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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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uses 'M$' - What year is it? Not 2002.
When it comes to Putin, always assume the worst
I agree on that but that would mean the end of Russia because that would be them attacking a NATO country and if that happens china would de not support Russia after that.

Boss Mog

The US has also given Russia billions in exchange for oil.
The energy independant US halting all oil imports from Russia was a major step in ramping up sanctions this is true, but other nations can't make decisions like that so easily. /s
The US was energy independent under Trump, even had a surplus. Biden put an end to it on day one, killing the keystone pipeline, while at the same time lifting sanctions on Russia's nord stream 2 pipeline. Construction on nord stream 2 started up again (after Trump had made them stop) 4 days after Biden took office.


Neighbours from Hell
Does anyone know how Putin is generally received in Russia by its citizens? I've heard he was popular, but I'm not sure any polling can even be trusted coming from that country for obvious reasons.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Does anyone know how Putin is generally received in Russia by its citizens? I've heard he was popular, but I'm not sure any polling can even be trusted coming from that country for obvious reasons.
He is mostly popular with tankies and other people who dread the collapse in USSR, young people are mostly opposed of him. His election are obviously rigged.


The US was energy independent under Trump, even had a surplus. Biden put an end to it on day one, killing the keystone pipeline, while at the same time lifting sanctions on Russia's nord stream 2 pipeline. Construction on nord stream 2 started up again (after Trump had made them stop) 4 days after Biden took office.

Can any of you fuckers read? Keep the politics out. This thread will get shut down otherwise, and some of us would just like to talk about what’s happening to the poor Ukrainians, rather than continue to watch you yanks bitch and moan about which fucking American president did what.
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Gold Member
I agree on that but that would mean the end of Russia because that would be them attacking a NATO country and if that happens china would de not support Russia after that.

Yeah... But how do you end Russia without ending the entire world? Putin has nukes and is absolutely unhinged.

Sega Orphan

This is so sad to see.
Russia had legit concerns about the encroachment of NATO towards their borders, and they had a right to want to reduce that threat, but invading Ukraine has done nothing but made Russia the bad guys. I didn't think he would do it, I thought maybe he would go into Donbass and bring it in to Russia, and maybe destroy the dams that Ukraine built to stop water flowing into Crimea, but he woke up and chose violence.
This could have been avoided at time frames well before this happened, and as usual it's the civilians that will pay the price for politicians who think they are playing an RTS game.

Boss Mog

Can any of you fuckers read? Keep the politics out. This thread will get shut down otherwise, and some of us would just like to talk about what’s happening to the poor Ukrainians, rather than continue to watch you yanks bitch and moan about which fucking American president did what.
There's no politics in what I said, I'm just stating facts relative to somebody's response to me. Just because the words Trump and Biden are used doesn't mean it's "political". Did I advocate for any of them, did i call any of them names? No, I just stated facts that are relevant to the current situation in Ukraine. And I'd prefer it if you didn't call me fucker thanks.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
The US was energy independent under Trump, even had a surplus. Biden put an end to it on day one, killing the keystone pipeline, while at the same time lifting sanctions on Russia's nord stream 2 pipeline. Construction on nord stream 2 started up again (after Trump had made them stop) 4 days after Biden took office.
Whats that got to do with anything?


Gold Member
Can we really say that we are advancing as a society when we still have wars like this? It's crazy to think in 2022 with all the history we can look back on, that if it wasn't for Nuclear weapons we would in all likely hood still be fighting wars all the time.

As it's always stated, War never changes.

I for one (well, my country) haven't been at war with anyone since the early 1800s. Europe as a whole, and large parts of the world overall, have been generally peaceful for a long time. Unfortunately it only takes one powerful madman to ruin it for everyone.
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The Ukrainian civil war will be over by week's end. This decisiveness is what actually happens when Russia decides to take a territory. It was only a matter of time before Russia reclaimed the origins of its empire. Fewer lives would have been lost had it happened in the orchestrated chaos of 2014.
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Interesting video on residential area attack.

Anyone know if it was reported that the Russians were only using Sukhois or what other air assets were being used?

Mover (CW Lemoine, ex F-16/F-18/T-38 driver) called that video probably bogus. The flight pattern is inconsistent with rocket employment or something like this.

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You have to wonder what Putin knows. Why now? Regardless of what happens at this point this will be one of those moments for the history books.

If the US doesn't interfere, did Putin know in advance they would not? How? Or was this a gamble? Putin doesn't strike me as a gambler.

Boss Mog

Whats that got to do with anything?
You're the one who brought up US energy dependence, you tell me. When Trump made the statement about Germany that you commented about, the US was energy independent. As for nord stream 2 it's extremely relevant to the current situation in Ukraine because before nord stream 2 the main pipeline from Russia to Germany went through Ukraine and so that ensured that Putin wouldn't nvade otherwise Ukraine could just shutdown the pipeline but nord stream 2 bypasses Ukraine so Putin doesn't care about the old one now and is free to invade Ukraine.


There's no politics in what I said, I'm just stating facts relative to somebody's response to me. Just because the words Trump and Biden are used doesn't mean it's "political". Did I advocate for any of them, did i call any of them names? No, I just stated facts that are relevant to the current situation in Ukraine. And I'd prefer it if you didn't call me fucker thanks.

Bull. You’re still whining about US politics in a thread that shouldn’t have it. Claiming Trump good, Biden bad.

