Oh yeah, forgot Sol-Feace, I did enjoy that one. That was another one with great music. Rebel Assault, I remember waiting what seemed like forever for that to come out. It was OK, but I remember being mostly disappointed with it.
Rebel Assault isn't the greatest game, but I have very strong nostalgia value for it... the PC version of that game was the first CD-based game I played, after we got our first computer with a CD drive in early 1995, so I played the game then. It definitely helps, because yeah, the game has issues. It's probbaly the worst game in that "honorable mentions" list. Even so though, I did enjoy playing through the Sega CD version when I bought it in '07 or so, so I thought it was worth putting on the list... but yeah, only buy if you played it before and like Star Wars. Otherwise, it's just an okay, somewhat disjointed action game, which tries a bunch of different action game styles (rail shooter, turret target shooter, light-gun style shooter on the ground with a dodge button, etc.), but isn't great at any of them. Fun game though even so. A bit disappointing compared to what it could have been, but it is fun.
The Sega CD version is the worst port, though. Graphically actually it looks very similar to the PC version (or maybe vice versa...), but on PC there's one more level (a second light-gun-style stage) and you can play as a female pilot if you wish instead of just male. There's also a 3DO version I've never played that looks like it might have improved visuals.
Also of course there's the sequel, for PC and PS1. I've never played the PS1 port, but on PC it's alright. It's like the first game, but it's a bit more focused and refined the second time, and of course it has new live-action-video cutscenes, not just a few movie clips and drawings for the rest of it like the first game has. I thought the second one was okay, but actually enjoyed the first more... it's a very simplistic game, again, and they didn't add any more depth to it in the second game. Also, by the time I played Rebel Assault 2 I'd tried TIE Fighter, and that's so much more of a game. Rebel Assault 2 was okay, but it's not as memorable. Like, I can still remember many of the cutscenes and voice clips in Rebel Assault 1... it's classic stuff, I think. The game has that great (for CD games from that period) balance of somewhat cheesy but entertaining voice acting, and the script isn't so large as to be annoying, either. The second game has video, lots more cutscenes (two CD game...), somewhat better acting and it's all video instead of drawings, but the end results aren't really better... it's not much worse, but it's not nearly as memorable. At least, it wasn't for me. But Rebel Assault 1 was one of my first CD games, along with Day of the Tentacle and Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, while I got RA2 at the same time as TIE Fighter. Yeah, it's hard to focus on that one when I also had one of the best games ever to play through.
Another game that was kind of cool was Wolfchild.
I only have the Genesis version... it's alright, but not great. I do want the Sega CD version, though; the Genesis port has no cutscenes at all. It'd be nice to have a bit of story in the game.
As for live action, of the ones I played, I guess my favorite was Tomcat Alley. Horrible acting of course, but the game was kind of fun. The two worst ones I played, Sewer Shark and Loadstar.
I liked Loadstar, as I said... it's like a better version of Sewer Shark. Sewer Shark's not that great, but Loadstar's a bit more fun. It has similar gameplay, absolutely insane difficulty, but it has some pretty good video quality, an okay story, and decent, if incredibly confusing, gameplay. Loadstar also does save your progress, if you ever manage to complete the levels that is. The game does have a serious flaw in that the levels are gigantic, unbelievably confusing, all-identical mazes which you have strict time limits to work your way through -- and yes, it's a maybe game-killing flaw, as even just finishing the first of the four levels is a very serious challenge -- but even if I don't get through level 1, it's a fun game to ride around in... I only wish that the game actually told you which way to go in order to reach your destination. The few clues you get aren't nearly enough, and there's no map, tragically. Still though, the game looks nice, and plays alright, as long as you don't care about getting anywhere.
As for Tomcat Alley, though, I kind of hate that game. It'd probably be second on my list of worst, right after Supreme Warrior. Tomcat Alley has good video quality, but the "gameplay" is the worst... the game may look like a flight combat action or sim game or something, but it's just a "move the cursor over the correct button (or guess which one is right, it's not always clear) and click it at the correct time or you die" game. Zero fun is involved. At least Midnight Raiders, which is also a bad game, has some it's-so-bad-it's-good value, for the super-cheesy acting and basic, if excessively difficult past the first level, gameplay... for those who don't know, in Midnight Raiders, it's a lightgun-style game, but with the gamepad only. You move a cursor around and shoot at things. In level 1, you're in a helicopter. You have two fire buttons, one for ground targets and one for air. Press the right button for each type, and watch the recycled videos. You get three lives in this level. Once you beat it, you go to level 2, where you land in the enemy facility, and shoot people on foot. You get ONE life here -- die and you start the ENTIRE GAME OVER FROM THE START. Yeah, the game has no saving (a flaw some other FMV games like Tomcat Alley and Wirehead also share), and no continues at that point either, I don't think. It's absolutely insane. I've never gotten past it, but apparently there is a third level after that, and then the game ends. But even so, I'd much, much rather play it than "play" Tomcat Alley.