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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Gold Member

So what, is this just the new world order now, that Russia gets to decide everything and do whatever the fuck they want? Everything feels completely fucked, I'm honestly scared for my freedom and peace for the first time in my life.
It's really no different than past stuff like trucker protests, Seattle CHOP zone etc.. The right thing to do would be proactive and try to prevent it from the start.

Instead, governments just let it happen for weeks IN HOPES it fizzles out on its own ad life goes back to normal. Or governments will try to do the white collar tactic and negotiate as if it's management vs a pro athlete union. And if there's a settlement, everything goes back to normal.

As weve seen, some things dont disappear and you got go in hard and solve it. And the longer it lingers, the harder it is to fix as the aggressors get entrenched growing in numbers every day.

It's just one of those situations, nobody wanted to help prevent. I see Ukraine as store owners who are left to defend themselves while everyone else watched.
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Gold Member
It's really no different than past stuff like trucker protests, Seattle CHOP zone etc.. The right thing to do would be proactive and try to prevent it from the start.

Instead, governments just let it happen for weeks IN HOPES it fizzles out on its own ad life goes back to normal. Or governments will try to do the white collar tactic and negotiate as if it's management vs a pro athlete union. And if there's a settlement, everything goes back to normal.

As weve seen, some things dont disappear and you got go in hard and solve it. And the longer it lingers, the harder it is to fix as the aggressors get entrenched growing in numbers every day.

It's just one of those situations, nobody wanted to help prevent. I see Ukraine as store owners who are left to defend themselves while everyone else watched.

You can't really "go in hard" when there's an insane dictator with his finger on the launch button for a thousand nukes.


Gold Member

The problem is that Putin doesn't give a shit. He'll happily sacrifice his country's economy and his citizens' well-being for a chance at going to history as the person who took Russia a bit closer to its former glory as a large empire. He's not a stable, sane person. Seems like covid isolation has made him more unhinged than ever.

It won't affect him or his friends personally anyway, they've got more than they need to live a hundred luxurious lifetimes.
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Gold Member
Which goes back to what I posted earlier...

I find it thin at best. Next the assertion will be used to Finland or Sweden desiring to join NATO. It don't buy it. Russia was going to either invade, or topple Ukraines government regardless. They make all their neighbors puppet states or meddle some way regardless of NATO desire.

No one invaded Russia, and just cause they are "scared" or whatever of losing their influence in Ukraine or other places doesn't justify their invasion so it's basically an interesting factoid not a gotcha like you present it.

Ukraine didn't "have it coming" because they wanted to join NATO. It happened because Putin is a fascist evil asshole.


That should've been done that a day ago - fucks sake. I understand there are consequences (aka lots of money on the line) for a non NATO country/ non EU country but fucking hell, if Putin get's away with this, it sets a dangerous precedent. He'll be able to steamroll into any country in the Balkans without any severe consequences.
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Gold Member
That should've been done that a day ago - fucks sake. I understand there are consequences (aka lots of money on the line) for a non NATO country/ non EU country but fucking hell, if Putin get's away with this, it sets a dangerous precedent. He'll be able to steamroll into any country in the Balkans without any severe consequences.

It's either we let him get away with it or WW3 (with nukes going everywhere). Sucks.


Reports that Chechen dictator Ramzan Kadyrov has promised his soldiers $30,000 dollars for every Ukrainian tank they destroy, $20,000 for every BMP and $5,000 for each Ukrainian volunteer fighter they kill. They are reportedly deploying in Mariupol direction.


Hey. Russian here. Just to give you some context of how it looks from the inside.

Couple of weeks ago, even Navalny (opposition leader who's currently in jail) was sure Putin wouldn't attack.
Last week when the government rushed to recognize Donetsk and Luhansk as independent states, we thought maybe he's gonna move the army there under pretenses of helping them.
A lot of refugees from Donetsk and Luhansk were transported on a short notice to southern regions of Russia, including the one where I live. Governors of these regions had no time to make necessary preparations, government sent some money their way, refugees received 10k in rubles (about 130$ at the time) as a help. This was not cool with us - we've never received any help from the government during pandemic, even businesses.
This Tuesday Putin graced the world with his hour long ramblings how Ukraine is not even a country. And we were like "yeah he's gonna annex Donetsk and Luhansk".
Yesterday he launched full on invasion, called it a "military operation" and propaganda tries to paint him as some kind of savior fighting ukranian nazis and the protector of all things russian.

His public image's been slipping. Navalny showed just how vain he is (if you haven't seen Navalny's investigation into Putin's palace, you should), his response to pandemic was weak - he distanced himself from the issue, locked himself in a bunker and left businesses and local governance to fend for themselves. At least a million people died from covid, prices been rising as well and the people are not happy with it.

So what do you do when you're an old dictator who's seen as weak? Well, you establish dominance. The security council he urgently called to recognize Donetsk and Luhansk was pure power play. The most powerful people of the country shaking in fear when talking on the matter in front of the great patriarch - great stuff to keep everyone in line. Now there's a full on invasion and veiled threats of nuclear retaliation.

Make no mistake, he already threw his entire country under the bus, he's already getting more and more irrational. So you should call him what he is. At least because it's a felony for me to do so.
Thank you for the insight.

I have no doubt Putin and many of these world dictators are horrible people capable of atrocious things, especially against their neighbors and own people. The problem I have is many in the US, based on what is told to us by the media, imagine these dictators as cartoonish villains literally ready to blow up the entire world on a whim, when rational people know the reality if much more complicated than that. Take North Korea for example. Way too many people mistake the Kim families saber rattling as actual unprovoked threats and get anxiety attacks every time they pop off with some insane sounding statement. Looking at it objectively, this is an isolationist country doing everything it can to preserve itself. You can recognize that Kim is a horrible leader but also acting fairly rationally based on the position he is in. If he weren’t developing nuclear weapons and threatening to rain hell upon America and South Korea, we 100 percent would have taken him out already. This is not defending his actions, obviously, but understanding our enemies motivations. He’s been very quiet ever since it’s been generally accepted that they have nukes now, that’s no coincidence. I just wish we were better educated on world affairs so we could look at these things under a more international lens and not just “bad man say bad thing, must destroy bad man.”
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Reports that Chechen dictator Ramzan Kadyrov has promised his soldiers $30,000 dollars for every Ukrainian tank they destroy, $20,000 for every BMP and $5,000 for each Ukrainian volunteer fighter they kill. They are reportedly deploying in Mariupol direction.
chechen must not only be rapists and murderers, but also complete retards that they are fighting for Putin. They must have the brains of a fish if they've already forgotten the previous 2 times they were attacked by him.



Yea, this right here is start of WW3. It's on now.

Japan is going to return fire for sure.

Russia just fucked up. NATO getting involved now. Expect Japan to react.
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Gold Member
Thank you for the insight.

I have no doubt Putin and many of these world dictators are horrible people capable of atrocious things, especially against their neighbors and own people. The problem I have is many in the US, based on what is told to us by the media, imagine these dictators as cartoonish villains literally ready to blow up the entire world on a whim, when rational people know the reality if much more complicated than that. Take North Korea for example. Way too many people mistake the Kim families saber rattling as actual unprovoked threats and get anxiety attacks every time they pop off with some insane sounding statement. Looking at it objectively, this is an isolationist country doing everything it can to preserve itself. You can recognize that Kim is a horrible leader but also acting fairly rationally based on the position he is in. If he weren’t developing nuclear weapons and threatening to rain hell upon America and South Korea, we 100 percent would have taken him out already. This is not defending his actions, obviously, but understanding our enemies motivations. I just wish we were better educated on world affairs so we could look at these things under a more international lens and not just “bad man say bad thing, must destroy bad man.”

But he is a bad man who says bad things. I don't care how smart or rational he seems - killing innocent people by thousands invalidates anything rational about the guy. You seem to have a weird fetish for him. "He's a murdering psychopath, but so smart". Bad people can be smart, but that doesn't make them free of being called "bad man" or the valid need to destroy them.

As for Kim, no, nukes or not, we would leave them alone because of China - just like it happened in the start of the Korean war. Ironically, the nukes are for China as much as they are for the US/Japan.


Gold Member

A mig 29 shot down Su 35

Amazing pilot


Yea, this right here is start of WW3. It's on now.

Japan is going to return fire for sure.

Russia just fucked up. NATO getting involved now. Expect Japan to react.

Japan works with NATO but is not part of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization).


But he is a bad man who says bad things. I don't care how smart or rational he seems - killing innocent people by thousands invalidates anything rational about the guy. You seem to have a weird fetish for him. "He's a murdering psychopath, but so smart". Bad people can be smart, but that doesn't make them free of being called "bad man" or the valid need to destroy them.

As for Kim, no, nukes or not, we would leave them alone because of China - just like it happened in the start of the Korean war. Ironically, the nukes are for China as much as they are for the US/Japan.
Wanting to understand the motivations behind dictators is just good strategy. I guess all our generals and leaders are just fetishists for Putin then because this is exactly the kinds of talks that go on in every meeting that we never hear about. Cmon man, you know full well the point I’m trying to make and you know full well I’m not apologizing for anyones actions.


Fuck Putin and all his goons

My point is i believe Japan regardless of their affiliations with NATO will react to one of their own ships being destroyed. Japan is one not to fuck with. They have.....Godzilla afterall.

And Gundam. But their Federation has the wall of Zeon China to deal with and they're a much closer threat.
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Thank you for the insight.

