Naked Snake
you know you can just copy and paste via switching between the apps using multitasking by holding the home button...
Yes I know, and that's how I've always been doing it on my Touchpad running CM9, but I much prefer doing it without completely switching apps (it's faster and less distracting). So far it's also the only practical use I could think of for me to use the multiview feature. I don't get the point of watching a video while doing something else for example (which is by far the most common usage scenario people seem to rave about)... I thought multiview was useless for me until I figured to use it for this, so I'm bummed that it's bugging out.
Another thing I dislike is having to hold the home button to access recent apps. I dislike using physical buttons all together, but then on top of that I have to HOLD IT, ugh. I'm compiling a list of tweaks I'd like to change and being able to access Recent Apps without using the home button is at the top of them.
Or there's custom roms and mods
Yeah I intend to delve into that soon, I'm still getting my footing around, haven't even gotten a case or screen protector yet!
Making webpage backgrounds black is be another coveted feature for me (is that a different browser or a chrome plugin specific for NeoGAF?)