I like Alpha 2 more than 3 for the soundtrack alone.
yup the soundtrack to 3 is forgettable and has no charm while I feel that 2 it just feels more fun to look and play.
gonna hit up some SFA2 OST for Guy, Sodom and Sakura
I like Alpha 2 more than 3 for the soundtrack alone.
Well, I wasn't asking about region modchips, but thinking about it, the type of modchip Khaz was talking about is soooorta against GAF TOS, so it's probably in the best interest of all involved if we just shrug it off as "yeah, guess it's gone for good, oh well".
Is there a way to fix a Saturn controller? A pal on another board was generous enough to gift me a Saturn but the connection where you plug in the controller (on the controller itself, not the console) is loose/broken on the controller so it doesn't work.
Also I dont have any games to test the console but I put an audio cd inside and it reads it.
I like being able to save to my cart, thanks.You should look into Pseudo Saturn then. You just need to do a disc swap the first time to install it, and then can be used to start burnt copies of Saturn software.
Do you know what's broken exactly? Both Player 1 and Player 2 can control the music player. Do you have other controllers to test?
Are there any major differences between the US version and Japanese version of Sega Rally? Sega Retro isn't working for me at the moment.
The Saturn version was converted by Sega of Japan's CS Team, under guidance from Sega AM3. The differences in architecture mean the game was almost completely remade for Saturn hardware[6]There are minor differences between regions - generally the US version has fewer graphical details than its Japanese and European counterparts, and its replay mode has fewer camera angles[7]. All versions are compatible with the Arcade Racer Joystick.
Are there any major differences between the US version and Japanese version of Sega Rally? Sega Retro isn't working for me at the moment.
Panzer Dragoon Remake/HD confirmed. The people have spoken.
There already is a remake on PS2.
Little button. Bottom right.
lol not everyone has a big ass screen, your text is tiny man![]()
Whelp, time to get the Japanese version, I don't plan on getting a PAL version at all!
well ive joined the saturn club picked up a model 1 boxed in good condition for £50 (well traded some old 360 games in so only paid £7) and sega rally gonna get a RGB scart next and hopefully pick up Nights into dreams and Christmas nights is there any other must haves for the saturn accessory wise?
Throw out that model 1 controller and pick up a model 2 controller.
You want the Nights controller for Nights gameplay.
Also a Memory cart for when the internal memory will fail you.
An action replay / Pseudo Saturn for exotic gaming.
am i right in thinking the action replay will allow me to play imports without needing to swap discs?
Anyone here play Dungeons and Dragons for the Saturn? How's the language barrier at all? Looks like a pretty decent game.
There are menus with branching paths in the game to choose where you wanna go and they're untranslated.
Game's fun, but the version on Steam, PSN, XBLA, and eShop is a better buy IMO. Especially when you consider how much the Saturn version costs, the long load times despite being a 4M RAM expansion game, and the complete lack of 3P and 4P support.
Well, why would you want a remake of the original, when you can get a HD remake of Panzer DragoonThats not HD and it was only released in JP. Doesn't count.
Well, why would you want a remake of the original, when you can get a HD remake of Panzer Dragooninstead?Mini
Yes.Jesus. Street Fighter Zero 3 for Saturn is pretty crazy expensive. I realize it's probably the best-looking version, possibly better than Dreamcast, NAOMI and PS2 ports.
Is the Saturn version that rare?
This BIN prices are stupid. Auctions are selling lower.Still expensive tho
I've had my copy for what seems like 10+ years. I thought it was expensive back then.. but then I got mine still brand new unopened. The ebay seller was based in Hong Kong and even though I paid for EMS shipping to UK I didn't receive it till after waiting near enough a month and I had reported it to ebay and the seller said he forgot to post it.......But when it arrived I was pissed because it was in a jiffy bag and one of the edges had gotten damaged in the post so I gave some negative feedback about it. Looking at those prices I don't think anyone has a clue on what to price it as.....
I heard that has the most features out of all the versions!I payed $15 for Alpha 3 on the PSP which is a decent port.
Possibly, it's the only one I have ever played outside of the Arcade version.I heard that has the most features out of all the versions!
Just watched Kim Justice's video on the Saturn and I actually just realised the irony that Sega of Japan finally got their desire of beating Nintendo in Japan with the Saturn, at the cost of basically destroying themselves everywhere else, lol.
I don't see how a partnership like that would have worked in the '90s.Nintendo and Sega should have cooperated on a console, now THAT would have been amazing!