I am desperate for a reason to buy a PS5 Pro, because I like new hardware. But, there just isn't one. My PC does absolutely everything I need - and better, cheaper, easier, and with more flexibility and freedom than a fixed spec, locked down console box.
This is the first time this has happened. There's always been a reason to buy a new piece of hardware until now. Compounding the problem is that Sony's hardware and software is now at a price point that I think is exploitative. I don't want to pay $1200AUD for a console, plus another $200AUD for a drive, plus another $100+AUD (minimum) for their 'subscription', plus $120-150AUD for a game. I just don't want to give them that money.
So, unless Sony pulls a rabbit out of a hat for the PS6, I guess that's where I'm at. All of my gaming money will go into the PC platform, unless Nintendo manages to wow me with the Switch 2, in which case, it'll be a 95%-5% split.
The point is - these numbers do not surprise me in the slightest. I don't think I'm alone in feeling this way.