won Ristar (in honor of Teknoman!)
Great choice with summer coming up. Dat planet undertow/freon bgm.
won Ristar (in honor of Teknoman!)
Please break down your setup for someone who wants to get into SCART.
I'd also like to suggest that SCART/Component info and solutions be added to the OP. It seems to be a rather large topic in many of these retro threads, but the info is just scattered about and it's never clear exactly who is using what console from what region with which cable...
Please break down your setup for someone who wants to get into SCART.
Has Sega released an epic single player phantasy star game since IV?
I haven't played it but I recall Phantasy Star 0 having a traditional story mode.
Has Sega released an epic single player phantasy star game since IV?
Any shining force game in the style of 1-3 for the ps2 gen and this gen?
Does anyone know much about the homebrew scene for the Genesis? Is there a good resource for it at all or how to get involved in that and maybe repros for noobs?
He's one of the nicest persons you'll ever meet, and I'm sure that he lurks here from time to time. He's a dad and a college professor, so I guess he really has his hands full all the time (and the rest of the time he dedicates to finishing up classic 8-bit games!).Melf seemed like a cool guy whenever I saw him posting on TNL. Had some good talks with him about Batman and Robin and Contra: HC. Surprised he hasn't found his way here...
Melf seemed like a cool guy whenever I saw him posting on TNL. Had some good talks with him about Batman and Robin and Contra: HC. Surprised he hasn't found his way here...
I was a Sega-16 staff writer and moderator for four or five years through high school.
whoah, really? that's awesome man! i've been digging through their site since i came across some interviews last year, which i'dve gotten into it sooner. after getting my ZAMN review put up on SegaBits i was debating doing more retro reviews, thought it'd be fun to see what games they were lacking over there sometime too
I do disagree with some of their reviews, though. I actually like Asterix and the Great Rescue and Goofy's Hysterical History Tour, despite their poor ratings on Sega-16.
Genesis' limited color palette in actionalso, while it's cool to have the arcade intro back in SF II: Special Champion Turbo whatever, anyone else notice that instead of a white guy punching a black dude, it's two white guys fighting? gotta wonder what kinda PC decision that was
HNNNGGHHH dyin over here waiting on my XRGB, got these SCART RGB's just sittin here
...so how does one prepare for such an arrival? by testing out/playing Genesis games on a 50" plasma over composite, of course!
haha man i should've taken pics; Comix Zone is a fuckin' tragedy, Cap & the Avengers looks like a decent 8-bit game. Hyperstone Heist looks...honestly, that's a good looking game, even composhit couldn't fuck it up too bad. Ranger X is a blast but man those controls take some getting used to!
Battletoads...wow i forgot how small those sprites were, after playing a lot've SENS battlemaniacs it's weird going back, but i guess this is pretty much how the NES one looked, i forget
also, while it's cool to have the arcade intro back in SF II: Special Champion Turbo whatever, anyone else notice that instead of a white guy punching a black dude, it's two white guys fighting? gotta wonder what kinda PC decision that was
ps so right after saying i was done buying games, i catch Vectorman 1 & 2 for $9. i swear, sometimes late at night i just bid on something no one else is & see what happens, every now and again you win shit pretty cheap that way
Cheers man.. i hope you enjoy retro perfection!OMG THE XRGB IS HERE OMG
so of course i gotta go watch iron man 3 now, haha...here's to later tonight! love for bocodragons for helping push me along
Did anyone here play back to the future 3? The game was crap but I had it because they were giving it away along with sonic 2 when I bought it. Definitely one of the hardest games I ever beat.
http://segaretro.org/Bishoujo_Senshi_Sailor_Moon#Mega_Drive_VerisonI don't suppose anyone here could help me get a high-resolution scan of the cover slip art for the Mega Drive version of Sailor Moon, could they?
I'd buy one if I could find it for really cheap. Then again, im not sure what i'd play on it aside from Vay(?) and Android Assault. Already have PS1 Lunar 1 and Sonic CD on XBLA and iOS.