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Rumor: Sony Looking To Purchase Metal Gear/Silent Hill/Castlevania Properties From Konami, Remakes To Follow Suit


You know exactly castlevania silent hill and metal gear are going nowhere under curent konami

Dont pretend you dont know about that

Sony is actually saving these franchise from oblivion

Dont let your hatred for some certain brand clouds your judgement
You still dont see the irony, huh? Btw, how are you playing the new Syphon Filter? On your Pro? How about the new Ape Escape? Resistance? Do you a squad you play with for the new Socom? I guess you’ll want to tackle that game after youre done with last year’s Jak & Daxter and Parappa.
We all know where this is going



Shouldn't the mods be closing threads of unfounded speculation? I remember one of the hallmarks on GAF was how they always cut unfounded rumors out of the discussion. If you read something on here, it's because it had some credibility.

Airbus Jr

*Sigh* Here we go again. The PS4 is my favorite console this gen. I sold everything I own to buy a PSX back in the day. I DO NOT HATE SONY.

Lets all say this together in 3..2..1..


This should be written under the fucking forum logo.

Its not critics what you did earlier ( calling them scumbag ) and you know exactly what youre doing (console warring)

You ve been warned before by the mod team

We expect you to behave better and more tolerable next time

Go ahead and put some ice cube on your head

That should help alot to calm you down
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You ve been warned before by the mod team

No I haven't :messenger_grinning_smiling:

I'm sorry that I jokingly called your favorite console maker "Scumbags".

I myself do not like the practice of buying multiplat franchises. If this bothers you and your choice of corperation, I apologise.

Airbus Jr

No I haven't :messenger_grinning_smiling:

I'm sorry that I jokingly called your favorite console maker "Scumbags".

I myself do not like the practice of buying multiplat franchises. If this bothers you and your choice of corperation, I apologise.

You ve been repeatedly shows a clear dislike on certain brand on your post which is become more and more evident

We trust that someday you will come to your sense and will become more reasonable in the way you talk, communicate and articulate your sentences..as every proper gentlemen should
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Airbus Jr

No. I've repeatedly shown dislike for all three brands.

But you only notice the ones that target your favorite brand. Which says more about you :messenger_winking:

Ah well then apologize..such an unfortunate events that is...

Perhaps we should..you know...get to know each other more closely? Sounds like an exciting idea
Kojima might end up making one more final Metal Gear? Yes please.

Remakes are his stuff, he has to do them or at least closely supervise them, Then the circle will be closed

And no, guys, another mgs remake after tts would be a waste of resources, better doing mgs3 remake or a frank jaeger story spin-off with mgsv gameplay

A plot hole in mgsv is still open, why jaeger ascended to the fox rank? What did he accomplish to o gain the highest rank and be the bb's second in command?
You ve been repeatedly shows a clear dislike on certain brand on your post which is become more and more evident

We trust that someday you will come to your sense and will become more reasonable in the way you talk, communicate and articulate your sentences..as every proper gentlemen should
My favorite franchise of all time is Halo, and I've been constantly shitting on it since Halo 2 launched.


Writes a lot, says very little
Funny, When MS money hats they are the evil but it seems is fine if Sony does it.

It has nothing to do with what each are doing, it has everything to do with the quality of 1 publisher vs the other.

So many of us are ok with Kojima working with Sony as Sony has a history of allowing teams to work on new concepts freely.

MS has a team 100% JUST working on Halo
MS has a team 100% JUST working on Gears Of War
MS had a team 100% JUST working on Fable.

That is that attitude that many in the community do not really like and fear MS buying up a team to slave them on 1 IP for life something. MS closed down Lionhead when they were done with Fable vs just fucking allowing the team to make a new IP. That alone should tell you most might not want such a publisher having some IP many might like.

Suckerpunch went from Sly to Infamous to Ghost Of Tsushima
Naughty Dog went from Jak, Uncharted, to the Last Of Us
Insomniac went from Ratchet, Resistance, to Spiderman
Guerrilla Games went from Killzone to RIGS to Horizon Zero Dawn

and you fucking wonder why the community favors Sony to buy up a team? Buy up an IP?

Sooooooo they have a very long history of supporting single player, they have a long history of freely allowing teams to MOVE THE FUCK ON TO NEW IP!

Bungie had to LEAVE MS TO MAKE Destiny.

If your number 1 team needs to leave just to make something brand new, that alone tells you MS was just not ready to support new AAA IP if they are fighting their number 1 breadwinner all so they can keep this Halo-Gears-Forza combo going for eternity. Its why many of us when looking for a publisher to buy an IP side with Sony.

Thats like trying to say when EA does it its "bad". No. A publisher buying a team isn't really bad, its HOW that publisher then treats the team that is being questioned sir.

If EA for 1 whole generation has free DLC, no season pass like you see from BFV and Battlefront 2, Anthem etc, you'll see more ok with some MP IP being bought by EA if EA intends to keep the same set up. If EA next gen has their single players like Fallen Order with zero MT, and they are open to more new IP, the generation after you might see more ok with EA buying up a failing team.

