they lack independent thoughtStill they fight![]()
"I will just steal some stuff from the Ukrainian cities we will take any day now"they lack independent thought
I mean, their last decent movie was infinity war...What is that supposed to mean? You gave me a fake punch and i have to pretend that i flied off like everyone is pretending to sanctions Russia but still buy from them?
You compare Russia with Hitler, you are out of your mind. Like many you have Russo phobia.
Hahaha I know you've already been banned but still suck my dickWhat is that supposed to mean? You gave me a fake punch and i have to pretend that i flied off like everyone is pretending to sanctions Russia but still buy from them?
You compare Russia with Hitler, you are out of your mind. Like many you have Russo phobia.
Also, 19 artillery pieces were lost by the RuSSkies in the last day.![]()
I see this as analogous to WWI. Ultimately, if was the immense Russian loses in WW1 that lead to the Bolshevik revolution being successful and the fall of the Czars.Russia has already lost.RJMacready73 is right on the money; there will be little to no support for mental anguish at the governmental level.
Gotta figure this directly effects 3 generations of Russian men-gen Z, millenials, and gen X have all been constricted for the war. So men 18-50ish are the sacrifice for Bakhmut.
Then you look at all the families that left with high levels of education or training in the trades. Couple that with the military conscripting recruits as soon as they graduate and also newly militarily trained recruits being send to their deaths as infantry when they were artillery.
All of this is unsustainable for Russia. The momentum is the US is not going to slow down. The Republicans will grind their teeth but even so the midterms are in November. Russia is about to get ass blasted this spring and summer.
Ukraine has the training and machinery to annihilate equipment from the 70s and 60s from Russia. They wanna conscript 400,000 more soldiers? Wait till Moscow and st Petersburg have to give men instead of poor Tajiks getting grabbed in the middle of the night by the secret police to join the war.
Mud season was Russias only respite. They are doomed.
Why would India still want them
I'm firmly in the "fuck India" camp, they choose to get into bed with Nazi's and side with 21st century Hitler all to get cheap oil, what little respect I had for them is goneIndia has always bought mostly Russian military equipment. Suddenly changing to a different platform is costly and takes time.
Also, India has terrible relations with China, so that option is out.
The relation with western countries could be better. It didn't help that India continues to buy oil, gas, minerals and arms from Russia.
So either India commits to siding with the west, or they won't be allowed to buy high end military equipment.
I'm firmly in the "fuck India" camp, they choose to get into bed with Nazi's and side with 21st century Hitler all to get cheap oil, what little respect I had for them is gone
I can't argue with you there and there is no excuses for our colonial past but collectively humanity needs to move forward and we need to consign genocidal dictator's to the past as wellTrue, but let's remember that for a few hundred years, India was exploited by western countries. Especially Britain. But also, by Portugal.
And this included several crimes against humanity. So for them, the bad, genocidal, imperialists, evil countries are Western European.
I can't argue with you there and there is no excuses for our colonial past but collectively humanity needs to move forward and we need to consign genocidal dictator's to the past as well
The amount of hype thats going on about the upcoming counter offensive is kind of crazy
The amount of hype thats going on about the upcoming counter offensive is kind of crazy
I think it will happen soonIt’s all meant for one audience: the Russians.
Why would India still want them
Of course colonialism was bad, but the 'Indians' were also doing it themselves long before the British appeared. The British just, partly through accident and blunder, ended up the top dog in a relatively unchanged system.True, but let's remember that for a few hundred years, India was exploited by western countries. Especially Britain. But also, by Portugal.
And this included several crimes against humanity. So for them, the bad, genocidal, imperialists, evil countries are Western European.
LOL, Russia just found out that China is not their friend, but rather just taking advantage of the precarious situation Putin got them into.
Reportedly, China will pay only 70% for Russia oil. Which is just 10% higher than the 60% cap the west imposed on Russia.
It's better than nothing, but it's still way bellow normal market prices.
Of course colonialism was bad, but the 'Indians' were also doing it themselves long before the British appeared. The British just, partly through accident and blunder, ended up the top dog in a relatively unchanged system.
And there were some groups of Indians who were particularly brutal. Look up the etymology of 'thug'. The British, for all their problems, were a massive improvement over them.
Anyway, to bring it back on topic: this has created amongst a fair number of Indians a sense of victimhood that has hampered India's development. And it also is partly why they remain in the middle (not neutral) on a lot of issues; but remaining in the middle has its own costs.
Also, T54 vs Challenger:
60 years from now the entire world is going to be known as new beijing.It's remarkable to witness just how dumb Putin has been with this. He thinks that little pact he signed with Xi back in 2000 and who gives a fuck will mean anything when push comes to shove?
60 years from now, Moscow = Beijing West. No invasion needed.
60 years from now the entire world is going to be known as new beijing.
China has their hands in every developing country, investing resources, building infrastructure projects, and most importantly injecting their population.
60 years from now the entire world is going to be known as new beijing.
China has their hands in every developing country, investing resources, building infrastructure projects, and most importantly injecting their population.
60 years from now the entire world is going to be known as new beijing.
China has their hands in every developing country, investing resources, building infrastructure projects, and most importantly injecting their population.
Fixed it for you60 years from now the entireworldAfrican continent is going to be known as new beijing.
China has their gubby littlehandsclaws in every developing country,investingstealing resources, buildinginfrastructuredept trap projects, and most importantlyinjectingspreading their population like a virus.
?Offtop question.
When in 2014 Russia invade in Crimea after in Donetsk and Luhansk you talk about this?
And some good news indeed: