on my Radiohead.
Shick Brithouse said:Check your receipt. They've been printing Live codes on there now for some preorder deals. Otherwise call and bitch.
No problem, hope that's all it is.Pavaloo said:On the receipt itself? I had no idea, I'll have to check that when I get home. Thanks!
Dreamwriter said:Just to make sure - the Epiphone Les Paul Junior doesn't mean smaller or anything, right? That just means it's entry level? I'm worried that by picking up the full package I'm not really getting a real guitar.
toymachine said:Here's YouTube links for the OP
Shick Brithouse said:Check your receipt. They've been printing Live codes on there now for some preorder deals. Otherwise call and bitch.
Shadybiz said:Can anyone tell me if an optical connection is okay to use as far as lag?
shagg_187 said:I'll try out Optical and let you know.
Medalion said:It's very tempting to play to the song and not the chart on screen
I do the same with Go with the Flow. In fact, I don't even follow the chart and play my own tab sice it's easier to play it in the first string than switching, atleast for me. It's fun playing the song not intended yet to are right as it's the same sound. Feels good man!Animator said:I do that all the time. It is how I %100'd "plug-in baby"![]()
DoubleTap said:dont know if its the game or my cheap silvertone guitar but it's very picky when it comes to frets. especially on the 5th. you hold it in the middle and the game tells you its towards the left. meaning you hold it towards the left most side of the required fret. hmmm. im a beginner and this game is hard. but hard in a fun way.
DrBo42 said:Installing now. LET'S DO THIS.
Epiphone Sheraton II is the weapon of choice.
Animator said:I am willing to pay any amount of money for Megadeth DLC. Please make it happen Ubisoft.
Thank you. Only had her for about 2 weeks, but I definitely love it.krypt0nian said:Damn, that's gorgeous.
Dreamwriter said:Got the bundle with the Epiphone Les Paul Junior guitar. I know the thing is low-end, but (as a rank beginner) I *love* the look and feel of it. To the untrained eye it doesn't look like a cheapo anything.
With Rocksmith I started to learn to play it, and even learned something extra: how to re-string it! A word of advice: when tuning the guitar, at one point Rocksmith (confusingly) flips its display of the headstock - pay attention to that, so you don't tighten the wrong string until it snaps![]()
Dreamwriter said:Just to make sure - the Epiphone Les Paul Junior doesn't mean smaller or anything, right? That just means it's entry level? I'm worried that by picking up the full package I'm not really getting a real guitar.
Welcome to the jungle!DrBo42 said:I've been playing this game for 7 hours now. Holy shit.
Scousefury said:My only issue with the game is and was only ever going to be the interface, it's a pain to follow when the notes started hitting thick and fast. It also loves to throw in note icons you have never seen before and it expects you to know what the hell to do with them... thats fun. Will have rockhard finger tips in a week or two just like the good old days when i first started learning.
JaggedSac said:That isn't telling you where to hold it in terms of the same fret, it means the fret you are on is the wrong one. Try to fret as close as you can to the fret dividers as you can. Makes it easier to hold down.
Yup. Although, one should also add that the actual Rocksmith throw-in guitar is a cheap reproduction of a classic guitar that won't have the same electronics and materials. Also, it the Jr model only has one pickup, whereas most guitars have two or three - you can switch between pickups for different tones on those.Sobriquet said:Les Paul Juniors are classic. Plenty of rock legends have used them.
JaggedSac said:On another note, when playing Sweet Home Alabama, I have always held the chord structure that the main riff is comprised of, but the game is making me think(at least at the 60% mastery level) that I need to be moving my index finger to play both the "A" and "B" string notes. It would be helpful during the learning tools for them to tell you which fingers should be used to fret the notes. I know they have the little 4 finger indicator, but I think in some cases that will not be correct. Perhaps someone with more experience can shine some light on this.
Fixed1979 said:Enjoyed the hour or so I played it last night, would have played awhile longer but my pinky was cramping up on me. I found it a little hard to put the colours and strings together outside of the 5th and 6th string, I'm sure that will come in time but I do wish they had a training exercise in order to help get quickly familiar with the colours.
I haven't played any of the songs on here and it's really cool to hear it start to come together as you progress. It was only one play session but I'm excited to get back to it and to watch my progression.
BengaBenga said:Hard to understand what you exactly mean, as I'm in Europe and have to wait for the game a bit longer, but the main riff is something like:
| D | C | G | G | with a little riff over the last G. I would play that riff with my index finger (while my ring finger stays on the 3rd fret B string - which it does for all of the chords on the intro riff)
Animator said:There are minigames at the guitarcade that help you with that. Those games are VITAL for learning guitar. They make the most boring things about guitar practice fun.
JaggedSac said:...I am concerned that other riffs in other songs have similar easier fingerings to use, but I am completely unaware of it. Did I explain it better that time?