This has nothing to do with buying a team being bad or "evil", this has everything to do with the history of said publisher that does it in regards to how they treat the team.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Actually come to think of it with how MGSV ended the series maybe Kojima does want to do a proper send off.
Just a thought
Shouldn't the mods be closing threads of unfounded speculation? I remember one of the hallmarks on GAF was how they always cut unfounded rumors out of the discussion. If you read something on here, it's because it had some credibility.

well in light of recent events



No f'ing way this is true. No way.

I'll gift everyone in the first page of this thread gold of it turns out to be true. Seriously. Someone go ahead and bookmark this post.
It has nothing to do with Konami. Guy wanted to branch out and all he was given was MGS so yeah I highly doubt this is true. Also, why would I want another MGS 6? Where do they go now, they covered pretty much every period, unfortunately its all over the place.


Oh my god, I would be all over that. That would be an amazing and fantastic acquisition and probably the best decision Sony can make.
If they can make Castlevania based on the Netflix series, then Sony won.


If Kojima is involved, this would be amazing.

Not sure we need remakes though. Just make some new entries.
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It has nothing to do with what each are doing, it has everything to do with the quality of 1 publisher vs the other.

So many of us are ok with Kojima working with Sony as Sony has a history of allowing teams to work on new concepts freely.

MS has a team 100% JUST working on Halo
MS has a team 100% JUST working on Gears Of War
MS had a team 100% JUST working on Fable.

That is that attitude that many in the community do not really like and fear MS buying up a team to slave them on 1 IP for life something. MS closed down Lionhead when they were done with Fable vs just fucking allowing the team to make a new IP. That alone should tell you most might not want such a publisher having some IP many might like.

Suckerpunch went from Sly to Infamous to Ghost Of Tsushima
Naughty Dog went from Jak, Uncharted, to the Last Of Us
Insomniac went from Ratchet, Resistance, to Spiderman
Guerrilla Games went from Killzone to RIGS to Horizon Zero Dawn

and you fucking wonder why the community favors Sony to buy up a team? Buy up an IP?

Sooooooo they have a very long history of supporting single player, they have a long history of freely allowing teams to MOVE THE FUCK ON TO NEW IP!

Bungie had to LEAVE MS TO MAKE Destiny.

If your number 1 team needs to leave just to make something brand new, that alone tells you MS was just not ready to support new AAA IP if they are fighting their number 1 breadwinner all so they can keep this Halo-Gears-Forza combo going for eternity. Its why many of us when looking for a publisher to buy an IP side with Sony.

Thats like trying to say when EA does it its "bad". No. A publisher buying a team isn't really bad, its HOW that publisher then treats the team that is being questioned sir.

If EA for 1 whole generation has free DLC, no season pass like you see from BFV and Battlefront 2, Anthem etc, you'll see more ok with some MP IP being bought by EA if EA intends to keep the same set up. If EA next gen has their single players like Fallen Order with zero MT, and they are open to more new IP, the generation after you might see more ok with EA buying up a failing team.

This has nothing to do with buying a team being bad or "evil", this has everything to do with the history of said publisher that does it in regards to how they treat the team.
I agree with you in all of this but...There is no Shuhei Yoshida in charge of WWS anymore, who knows how are they going to manage them anymore. WWS was supervised by Shuhei since forever and first thing that happens when he gets benched with "indies efforts" is making some WWS's games Multiplatform starting with HZD. It's weird, this gen might be a wildcard.
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Lol, there's absolutely no way those three franchises are worth a 1/4 of Star Wars. Minecraft was as expensive as it was because it's a phenomenon that still lives on to this day. Out of those 3 Konami franchises, the only one that is still worth a significant amount is Metal Gear. Lifetime sales don't mean much when yearly sales are minimal.

I've already explained in a follow up post. Every acquisition is different. Worth is what someone is willing to pay. Star Wars and Minecraft are not comparable because neither one of those were owned by a publicly traded company and therefore didn't need majority approval from shareholders. In both cases, the IP owner at the time was looking to sell and sought out a specific buyer. Konami is not looking to sell off their IPs. If you are trying to acquire IPs from another company that's not selling, the only way a deal gets done is if you overpay significantly. Otherwise you're not getting majority approval from the Konami shareholders.


castlevania, bomberman, and maybe goemon to nintendo, sony can take the rest. letem keep making pachinko machines and leave the games to someone else


Writes a lot, says very little
I agree with you in all of this but...There is no Shuhei Yoshida in charge of WWS anymore, who knows how are they going to manage them anymore. WWS was supervised by Shuhei since forever and first thing that happens when he gets benched with "indies efforts" is making some WWS's games Multiplatform starting with HZD. It's weird, this gen might be a wildcard.

Maybe, but based on what Hulst has stated, I don't see them obtaining less talent and to be fair even under Yoshida you had games on PC when they used to own SOE.
I can believe this also because in Japan it is all about honour and respect.
Konami made a business decision, but Sony is preserving Kojima's legacy.
I also think Sony will do the same as what they did with the PS4, come out running with the megaton announcements during the first half of the console's life.
You see, the Japanese drops hype bombs instead of nuclear bombs. PS5 Peace5

*insert that famous Japanese block of text here*


If this is true I think they'll use Castlevania as a bargaining chip, eventually dropping it to get a better deal.
Sony don't need Castlevania when they have Bloodborne as those games would be in direct competition.


