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Scam Citizen/Squadron 42 News Thread


Playable and not even particularly light on content, but messy and plagued by poor performances in some areas no matter your hardware.

There are moments where you can get almost the feeling of being already playing something amazing... Then the AI craps itself, NPCs start glitching instead of acting properly, servers crash forcing people to reboot, etc, etc.

I've said it before, but my biggest problem with this game is that nothing ever seems to get finished. It typically gets to "works mostly, most of the time" and then attention moves on to the next cool feature. I honestly think that if they locked off the scope at just what exists now and went into "no new features", just get it all working" it would take 5 years+ to get it to the point where it would match even the current standard of (typically buggy) "V1.0" releases.


Playable and not even particularly light on content, but messy and plagued by poor performances in some areas no matter your hardware.

There are moments where you can get almost the feeling of being already playing something amazing... Then the AI craps itself, NPCs start glitching instead of acting properly, servers crash forcing people to reboot, etc, etc.
Thank you baby J
There's a decent amount of praise for Elite Dangerous (which is a game I have enjoyed myself) and talk about how they're doing things the right way while doing a drive-by on Star Citizen in this thread. So just curious how everyone is feeling about Odyssey now that it has launched?

Full disclosure I've purchased it but haven't played it at all. But for $40 it seems like some bullshit:

Between Elite Dangerous, Horizons, and Odyssey now I've spent $130 or so on the game, which is over twice what I've put into Star Citizen.


There's a decent amount of praise for Elite Dangerous (which is a game I have enjoyed myself) and talk about how they're doing things the right way while doing a drive-by on Star Citizen in this thread. So just curious how everyone is feeling about Odyssey now that it has launched?
I have yet to try it but as far as I know their entire community was raging hard because Odyssey is currently in a disastrous state.
I have yet to try it but as far as I know their entire community was raging hard because Odyssey is currently in a disastrous state.
It seems like the technical aspects are pretty dire. Like, it tanks your performance when you're just doing plain old normal Elite/Horizons stuff unless I guess you go back to the old launcher. But it also seems like nobody is that impressed with the on foot gameplay. The FPS element is rudimentary... apparently the science stuff was so hated in the Alpha that they just cut out the science mini-game and are trying to figure out how to build something better in the future. At this point I think I'll just leave it be until it goes through a couple of patch cycles unfortunately.


Gold Member
Rough start for Odyssey ... there's fun to be had but it needs work. Came out 6 months too early. They are paying the reputational price right now. I am confident they will get it together but when will these companies learn to release when ready rather than on a financial schedule?


voted poster of the decade by bots
Do people still think there is actually a chance this will come out? Maybe the thread should be locked so they don't get thier hopes up.

The Lunch Legend

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Do people still think there is actually a chance this will come out? Maybe the thread should be locked so they don't get their hopes up.
lol, does your persistent trolling know no bounds?

At some point, Star Citizen will be picked up / financed by a major studio like Ubisoft, so it will come out in some form or another.
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lol, does your persistent trolling know no bounds?

At some point, Star Citizen will be picked up / financed by a major studio like Ubisoft, so it will come out in some form or another.
No it won't. It's a poisoned chalice.
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lol, does your persistent trolling know no bounds?

At some point, Star Citizen will be picked up / financed by a major studio like Ubisoft, so it will come out in some form or another.

Lol at Ubisoft haha. No leave it were it is right now. I don't think we will ever see a space game like SC or SQ42 so detailed from any other studio. SC can be played, so if people want to play SC go for it. But i think people just need to wait for SQ42 since this game is more for the mass. SC will always be in a continuous development since it is a MMO.
lol, does your persistent trolling know no bounds?

At some point, Star Citizen will be picked up / financed by a major studio like Ubisoft, so it will come out in some form or another.

I get that he was joking...sort of... But that's a bit of a statement. I don't see any major studio picking up this game. The scope is big for even large studios and these companies will crunch numbers to see if there's any sort of return of investment. That is unless.. The dial back the game completely. At the moment the development of this game has become an industry joke and that will deter other studios


voted poster of the decade by bots
lol, does your persistent trolling know no bounds?

At some point, Star Citizen will be picked up / financed by a major studio like Ubisoft, so it will come out in some form or another.

Don't be so sensitive, I'm just being realistic. I'd actually be happy if it came out.


Star Citizen is never going to be "released" like a normal game would - meaning there's not going to be a hard barrier between 'Still in development>Not in development' with the builds they release. It's a live dev environment that's going to continue in perpetuity as long as they have the funding for it. You can already "buy" the game right now and play it, and that's exactly the point because that's their main source of funding. It may not be a scam, but it's a project plagued by shitty upper management turning the game into a feature-creep nightmare.
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No, the game is not released. Let's not play word games, here. Release means that the developer has put out what they consider a feature full, stable game for people to purchase and play.
SC is not that. SQ42 is certainly not that.
Here's how you will know when it's out of public alpha, or pre-alpha: There will be multiple proper reviews for it, and most likely thousands of angry backers admitting that they were scammed.
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No, the game is not released. Let's not play word games, here. Release means that the developer has put out what they consider a feature full, stable game for people to purchase and play.
SC is not that. SQ42 is certainly not that.
Here's how you will know when it's out of public alpha, or pre-alpha: There will be multiple proper reviews for it, and most likely thousands of angry backers admitting that they were scammed.
Laughs in elite dangerous "release"

It's just a word that doesn't mean anything anymore in this day and age of gaas


Oh yes it does. And Elite gets its own share of flack for its flaws. But who is talking about Elite?
SC is not at a release state.
Gaas does not mean access to what the developer themselves call a public pre-alpha.


