Speaking of which, do we have a Master System thread? It needs some love!
Clockwise. It matches the logos that appear right next to them in most of the cases, and just looks better.
Clockwise said:
Counter-clockwise said:
Clockwise. Feels easier(?) to pop it out and plug it in.
Best thing to come out of the Ultimate Genesis collection?
Wish I had that record, haha
Best thing to come out of the Ultimate Genesis collection?
Wish I had that record, haha
Best thing to come out of the Ultimate Genesis collection?
Wish I had that record, haha
i have it! aussie buddy of mine sent it my way, unfortunately the vinyl cracked =/
no idea if it can be restored but it sure looks neat in the meantime!
^fuckin props! i never could do that with tails fucking the last one up for me, you must've been crazy patient & lucky, haha
you could just play without tails
I've never done it with Tails. First thing I do is turn him off.
Finally did it, and legit too! Those final special stages are nuts...especially with Tails diving face first into bombs.
Man...back when Super Sonic was an actual reward as well as a plot device.
Man, Popful Mail is a cool game, but some of these bosses are bullshit.
More than anything it's frustrating how you can't skip the dialog after reloading your save. =/
I could deal with every other boss. But this guy... This guy.
I could deal with every other boss. But this guy... This guy.
Wht would ever wanna skip dialouge like that?! Also, i still havent started this game yet, got to get through Lunar first
Man, Popful Mail is a cool game, but some of these bosses are bullshit.
More than anything it's frustrating how you can't skip the dialog after reloading your save. =/
Both games are great, but I personally like Revenge more.Just bought the Alex Kidd & Co. from xbla. I mainly wanted it for Super Hang-On and The Revenge of Shinobi.
Still trying to get the hang of Super Hang-On but I really like Shinobi. Can't decide if I like it more than Shinobi III tho.
I blame it all on Working Designs. Did they tinker with the difficulty in this game as well as add their usual soul-cringing dialogue? Probably.
edit: looked it up. They sure did.
I actually like the dialogue here. =(
I actually like the dialogue here. =(
well, it's settled. everyone but Mzo's appreciates WD localization & adding zany dialogue to mostly boring NPC's.
Keio Flying Squadron is waaaay cheaper for the JP version. Average game at best tho.I'm finalizing a shopping list for Japan-only games and wanted to ask what you guys think the best picks are for Mega Drive (and Mega CD and Saturn and Dreamcast). Games with significant regional differences or significantly lower prices in Japan are also welcome.
I've already got Puyo Puyo 2, Alien Soldier, and Yu Yu Hakusho. Monster World IV and Bare Knuckle III are on the list. Battle Mania 2, Pulseman, and Rockman are too much for me to bother with at the moment. Battle Golfer Yui and/or Cutie Suzuki Ringside Angel will be tossed in for cheap laughs if I have enough leftover in the deposit to cover it.
I'm going through a courier service for Yahoo JP Auctions (unless I happen across anything for significantly less on eBay), so I want to try and knock out as many items as possible in one order to save on shipping.
Finally did it, and legit too! Those final special stages are nuts...especially with Tails diving face first into bombs.
Man...back when Super Sonic was an actual reward as well as a plot device.
Especially when you accidentally jump with more than 50 rings after clearing the stage, triggering Super Sonic at the wrong time, causing the game to bug out and leave you with a walking-in-mid-air Sonic by the end panel, effectively soft-locking the game.It's probably only because I lived and breathed Sonic circa 1992, but I can still do those special stages with relative ease, with or without Tails.
Super Sonic ruins the game anyway.
Especially when you accidentally jump with more than 50 rings after clearing the stage, triggering Super Sonic at the wrong time, causing the game to bug out and leave you with a walking-in-mid-air Sonic by the end panel, effectively soft-locking the game.
Probably because Sonic doesn't have coins :VI'm more surprised that no one related to being stuck at the bottom of a spike pit in mystic caves till you ran out of coins. Just waiting there with no way out.
Probably because Sonic doesn't have coins :V
well, it's settled. everyone but Mzo's appreciates WD localization & adding zany dialogue to mostly boring NPC's.
Ugh, they're the worst.
You guys can all jerk off around your Star Search, Price is Right and Bill Clinton references.
Every time somebody refers to rings as "coins", I die a little inside.
I haven't played many WD efforts, but they sure as hell ruined Silhouette Mirage.
Keio Flying Squadron is waaaay cheaper for the JP version. Average game at best tho.
Ugh, they're the worst.
You guys can all jerk off around your Star Search, Price is Right and Bill Clinton references.
Every time I hear the "picked up a ring" sound emanating from a gas-station cash register and am fairly certain no one knows where that sound effect is from makes me feel that way.
Especially when you accidentally jump with more than 50 rings after clearing the stage, triggering Super Sonic at the wrong time, causing the game to bug out and leave you with a walking-in-mid-air Sonic by the end panel, effectively soft-locking the game.
I love what they did with that pit in the mobile remakes, though.
is it? hmm...ive had the region stuff explained to me for Sega-CD several times and i never quite get it.
That's just Debug Mode; the score gets replaced with your coordinates (in hex) and the time gives information on how many sprites are on screen, IIRC. You can't die from being hit by enemies or spikes in Debug Mode, although they can still put you in your pain state.This reminds me, is there such a glitch where you can get Sonic to bounce forever back and forward off spikes? The game also has glitched out time and score if I remember right.
That'd ruin the surprise!What did they do?