Excellent and sobering article, not what I want to be reading tbh, although this struck me as rather amusing
Gady however was quick to emphasize that “no Western type of military can really do this sort of combined arms operations at scale, with the exception of the United States. But even the United States Armed Forces would have a very difficult time breaking through these defensive layers because no Western military in the world currently has any experience in breaching the types of defenses in depth that the Russians put up, in the south and east of Ukraine.”
Ahem, the Americans would've established Air Superiority and would then B52 the absolute shit out of the defensive lines, if the Americans got involved and by god I wish they would, they'd make mincemeat out of those cunts, as it stands the West simply needs to keep up the support, if it's going to be a war of attrition then Ukraine will eventually win
The intractability and hand wringing going on in the White House is starting to become the reason this war is being allowed to carry on. Now Putin is once again targeting grain supplies, which could starve millions.
This should be coming to a close right now, and would be were it not for frankly what is now cowardice from the most powerful country on earth. And Putin will take advantage of that cowardice.