undeniably, there was hype about finally getting a CV game on a sega system
if you don't count master of darkness haha, but "half the game" only in length!
the world tour of stages provided for some cool environments,
the soundtrack is still some of the better examples of genesis' sound, and while IV did some cool things with rotating levels, bloodlines was no slouch in switching it up as well.
level design was good and i recall having multiple paths, bosses were memorable...admittedly the game gets forgotten around here in CV discussions too often but it's a solid entry in the series, i wanna say it's every bit as good as i remember Dracula X at the least. what exactly do you think it needs defense from? it's a great game.
Bloodlines has several serious problems.
First, the graphics and sound aren't as good as the SNES or TGCD games. I guess it's okay looking and sounding for the Genesis, but the system can do better -- look at Rocket Knight Adventures or Contra Hard Corps for example, both have better graphics, and as good or better music, too. Bloodlines doesn't look like anything special, really; the graphics are average at best. As for the music, it's nowhere near as good as Super Castlevania IV; I know some of that is probably hardware limitations, but I can't help but compare them, and Bloodlines comes up very seriously lacking.
Second, the game has Konami Genesis game level design, which means that the game has too few levels which are too long. TMNT: The Hyperstone Heist (a very seriously mediocre game, for a Turtles beat 'em up), Sunset Riders (another major disappointment), Bloodlines, and some other Konami games are like this. RKA is too, really. All of those games have a relatively small number of fairly long levels. It's a balance which sometimes works (RKA), but more often isn't as fun as the shorter levels in the SNES games in those franchises. This design decision means that if you die in Bloodlines and it's game over, you go back a LONG way. It can be frustrating.
Third, in Bloodlines, the above issue is compounded almost to game-breaking status when you remember that it's the one and only Castlevania game ever that has limited continues... and the continues are saved in your password! This is just a ludicrous design decision. Yes, I know Genesis games are often hard, more so than SNES games, but that kind of horribly cruel design is not okay, This decision makes the game more frustrating than it's worth, a lot of the time.
And last, the game has two playable characters. That may sound good, but it's not. One of the characters can attack diagonally while on the ground, but can't attack diagonally in the air, while the other can attack diagonally while in the air, but not on the ground. It's an absurdly cruel joke, like the programmers saying "hey, remember how great Super Castlevania IV's whip controls were? Well, here's half of that, have fun being frustrated at how much worse the controls are here than SCIV!" Ugh!
I think my only real issue with Bloodlines is the limited continues - and that the password save how many continues you have. Otherwise, it's quite fun.
That's only one of its major flaws.
Blows my mind everytime I hear that. PC engine was nuts. I need to hit the PC engine thread to ask some questions lol.
Well, the TG16 has an 8-bit CPU, but I think the graphics chip is 16-bit...