I also think it is Robert's brother that is in charge of SQ42 development. Right now the bank seems to keep the money coming so there is no reason for them to finish anything. Future promises are still selling.
Is that what he blames the Wing Commander movie on? Not enough time.Yes. In fact recently chris published a letter using cyberpunk as an example of how bad the situation can be if you release an unpolished game so they are going to take the time they need. 2026 here we come
Jokes on you because they will delay it to give it a graphical overall and change the game engine and sell some more digital ships.I remember seeing this game back in 2013 and thinking that the graphics were incredible and my pc wouldn't be able to max it out...
Silly me, by the time the game comes out smartphone games will be prettier
Yeah these delays are a problem. Imagine if Half-life came out in 2001 instead of 1998. Would it still have been impressive?I remember seeing this game back in 2013 and thinking that the graphics were incredible and my pc wouldn't be able to max it out...
Silly me, by the time the game comes out smartphone games will be prettier
I thought the 2951 meant how many PR blurbs they done the past 8 years.Glanced at that wrong and thought the 2951 was the estimated completion date. Probably would have been way to optimistic.
Patch 3.13 is now available
Actually the referral program gives both of you a 25$ ship for a limited timeSo, how much money do I get if I can get 2 others to join? I mean this is clearly a pyramid scheme, isn't it?
I feel always so conflicted about Star Citizen threads.
On one hand people who call it a "fraud" or "a scam" have absolutely no fucking clue of what they are blabbing about,
On the other hand, I'm the first to be more than jaded about the incompetence of the entire production, between one of the most blatant cases of feature creep in the industry, the obsession to want to deliver something that it may not even be technically feasible in the form they promised it and the constant delays.
What's more infuriating is the obscene amount of resourced "invested" (let's say "wasted") in the attempt to achieve the most fancy stuff while still having to nail down some absolute fundamentals.
And of course the "big technological breakthrough" that will finally make the whole thing work is constantly supposed to be few months down the line, except when it arrives it hardly delivers and the promise shift on the next tech. Data streaming, thatobject-container thingy, server mashing, the Vulkan render... There's always something coming that will solve a lot, except it never seems to do it.
you mean the 700+ developers working on this game? idk any fraud sonhow are these people not in jail for fraud?
I agree, I've been following this since its first reveal and i have this admit it's constantly off in the distance with each new big thing promising the world but never does.I feel always so conflicted about Star Citizen threads.
On one hand people who call it a "fraud" or "a scam" have absolutely no fucking clue of what they are blabbing about,
On the other hand, I'm the first to be more than jaded about the incompetence of the entire production, between one of the most blatant cases of feature creep in the industry, the obsession to want to deliver something that it may not even be technically feasible in the form they promised it and the constant delays.
What's more infuriating is the obscene amount of resourced "invested" (let's say "wasted") in the attempt to achieve the most fancy stuff while still having to nail down some absolute fundamentals.
And of course the "big technological breakthrough" that will finally make the whole thing work is constantly supposed to be few months down the line, except when it arrives it hardly delivers and the promise shift on the next tech. Data streaming, thatobject-container thingy, server mashing, the Vulkan render... There's always something coming that will solve a lot, except it never seems to do it.
Feature creep is one of SC's biggest problem if not THE major problem. You're right. Even the community is for the most of it complaining about it. Like they already have SO MANY things to work on and suddenly they reveal useless stuff like "OH WE GOT TROLLEYS NOW WORKING IN THE GAME, COMING TO YOU IN 3.13". Like okay, its a neat small feature you can play around with but on the other hand bigger and much more important features like SALVAGE getting delayed a 100th time (okay, Salvage tier 0 is actually on the roadmap now -again- coming with Patch 3.15 but we will see)I agree, I've been following this since its first reveal and i have this admit it's constantly off in the distance with each new big thing promising the world but never does.
Hey it doesn't bother me one bit what grown ass adults fling their money on but to call it a scam is a bit much when you can clearly see where the money is going and where's it's being spent, this dude is a fucking dreamer and is trying to build the ultimate space world to live inside of and technically it's a fucking dozey of a problem to figure out especially with his constant feature creep
Surely by now there should be a red line in the sand with no additional features to be added or is it simply a case of what's actually there isn't enough of a gameplay loop to keep players engaged for long and everytime they try to add these additional gameplay prolonging features they either break current systems or find out more stuff is needed to get it to work, sounds to me they're in a catch 22 situation and can't figure out how to get out of it.
Anyways I for one hope it works out and they create the game that's been in Roberts head all this time cause it looks fucking incredible
This is what happens when you have a man in charge that has no idea what he is doing. At best, he is an impatient kid in a toy store that wants to buy all the neat stuff but his mom is on a budget.Feature creep is one of SC's biggest problem if not THE major problem. You're right. Even the community is for the most of it complaining about it. Like they already have SO MANY things to work on and suddenly they reveal useless stuff like "OH WE GOT TROLLEYS NOW WORKING IN THE GAME, COMING TO YOU IN 3.13". Like okay, its a neat small feature you can play around with but on the other hand bigger and much more important features like SALVAGE getting delayed a 100th time (okay, Salvage tier 0 is actually on the roadmap now -again- coming with Patch 3.15 but we will see)
It's not really fraud. There's a product there and they are building it. It's more like unlimited ambition with limited leadership. The game will never be "finished"how are these people not in jail for fraud?
Feature creep is one of SC's biggest problem if not THE major problem. You're right. Even the community is for the most of it complaining about it. Like they already have SO MANY things to work on and suddenly they reveal useless stuff like "OH WE GOT TROLLEYS NOW WORKING IN THE GAME, COMING TO YOU IN 3.13". Like okay, its a neat small feature you can play around with but on the other hand bigger and much more important features like SALVAGE getting delayed a 100th time (okay, Salvage tier 0 is actually on the roadmap now -again- coming with Patch 3.15 but we will see)
See you when the game releases!I was not an original backer, but became one soon after the campaing on Kickstarter finished.