I have no doubt Putin and many of these world dictators are horrible people capable of atrocious things, especially against their neighbors and own people. The problem I have is many in the US, based on what is told to us by the media, imagine these dictators as cartoonish villains literally ready to blow up the entire world on a whim, when rational people know the reality if much more complicated than that. Take North Korea for example. Way too many people mistake the Kim families saber rattling as actual unprovoked threats and get anxiety attacks every time they pop off with some insane sounding statement. Looking at it objectively, this is an isolationist country doing everything it can to preserve itself. You can recognize that Kim is a horrible leader but also acting fairly rationally based on the position he is in. If he weren’t developing nuclear weapons and threatening to rain hell upon America and South Korea, we 100 percent would have taken him out already. This is not defending his actions, obviously, but understanding our enemies motivations. He’s been very quiet ever since it’s been generally accepted that they have nukes now, that’s no coincidence. I just wish we were better educated on world affairs so we could look at these things under a more international lens and not just “bad man say bad thing, must destroy bad man.”
Fair enough, considering how over the top media can be. He's cartoonishly evil though, even for us, ruskies.


So once Ukraine falls, where next Moldova, the corridor between Lithuania and the Russian province Kaliningrad (as suggested by Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the exiled Russian businessman and Putin opponent), the rest of Georgia?

No way, he'll stop with just Ukraine now he's started down this road unless Ukraine ends up being a military disaster for him, (but I expect the whole country to fall by the end of the weekend). Anyone that tries to defend his next target(s) gets threatened with nukes. Sanctions won't stop him, while troop build up by Nato on his border will make it more likely he'll lash out (cyber attacks, ferment unrest, send in non uniform military, assassinations etc - anything that can be denied as being a Russian attack on a Nato country) and issue ultimatums. I half expect Russia will cut off gas and oil supplies to Europe in retaliation to sanctions in order to bring the EU to heel by forcing gas prices through the roof and causing panic about heating for next winter (maybe under the guise of "pipeline damage, caused by the Ukrainians") .

I feel like the west are in a lose-lose situation here. He might not be mad enough (yet) to attack a Nato country, but any non-Nato country surrounding him is at risk of conquest cos he knows the west will no nothing militarily to help due to not wanting a (nuclear) conflict with Russia.


So once Ukraine falls, where next Moldova, the corridor between Lithuania and the Russian province Kaliningrad (as suggested by Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the exiled Russian businessman and Putin opponent), the rest of Georgia?

No way, he'll stop with just Ukraine now he's started down this road unless Ukraine ends up being a military disaster for him, (but I expect the whole country to fall by the end of the weekend). Anyone that tries to defend his next target(s) gets threatened with nukes. Sanctions won't stop him, while troop build up by Nato on his border will make it more likely he'll lash out (cyber attacks, ferment unrest, send in non uniform military, assassinations etc - anything that can be denied as being a Russian attack on a Nato country) and issue ultimatums. I half expect Russia will cut off gas and oil supplies to Europe in retaliation to sanctions in order to bring the EU to heel by forcing gas prices through the roof and causing panic about heating for next winter (maybe under the guise of "pipeline damage, caused by the Ukrainians") .

I feel like the west are in a lose-lose situation here. He might not be mad enough (yet) to attack a Nato country, but any non-Nato country surrounding him is at risk of conquest cos he knows the west will no nothing militarily to help due to not wanting a (nuclear) conflict with Russia.
That’s why Sweden and Finland should join now ..
Japan shares a border with Russia. The Russo-Japanese war was the most significant global conflict in the years before WW1.

Yes, and it's that war that put Japan on the world map, power-wise.

However the actual fighting is a long way from that part of Russia if they theoretically were to attack in some way. And with China rattling about Taiwan they have more immediate concerns.


So once Ukraine falls, where next Moldova, the corridor between Lithuania and the Russian province Kaliningrad (as suggested by Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the exiled Russian businessman and Putin opponent), the rest of Georgia?

No way, he'll stop with just Ukraine now he's started down this road unless Ukraine ends up being a military disaster for him, (but I expect the whole country to fall by the end of the weekend). Anyone that tries to defend his next target(s) gets threatened with nukes. Sanctions won't stop him, while troop build up by Nato on his border will make it more likely he'll lash out (cyber attacks, ferment unrest, send in non uniform military, assassinations etc - anything that can be denied as being a Russian attack on a Nato country) and issue ultimatums. I half expect Russia will cut off gas and oil supplies to Europe in retaliation to sanctions in order to bring the EU to heel by forcing gas prices through the roof and causing panic about heating for next winter (maybe under the guise of "pipeline damage, caused by the Ukrainians") .

I feel like the west are in a lose-lose situation here. He might not be mad enough (yet) to attack a Nato country, but any non-Nato country surrounding him is at risk of conquest cos he knows the west will no nothing militarily to help due to not wanting a (nuclear) conflict with Russia.
What kind of crystal ball do you use?


Putin needs to be slowly tortured for hours in front of the Kremlin livestreamed worldwide. Then his corpse nailed onto a upside down cross.
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