Prophet Steve
Thank you guys for saying that combat will get better after the trial. But I only have 1760 points or something so I think I'll buy Limbo.
Host Samurai said:I wonder whats next for the developers of this title. They seem to have a passion of retro games and would love to see they create another titles with great sprites and art again....maybe a platformer or a 2d Zelda clone.
The game is only 800. So you can buy this, Splosion Man if you don't have it; enjoy some awesome 2D-like gaming and use the remaining points in a premium theme of avatar stuff.Prophet Steve said:Thank you guys for saying that combat will get better after the trial. But I only have 1760 points or something so I think I'll buy Limbo.
Vamphuntr said:Does the XBLA version have online co-op?
acidspunk said:Nope. Only local.
PS3MNC said:Xbox or PS3?
Brettison said:This is gonna sound dumb but whatever.
So I just started playing on the 360, but I'm not sure how to use items you buy to go?
I'm in the 1st level, and went into the coffee shop. I got an item to go just like in RCR, but I'm not sure how to use the item now? I see the little icon when I press start, but no clue where to go to actually drink my expresso?
Pai Pai Master said:It's easy to miss but when you buy an item to go it shows up as a Snack near your health. The next time you "die," it'll use the snack automatically to revive you.
Espresso to go, I'm not sure how it works. It'll either make you hyper on your next life or not work at all.
What were you expecting?Barry Lightning said:wow this game is soooooo not fun...huge disappointment
It's also a bit clunky at first until you start unlocking a couple moves and level up your stats a bit.fernoca said:What were you expecting?
Is supposed to be and play like a mix of River City Ransom and a few arcade games like The Simpsons and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Yeah. but one thing is that (which is more related to difficulty) and another is saying that is a huge dissapointment (which is related to expectations).XiaNaphryz said:It's also a bit clunky at first until you start unlocking a couple moves and level up your stats a bit.
enzo_gt said:How much better does the combat get after the trial? Seemed, clunky. Even for RCR clone. I also thought the difficulty was hard as fuck solo in the trial with all the pauses and weird moments where my attacks wouldn't register (XBLA version) even though I'm standing next to the guy and he isn't blocking. Does the difficulty at least become fair later on? Or is it much more manageable in coop?
Frankly I am in love with Scott Pilgrim but buying a game that will continually punish me is kind of a turn off. Got the points waiting and everything.
Technically the combat gets better, as you get better. Since the game relies on leveling up the character, learning new moves and picking/using items it depends.enzo_gt said:How much better does the combat get after the trial? Seemed, clunky. Even for RCR clone. I also thought the difficulty was hard as fuck solo in the trial with all the pauses and weird moments where my attacks wouldn't register (XBLA version) even though I'm standing next to the guy and he isn't blocking. Does the difficulty at least become fair later on? Or is it much more manageable in coop?
Frankly I am in love with Scott Pilgrim but buying a game that will continually punish me is kind of a turn off. Got the points waiting and everything.
Neither the PS3 nor the 360 version have drop in/out.enzo_gt said:Does the XBLA version have drop in/drop out? Or at least can I start a game with 2 of my friends, level up, quit, and get back into the game with us all on the same level? How much replayability is there exactly? Do the codes disable achievements? A lot of them sound really cool. Is Lisa in the game?
/paranoid about spending mspts after downloading some really shitty xbla games.
And yeah that press B to counter didn't work well in actual situations in the trial.
enzo_gt said:Does the XBLA version have drop in/drop out? No Or at least can I start a game with 2 of my friends, level up, quit, and get back into the game with us all on the same level? Not sure what you mean, but I think yes How much replayability is there exactly? Not a lot of replayablility in the levels unless you want to fight the bosses again but there are leaderboards Do the codes disable achievements? no A lot of them sound really cool. Is Lisa in the game? no
/paranoid about spending mspts after downloading some really shitty xbla games.
And yeah that press B to counter didn't work well in actual situations in the trial.
i really had no expectations aside from what the screenahots relayed to me. that being (as someone mentioned) an updated river city ransome style brawler.fernoca said:Yeah. but one thing is that (which is more related to difficulty) and another is saying that is a huge dissapointment (which is related to expectations).
But he didn't said why it was a dissapointment; which is why I asked.
Yeah. Make sure you're back on the map, before turning it off.enzo_gt said:Thanks for the replies, guys. What I meant was, If I start a coop game with my 2 friends on their profiles, and say we get to the third evil ex, but I have to turn the xbox off. When I turn it back on, will all out characters be leveled (obviously on their respective profiles) up to and will we be able to continue from where we left off?
Odd question I know, sorry.
Oh jeez this is castle crashers all over again :lol I don't know if that's a good sign or a bad one :lol :lolfernoca said:Yeah. Make sure you're back on the map, before turning it off.![]()
Damn! I gotta turn on the XBOX to see what's up nowfernoca said:Yeah. Make sure you're back on the map, before turning it off.![]()
I dunno... never say never. I'd be surprised if there wasn't some sort of followup depending on sales... It needn't be Scott Pilgrim licensed (but it might be nice to see more Paul Robertson art/Anamanaguchi music)ICallItFutile said:It's Ubisoft Montreal. It's a licensed game and that's it.
PepsimanVsJoe said:Well to be fair River City Ransom didn't have grabs either.
Giard said:Just bought this on a whim.
The game keeps having these freezing issues; it happens like once every 20 seconds or so, the game and sound freezes for a half second then everything is back to normal. My g/f thinks they might be intentional, to emulate "old game glitches", but goddamn is it annoying.
Anybody else having these "issues"? Are they issues at all?
S1kkZ said:is the official game soundtrack missing some tracks? i cant find the track from the second stage on the soundtrack and there seems to be more missing.![]()
S1kkZ said:is the official game soundtrack missing some tracks? i cant find the track from the second stage on the soundtrack and there seems to be more missing.![]()
Wow the soundtrack is amazing, shame I can't afford any points until next weekmileS said:Track 23 "Just Like in the Movies" is the second stage.
Publisher =/= developer. The main people on the project weren't internal at Ubisoft.ICallItFutile said:It's Ubisoft Montreal. It's a licensed game and that's it.HostSamurai said:I wonder whats next for the developers of this title. They seem to have a passion of retro games and would love to see they create another titles with great sprites and art again....maybe a platformer or a 2d Zelda clone.
The ability to level up for $4.95.mujun said:This is going to be in my top 5 games for the year for sure. I love pretty much everything about it. The levelling/character powering stuff is done so well. Absolutely love being able to beast after buying some of the 100+ dollar stuff.
What does paying off late fees get you btw?