I would be really interested to know how much it sold to date. Hoping it's a success, for this kind of niche title. Come on, sales guys, I know you can do it.
Not a whole helluva lot. If you go by the Xbox LIVE users that posted scores, its only like 2,400. Granted not everyone has LIVE, but that should be like at least 1/3 of the market that would buy a game like that.
I thought that was the case. Selling over 180,000 thousand units is not only unbelievable for this type of game, that's pretty damn good for any type of game considering the time that MS3 has been available.
In other news, I actually beat the game. Good gravy was it difficult. I can get through every stage with one life but the last one. The last stage is evil.
In other news, I actually beat the game. Good gravy was it difficult. I can get through every stage with one life but the last one. The last stage is evil.