When it keeps asking you to reset your clock it means it's dead.Yep, super easy. There's no way to check if your battery is almost dead is there? I back most things up to the AR cart but losing all internal data would nonetheless be irritating.
When it keeps asking you to reset your clock it means it's dead.Yep, super easy. There's no way to check if your battery is almost dead is there? I back most things up to the AR cart but losing all internal data would nonetheless be irritating.
When it keeps asking you to reset your clock it means it's dead.
Ok, so I've been on a several week long journey of figuring out what's wrong with my modded Saturn, and have yet to figure it out. If anyone has any ideas it would be super super appreciated...I'm absolutely lost at this point.
I bought multiple brands of CD-R's, even bought a new burner that supposedly is great for Saturn discs. Yet I still can't get consistent results from discs. At the same time, discs I burned years ago still work perfectly...legit discs work as well.
Should I replace my Saturn lens? Or readjust the POT? Or get a new mod chip? This is crazy frustrating :/
Are you using Alcohol 120%? I can't get anything to work with my saturn without using that in windows xp compatibility mode with RAW DAO burning on my DVD drive from 2004.
You should be able to just choose it in Alcohol120%. I usually set it to 4x. I don't use Imgburn I'm afraid.Well Imgburn is showing my lowest supported write speed as 16x for the Liteon drive that is supposedly great for burning Saturn discs. My BD drive supports burns at 8x I believe, but that didn't work either. I've tried so many different speeds but no consistent results on any discs.
Are you able to force a 2x or 4x speed even if it doesn't show for the supported speeds?
System language already is English last I'd checked, so no difference there. Must be based on the console's hardwired region.
I expect that still will have Japanese text, of course, but if you only have a Japanese Saturn...guess so
time to cop a cheap Deka and play on my NA system lol
That's awful, that's why I rather have Die Hard Arcade despite how pricey it is.
That's going to be annoying as fuck for me to record since I hate both interlacing and res switching, res switching messes up in AmaRec TV. Also Fighters Megamix was 240p in menus and 480i during gameplay, I would know as I did recordings on it and a playthrough on youtube and it's interlaced during gameplay.It seems to run at a pseudo-480i/240p mixture, honestly, similar to Fighters Megamix - except where FMM had 240p gameplay but a 480i HUD, the 480i elements in DHA seem to include its shadows and such, while the other 3D elements look more 240p.
Interlacing isn't too bad, though, since the game runs at 30FPS for the most part (the helicopter bit of the attract is 60FPS, but it's 240p).
I don't know if this has been asked already, but... Any of you guys ever played PAL games on an NTSC console equipped with the Action Replay Plus?
I ask because I'd really like to try Duke Nukem 3D and Quake for the Saturn, but I can't find complete and reasonably priced NTSC-U copies, so I was wondering if their PAL versions are fine too, and - assuming they are - if it's safe to play them on my Japanese Saturn (safe, as in... Without major/game-breaking glitches, basically).
I don't know if this has been asked already, but... Any of you guys ever played PAL games on an NTSC console equipped with the Action Replay Plus?
I ask because I'd really like to try Duke Nukem 3D and Quake for the Saturn, but I can't find complete and reasonably priced NTSC-U copies, so I was wondering if their PAL versions are fine too, and - assuming they are - if it's safe to play them on my Japanese Saturn (safe, as in... Without major/game-breaking glitches, basically).
Got these gems in the mail yesterday. Also have Prikura Daisakusen coming soon too!
Does that say Bulk Slash?
The Saturn is the only system I regret never owning.
Got these gems in the mail yesterday. Also have Prikura Daisakusen coming soon too!
Bulk Slash!
I love the 2D artwork on Princess Crown. I wasn't too fond of Prikura Daisakusen though but grats on the buys.
That's what I'm doing right now!I'm trying to get more Saturn games before the prices explode.
I'm trying to get more Saturn games before the prices explode.
some of those games will be PAL optimized so they might not display properly on NTSC machine... I know one of those games is Guardian Heroes. I think there was a list floating around somewhere on the web. I'll try and look for it later unless someone beats me to it.
You're out of luck, they're both PAL-optimised. They may run faster than intended and/or have the top and bottom parts of the image outside of the screen.
Got these gems in the mail yesterday. Also have Prikura Daisakusen coming soon too!
i feel like we're a few years later on that =/
even some japanese stuff i wanted shot up, it's tricky finding deals! there's a guy right now on gamegavel with a bunch of (mostly common) imports for cheap, though...was debating lode runner!
Other than your Chun-Li figure, there's something else I'd steal from this picture, and that's Princess Crown.![]()
Always loved the artstyle and visuals, but never actually got the chance to even try it. Is there any major language barrier to be aware of, preventing to fully enjoy the experience with the game?
It means you'll have to buy a disc burner that actually supports lower burn speeds. Modern burners don't, for some reason. (Cheaper? I dunno.)
Like, that's not a software issue, that's a hardware issue.
I've been burning lots of TDK discs on Imgburn on 8x speed for Saturn and PS1 and only had a few failures. Had no need to go lower than that.
4x is probably the safest(definitely for Dreamcast)!
yeah, i don't think i tend to go faster than 4-8x, i wanna say?