I've already explained in a follow up post. Every acquisition is different. Worth is what someone is willing to pay. Star Wars and Minecraft are not comparable because neither one of those were owned by a publicly traded company and therefore didn't need majority approval from shareholders. In both cases, the IP owner at the time was looking to sell and sought out a specific buyer. Konami is not looking to sell off their IPs. If you are trying to acquire IPs from another company that's not selling, the only way a deal gets done is if you overpay significantly. Otherwise you're not getting majority approval from the Konami shareholders.

Of course I know that, but even with the overpayment involved, it's downright ridiculous and hilarious you think Konami's IPs are worth even close to a quarter of what Marvel or Star Wars were worth.


Of course I know that, but even with the overpayment involved, it's downright ridiculous and hilarious you think Konami's IPs are worth even close to a quarter of what Marvel or Star Wars were worth.

Again, you cannot compare this to Marvel and SW, for reasons I already stated. People said the same thing about Activision's acquisition of King and lost their minds when it sold for $5.9B.

BTW, I work in Acquisition & Merger. This is literally what I do for a living. Valuations are rarely obvious, and almost never what someone not in the know thinks it is.
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I can't wait for the next gen consoles to get their game reveals so we can if anyone else is getting bought up.


Again, you cannot compare this to Marvel and SW, for reasons I already stated. People said the same thing about Activision's acquisition of King and lost their minds when it sold for $5.9B.

BTW, I work in Acquisition & Merger. This is literally what I do for a living. Valuations are rarely obvious, and almost never what someone not in the know thinks it is.

Fair enough, but I'm still highly skeptical of them being worth that much.


Arachnid Arachnid ? It's a rumor thread and is being treated as such...I'm not seeing said focus

Birdo Birdo I agree with you buddy, I'm not a fan of money hats either, however if it's to save a franchise similar to Bayonetta then I'm all for it let's be that honest here, Konami's just sitting on these licenses and not doing anything with them because they're not in the game anymore...

Konami is more than happy to continue milking these franchises for what is making them money, Pachinko, and as such that's where the bulk of their latest game IP go, the exceptions being that multiplayer Metal Gear spinoff that might as well been called Metal Gear DLC for Metal Gear pay to win and collector edition ad nauseam, point being they clearly are not where these franchises will thrive.

Sony does have a history of giving its third party and first party exclusives a level of freedom to do what they want to do, BS censorship beside LOL

You still dont see the irony, huh? Btw, how are you playing the new Syphon Filter? On your Pro? How about the new Ape Escape? Resistance? Do you a squad you play with for the new Socom? I guess you’ll want to tackle that game after youre done with last year’s Jak & Daxter and Parappa.

I would love to see a return to all of these too, but sales are an important metric, that's the reason why I haven't gotten a sequel to my PlayStation All-Stars even though I really want one LOL

Sony did give an updated remake of Parappa and unfortunately it didn't sell too well
Who knows we might get another Syphon Filter but Sony let the studio make the game they wanted to, the game they wanted to for a long time Days Gone
In regards to Jak and Daxter that's on Naughty Dog they wanted to move along from the IP, if you had got another Jak and Daxter it would not have looked like what you wanted as naughty dog wanted to make it more adult and more realistic...

I won't lie a new Socom and Ape Escape (vr please)would be awesome LOL


Arachnid Arachnid ? It's a rumor thread and is being treated as such...I'm not seeing said focus

Birdo Birdo I agree with you buddy, I'm not a fan of money hats either, however if it's to save a franchise similar to Bayonetta then I'm all for it let's be that honest here, Konami's just sitting on these licenses and not doing anything with them because they're not in the game anymore...

Konami is more than happy to continue milking these franchises for what is making them money, Pachinko, and as such that's where the bulk of their latest game IP go, the exceptions being that multiplayer Metal Gear spinoff that might as well been called Metal Gear DLC for Metal Gear pay to win and collector edition ad nauseam, point being they clearly are not where these franchises will thrive.

Sony does have a history of giving its third party and first party exclusives a level of freedom to do what they want to do, BS censorship beside LOL

I would love to see a return to all of these too, but sales are an important metric, that's the reason why I haven't gotten a sequel to my PlayStation All-Stars even though I really want one LOL

Sony did give an updated remake of Parappa and unfortunately it didn't sell too well
Who knows we might get another Syphon Filter but Sony let the studio make the game they wanted to, the game they wanted to for a long time Days Gone
In regards to Jak and Daxter that's on Naughty Dog they wanted to move along from the IP, if you had got another Jak and Daxter it would not have looked like what you wanted as naughty dog wanted to make it more adult and more realistic...

I won't lie a new Socom and Ape Escape (vr please)would be awesome LOL
Youre in luck cause there are rumors of a new socom and ape escape.



According to a North American PR representative for Konami, recent Silent Hill rumors “are not true.”

“We’re aware of all the rumors and reports but can confirm that they are not true. I know it’s not the answer your fans may want to hear,” said the Konami US PR rep.
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