Well, at least that explains why no one unlocked it yet.
That movie better be coming out soon, though.
That movie better be coming out soon, though.
mileS said:Game doesn't run full screen when I'm @ 720p for some reason. Looked it up and it seems only a few people have this problem. I'll try the XBL demo and see if I get the same problem. If I don't i'll probably buy the game again lol
mileS said:same thing for me with the 360 version. hmmm. It can't be for everybody running 720p because I would expect more people bitching about this.
HollywoodHeroes said:I'm getting this too. I'm running at 720p on a VGA connection and its really annoying having massive black borders around the screen. What form of input are you using on 360?
A three month wait isn't that bad I suppose. Of course I might hold off on purchasing the whole game until the DLC is out, too. Without any online co-op, there's not much incentive to play this right away while the community is vibrant.kiryogi said:So apparently last char is DLC and will only be available when the movie comes out for home release. wtf D:
There is a push button code on GameFAQs to do it. I would post it for you but I can't access GameFAQs from here. Enter the code once and it's unlocked forever.Lord Error said:Hmm, how do I get to fight Mr. Chau again? I got him on the map once, after I beat level 4, I lost against him, and now even though I finished the game and replayed level 4, he's not showing up.
Also, how do I unlock the zombie mode? I don't see any extra game mode options on the main menu despite beating the game.
Just pay off your video late fees, and buy extra lives from there. You can buy a total of 9 lives, should be more than enough to beat the end level with ease.
Are you playing in 720p? I'm not getting borders in 1080p.Oli said:Just downloaded the trial. I'm getting a big black border around the screen. Is that just how the game is? Or am I doing something wrong?
burgerdog said:Are you playing in 720p? I'm not getting borders in 1080p.
PepsimanVsJoe said:Anyone else getting this odd pauses during play?
Like the music will stutter, the game will pause for maybe a second, and then everything resumes as normal.
It gets pretty constant in some sections(like stage 3 before the boss-fight). It's starting to annoy the crap out of me. =(
It's pretty good other than that.
360 rev by the way.
Everybody has been saying that. Constantly.kinggroin said:WHY THE FUDGE DID NO ONE SAY THIS IS THE RIVER CITY RANSOM SEQUEL I'VE ALWAYS WANTED!?!?
There's a shop guide over at GameFAQs I believe. Also one at Giantbomb:fernoca said:So loving this game.![]()
Yeah is kinda hard, even when I'm playing on pussy mode or whatever the name is; but darn it's so cool.
Looks amazing (no borders, though I'm at 1080p) only achievements so far are the one about defeating the "first boss" without losing a life and the one of buying every item on a store in one visit.
Currently at Level 5, just starting the second stage. Are there any descriptions of what does each book does?
Xbox or PS3?Tendo said:Tried to get co op working last night. To save progress I made new profiles called Kim, Ramona, and Steve. However, when my pals signed in and we tried to play the game locked up or ran sluggish. If they play as guests it works fine. HelpHow do I get this so my co op buddies can save their progress AND not kill my game?
You're not the first to report something like that. It seems that it is indeed bugged for some peopleAutofokus said:Is the Chaudow trophy bugged? Unlocked every striker and used them, including Nega-Knives and the Chow couple - no trophy. :/
The gameplay gets a lot better once you start upgrading stats and unlocking moves. You'll be able to move faster, recover faster, take less damage, attack enemies on the ground directly, double jump, etc etc.Prophet Steve said:Tried the trial but the game seems to be not suited for me. I don't play a lot of these side scrolling beat em up games but usually like them, but not with this game. Although I love the presentation of the game, I hate the fighting system. It takes forever for you and the enemies to get back up and I can't do many different things. I don't have any strategy during the fighting and keep getting hit or blocked. Also don't know what to do with a enemy when he is laying on the ground, can pick him up but only throwing him away seems to do damage. I want to love this game but how am I supposed to play this?
Regarding the slowness to get up, I believe that's one of the factors of your character's speed stat. Meaning, the longer you play and buy items to increase your character's speed, the quicker they'll get up. The game in general just seems to play better once you've got the larger compliment of moves and stat upgrades to work with.TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:Just got it!
Love it but a couple of things that annoy me:
It takes forever to get up after you get knocked down and the game feels slower than I initially thought. And the game is pretty difficult when you play alone.
Still, it's a really good game.
You'll unlock new moves along the way, including some that allow you to hit enemies while they're on the floor.Prophet Steve said:Tried the trial but the game seems to be not suited for me. I don't play a lot of these side scrolling beat em up games but usually like them, but not with this game. Although I love the presentation of the game, I hate the fighting system. It takes forever for you and the enemies to get back up and I can't do many different things. I don't have any strategy during the fighting and keep getting hit or blocked. Also don't know what to do with a enemy when he is laying on the ground, can pick him up but only throwing him away seems to do damage. I want to love this game but how am I supposed to play this?
If they block your punches, try kicking them.Prophet Steve said:Tried the trial but the game seems to be not suited for me. I don't play a lot of these side scrolling beat em up games but usually like them, but not with this game. Although I love the presentation of the game, I hate the fighting system. It takes forever for you and the enemies to get back up and I can't do many different things. I don't have any strategy during the fighting and keep getting hit or blocked. Also don't know what to do with a enemy when he is laying on the ground, can pick him up but only throwing him away seems to do damage. I want to love this game but how am I supposed to play this?
Prophet Steve said:Tried the trial but the game seems to be not suited for me. I don't play a lot of these side scrolling beat em up games but usually like them, but not with this game. Although I love the presentation of the game, I hate the fighting system. It takes forever for you and the enemies to get back up and I can't do many different things. I don't have any strategy during the fighting and keep getting hit or blocked. Also don't know what to do with a enemy when he is laying on the ground, can pick him up but only throwing him away seems to do damage. I want to love this game but how am I supposed to play this?
You don't like chiptunes? Because that's the entire soundtrack.LocoMrPollock said:Is there any way to make the sound not sound like complete shit? I like the graphics and the game, but the fucking sound is killing it for me.
XiaNaphryz said:You don't like chiptunes? Because that's the entire soundtrack.