When Elite announced its "space-legs focused" expansion with Odyssey, many assumed it would steal Star Citizen's launch money, shove it in a locker and make a joke of it.
Bizarrely enough Odyssey's launch was disastrous enough that now the exact opposite is apparently happening. A lot of long-time Elite players started looking around for alternatives and many are picking SC as their premium choice.

I've started noticing it few weeks ago with a couple of random videos of "former Elite players trying Star Citizen for the first time" and (admittedly probably favored by Teh Algorithm feeding more and more content similar to what I watched) I'm seeing it becoming some sort of trend in the community.
For instance this guy I've spotted yesterday is turning his "first experience/comparison with Elite" in a whole series of videos, of which he already released three episodes.

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When Elite announced its "space-legs focused" expansion with Odyssey, many assumed it would steal Star Citizen's launch money, shove it in a locker and make a joke of it.
Bizarrely enough Odyssey's launch was disastrous enough that now the exact opposite is apparently happening. A lot of long-time Elite players started looking around for alternatives and many are picking SC as their premium choice.

I've started noticing it few weeks ago with a couple of random videos of "former Elite players trying Star Citizen for the first time" and (admittedly probably favored by Teh Algorithm feeding more and more content similar to what I watched) I'm seeing it becoming some sort of trend in the community.
For instance this guy I've spotted yesterday is turning his "first experience/comparison with Elite" in a whole series of videos, of which he already released three episodes.

so because Elite had a bad launch, they turned to an unfinished mess?

The space sim genre is weird


so because Elite had a bad launch, they turned to an unfinished mess?

The space sim genre is weird

Eh, they tried the "bad to the point of being a meme" competition and realized that it's probably way better than they thought it would be, yes.


so because Elite had a bad launch, they turned to an unfinished mess?

The space sim genre is weird
alot of people were promised the holy land with ED's update. It wasn't. It was shitty and buggy. Then bigger ED content creators began making content about SC and started to realize that its the superior space sim game now.

Short time later you have thousands of players switching to Star Citizen.


alot of people were promised the holy land with ED's update. It wasn't. It was shitty and buggy. Then bigger ED content creators began making content about SC and started to realize that its the superior space sim game now.

Short time later you have thousands of players switching to Star Citizen.
The big talking point for ED has always been that is a more stable,far less buggy version of star citizen that will get to where SC is “eventually”. It didn’t have the bugs, the random crashes and just general bullshit that SC is known for

one bad release, and now thousands of players are okay with buggy releases, crashes and bullshit that they weren’t before? :messenger_unamused:

I want to see how many people are actually switching?


Elite player here, and I can say that it’s less about switching and more about looking for something else to play for a bit until Frontier unfucks their game. I stopped playing and am in FFXIV again for the interim.

This isn’t anything new, quite frankly. Elite Dangerous Horizons launch was also a buggy mess, but years of fixes made it the relatively stable product it is today. The cycle repeats.

Frontier’s biggest issue is one of trust with the playerbase. They sold an early access title for full retail price and used a lot of smoke and mirrors to push it out. Odyssey will undoubtedly be a decent product in a year, much like Horizons before it.

Star Citizen is a fun distraction and a neat tech demo at the moment. But it’s not a finished game and it is fun to think about future possibilities. Elite players are not doing a permanent mass exodus. Just a lot of folks are taking a break.
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Gold Member
When Elite announced its "space-legs focused" expansion with Odyssey, many assumed it would steal Star Citizen's launch money, shove it in a locker and make a joke of it.
Bizarrely enough Odyssey's launch was disastrous enough that now the exact opposite is apparently happening. A lot of long-time Elite players started looking around for alternatives and many are picking SC as their premium choice.

I've started noticing it few weeks ago with a couple of random videos of "former Elite players trying Star Citizen for the first time" and (admittedly probably favored by Teh Algorithm feeding more and more content similar to what I watched) I'm seeing it becoming some sort of trend in the community.
For instance this guy I've spotted yesterday is turning his "first experience/comparison with Elite" in a whole series of videos, of which he already released three episodes.

Yeah there has been a shift which actually started a few months ago, but yes with a uptick in momentum after Odyssey. I've watched quite a few "red-pilled" streamers having a lot of lasting fun with SC, so I think it's clearly starting to come together.

(I'm an original backer (also an original backer of ED btw, love that game) waiting for the official release before playing)
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SC is just the superior game now and ED people slowly starting to realize that. Even when SC is like no where near where its supposed to be


ah yes...the orison update imprioves graphics...like someone telling me a few weeks back that byt he game this game comeso ut garphics will be outdated lol...game keeps improving as time goes by in order to not get stuck behind shitty last gen garphics. off i go to spend another 1k on the game.
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btw in case some of you want another update on the state of the game (that includes a report on Star Citizen and Squadron 42)

this guy: https://scfocus.org/star-citizen-progress-report-august-2021/

just released his August report

tl;dr: Star Citizen completed feature list is now at roughly 43% completed, this marks a 3% increase since last report.

From 2012 to 2021

So finished product (as long as they done continue to add features -odds not likely) 100% complete by 2030. Sounds like they need to sell some more ships...


The result will be, I'm almost sure, identical.
excepty one you can play rn in development and judge for yourself. The other was just kinda there rebooted multiple times until release and then people played it. Its not eh same at all.


I did my yearly install and test last week and it's still the same shit it always was. It's very pretty but runs like dogshit, on even the best PCs, and is just buggy as hell.

Robert's could have released a new Wing Commander trilogy in the time that this albatross has been in development. The worst part is by the time this game is completed it won't even be all that impressive graphically, which seems to what they spent the majority of their time on.
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