Trump and Biden are equally fucking to blame for this shit. As are all of you constantly litigating your corrupt and broken political system for one side or the other.

Politics was banned from here because of the endless whining about who is worse… but they’re both terrible. That’s why Putin’s done what he has.
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Always fucking germans

Nobody will risk a direct military confrontation in Ukraine right now. For obvious reasons:

1) Escalating the conflict would cost even more Ukrainian civilian lives
2) At the moment, a direct military confrontation between NATO and Russia would be way more devastating than what is happening right now

The situation is way too heated at the moment. This is not the time for militaristic chest-thumping and it wouldn't help the Ukrainians either.


Can we stop referring to every enemy of the west as insane/unhinged/madman/deranged. What’s going on is evil, wrong, whatever you want to call it…but geopolitics is complicated, and there is undoubtedly a rationale behind what he is doing. Putin is not going to throw away his entire country doing something completely irrational like attack a NATO country unprovoked the same way Kim Jong Un won’t. Let’s not lose our heads.


You have to wonder what Putin knows. Why now? Regardless of what happens at this point this will be one of those moments for the history books.

If the US doesn't interfere, did Putin know in advance they would not? How? Or was this a gamble? Putin doesn't strike me as a gambler.

He knows most of the country is against engaging in any kind of wars that aren't a direct threat. He willl prove US democracy is their weakness.

Poland is in NATO but our army and equipment is laughable and there is only 10,000 US troops here and 7,000 near Germany's border. If Puting acts quick he can take over Warsaw without much of a problem from the Belarus border side.

This starts to make sense:

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Gold Member
The Ukrainian civil war will be over by week's end. This decisiveness is what actually happens when Russia decides to take a territory. It was only a matter of time before Russia reclaimed the origins of its empire. Fewer lives would have been lost had it happened in the orchestrated chaos of 2014.

Civil war? I don't think that means what you think it means.


He knows most of the country is against engaging in any kind of wars that aren't a direct threat. He willl prove US democracy is their weakness.

Poland is in NATO but our army and equipment is laughable and there is only 10,000 US troops here and 7,000 near Germany's border. If Puting acts quick he can take over Warsaw without much of a problem from the Belarus border side.

This starts to make sense:

I think the question isn't if he could take Poland. But if he invaded a NATO country he'd be declaring war on NATO and at that point we are really looking at WWIII.

I don't know if that's what he really wants.

Boss Mog

Bull. You’re still whining about US politics in a thread that shouldn’t have it. Claiming Trump good, Biden bad.

Trump and Biden are equally fucking to blame for this shit. As are all of you constantly litigating your corrupt and broken political system for one side or the other.

Politics was banned from here because of the endless whining about who is worse… but they’re both terrible. That’s why Putin’s done what he has.
You're delusional. You're imaging things in your head. I never said Trump is good and Biden is bad, i just stated facts about actions they took is response to a comment about energy dependence. You inferring anything else is on you. I'm to blame for Putin invading Ukraine? You really need help friend. Also, that's not why politics were banned, but that's besides the point. You're making way too much out of a small comment that didn't concern you so let's just drop it, I don't wanna discuss it anymore.


You have to wonder what Putin knows. Why now? Regardless of what happens at this point this will be one of those moments for the history books.

Hes 69 years old. Its propably that he sees this the only time to get to his goal. People be damned. He wants hes legacy to be the former Russian empire?

If the US doesn't interfere, did Putin know in advance they would not? How? Or was this a gamble? Putin doesn't strike me as a gambler.

Nuclear deterrant was not mentioned by Putin as accident. WW3 is at the door and he knows the west is not willing to take that step. And west doesnt know whether he is.


Neo Member
That place and Twitter is why we’re fucked if this escalates into WWIII.
Right ? Imagine if they had real deal problems to worry about. Like surviving the night. I'm so glad I grew up and live in a place with hardened people and not these pudding people.


You're delusional. You're imaging things in your head. I never said Trump is good and Biden is bad, i just stated facts about actions they took is response to a comment about energy dependence. You inferring anything else is on you. I'm to blame for Putin invading Ukraine? You really need help friend. Also, that's not why politics were banned, but that's besides the point. You're making way too much out of a small comment that didn't concern you so let's just drop it, I don't wanna discuss it anymore.

"The US was energy independent under Trump, even had a surplus. Biden put an end to it on day one, killing the keystone pipeline, while at the same time lifting sanctions on Russia's nord stream 2 pipeline. Construction on nord stream 2 started up again (after Trump had made them stop) 4 days after Biden took office."

That's you, berating Biden for changing US energy policy (which was of course wrong) and promoting the idea that Trump was right with his energy policy.

Now, how would you like to talk about all the fuck ups Trump made about Russia? Like withholding support for Ukraine unless they dished dirt on his political enemies? Or how pathetically enamoured he is with Putin?


Both terrible.

No US politics in here.
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NATO exists mainly to protect against Russia (USSR back then) so for an important member like Germany to give Russia billions and become dependent on Russian natural gas for its energy needs heavily undermines NATO. It's the very reason Germany vetoed SWIFT sanctions against Russia.
It's not the only reason.. There is also the fact that russia owes european banks at least 56 billion €. Also, we do not want to weaken SWIFT. Russia and China are building an alternative (SPFS). If we use it for sanctions, a lot of other nations might make the switch. That would mean no access for western secret services.. and we might even be forced to use their services for some transactions.
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