I refunded one year post their missed original deadline + slack time, so in 2016, fed up with their nonsense.
They put emphasis on marketing pure and simple. Development was a second priority.
They increased the scope to "yes to everything" and "here's an essay of how this system will work" with zero infrastructure in place, and to this day they have failed to deliver anything close to what was promised.
This is not mere incompetence or mismanagement. It is shady practices on top of that, and driving that, so yes, I do think it has been a scam.
The increased scope was justified by taking a forum poll. For fuck's sake, a forum poll. And people bought it. Not only that, but the same people who think that a forum poll can decide such a major design shift, a fucking forum poll that is not representative even of the members attending the forum, those same people will tell you that they understand how difficult game development is more than you do. Based on zero evidence. Or maybe they watched CIG's laughable youtube series on their progress.
They proceeded to change their TOS (especially the clause about refunds, sell virtual land, make referral contests, miss deadline after deadline for years, and as of late, miss the SQ42 beta deadline (they were nowhere near a beta in 2020) and post a roadmap update for a roadmap, walk back on written promises / design goals, organize annual conventions on a game that does not exist and promising more stuff that have yet to make it into the project, postponed indefinitely, scrapped. Ah, they did implement a few features, yes. So bad that they named them zero-tier and then proceeded to forget all about them.
This project has had red flags since the very start, but yes, it was crowd funded so some good faith was put towards the creator and the team. These days, if you're a backer you've been had. It's that plain for me. You are not getting a finished game, you're not getting anything near what was promised.
I, too, am eagerly waiting for the heat death of the universe.See you when the game releases!
Here is the problem. It is two-foldI agree, I've been following this since its first reveal and i have this admit it's constantly off in the distance with each new big thing promising the world but never does.
Hey it doesn't bother me one bit what grown ass adults fling their money on but to call it a scam is a bit much when you can clearly see where the money is going and where's it's being spent, this dude is a fucking dreamer and is trying to build the ultimate space world to live inside of and technically it's a fucking dozey of a problem to figure out especially with his constant feature creep
Surely by now there should be a red line in the sand with no additional features to be added or is it simply a case of what's actually there isn't enough of a gameplay loop to keep players engaged for long and everytime they try to add these additional gameplay prolonging features they either break current systems or find out more stuff is needed to get it to work, sounds to me they're in a catch 22 situation and can't figure out how to get out of it.
Anyways I for one hope it works out and they create the game that's been in Roberts head all this time cause it looks fucking incredible
i would definitely play a modern AAA space sim, even one of lesser quality. i miss them, just not sure this is one i'd spend time with (really dislike the pay-to-play and production process).I don't understand why space sims are still a dead genre, the success of this botched production and elite dangerous show there's enough demand, the standard space combat games don't even seem that expensive to develop compared to other AAA games.
Here is the problem. It is two-fold
1. The game is its own worst enemy. Hideous management of the development and 'feature creep' have dragged it to hell in the everyday public's eyes. It has been in development for too goddamn long. No one cares. It is just a meme now to poke fun at and use as an example of how to kill potential before it is even realized.
2. This game will never NEVER live up to the time investment the development commanded, and hype the general public is going to give it if it ever nears release. You thought Cyberpunk 2077 was bad, yeesh. If Chris is getting red-ass at the mere thought of people thinking that there isn't enough of a gameplay loop to stay entralled and his only response is
there is a problem. When this game releases no one will care, and the pilgrims that threw, literally thousands of dollars at the game, will be on the sidewalks like Las-Vegas-Smut-Peddlers flicking their cards just saying, "try it out. Give it a chance." All are welcome. /smh
Released eh, yea man keep flicking that card at an uncaring public. Keep throwing that pledge money at em.The only game that gets a proper release is Squadron 42. Star Citizen won't get it since it's already released. They are just going to build the universe while we can play at the same time.
Yeah, no.You thought Cyberpunk 2077 was bad, yeesh. If Chris is getting red-ass at the mere thought of people thinking that there isn't enough of a gameplay loop to stay entralled and his only response is
Own it. Finished it twice. Crashed once on release week. That is with the PC version on launch day running a Radeon rx470 4GB. No power user here. I will stand by my statement when Star Citizen actually wakes the fuck up and releases.Yeah, no.
This is something I can already dismiss.
Even in its current, botched state, Star Citizen is far more closer to offer me something somewhat playable than what I can get out of my copy of CP2077, which I find utterly unplayable and absolutely impossible to enjoy in its current state.
I know there are a bunch of wankers who go around claiming that if you ignore the "old gen versions" CP2077 isn't that bad on PC. I think they are completely delusional.
I genuinely don't give a shit of how much you crashed.Own it. Finished it twice. Crashed once on release week.
Well keep your words on point then neighbor.I genuinely don't give a shit of how much you crashed.
I find it utterly unlikeable from a mechanical standpoint.
Controls are shit, combat is shit, looting and itemization are rotten shit, etc.
The only redeeming qualities of Cyberpunk is that close up dialogues with major NPCs look neat... If lacking in actual options.
I have tons of complaints to make about SC as well, but at least I could go into investing few hours in it with some friends and have a good time... Which I didn't with CP2077.
unplayable and absolutely impossible to enjoy in its current state.
TechCrunch commented "One may very well question the sanity of such a valuation for a company that has not yet shipped an actual product".
I did.Well keep your words on point then neighbor.
Released eh, yea man keep flicking that card at an uncaring public. Keep throwing that pledge money at em.