Less punishing than the other 2 games on the comp as well. Probably the only one I have a chance of 1CCing lol.
My first 1CC was Castle Shikigami 2. Quite proud of that.
Less punishing than the other 2 games on the comp as well. Probably the only one I have a chance of 1CCing lol.
My first 1CC was Castle Shikigami 2. Quite proud of that.
Awesome game.
Battles are interesting, although I'm kinda clueless at times. Like, I'm not 100% sure what the various tactics really do. If I chose Offensive formation, that leaves me with some units hovering around my general to defend them; all fine and dandy, except I was in a situation where the enemy general (Hikkis, I think?) had taken out all the units that ran over to attack him, and since all of HIS units were dead, we were kind of at a standstill. I think I got him to retreat when I sent a Sonic Boom his way, but man, that was awkward.
Still, I've spent an hour on it so far. This could grow on me once I'm surer of what the hell I'm doing.
so, Burning Rangers...that first level, it's hard knowing you need to keep going higher unless Chris tells you so sometimes, once you get used to it & the damn camera it's pretty dope
after that cutscene following the level 1 boss i'm guessing Naka & crew were Eva fans at the time
So, Dragon Force.
Well, okay, that's not ENTIRELY true, since that LP cj_iwakura had over on Penny Arcade was a decent primer on how the basic gameplay works, but nevertheless I'm always kinda thinking I'm doing something wrong at any given moment.
I'm doing Wein's scenario right now (mostly because there's a nice guide in the manual for about as far as I'd gotten to help me get acquainted to the UI). Captured four generals so far - Hikkis from Marymere, Hilga and Rock from a village up north, and this fourth guy who had decided he was gonna take the main castle head-on on his lonesome, but ran across Marymere first while I had some generals guarding it (let Hikkis take him out). Hikkis and Rock seem rather grumpy, although the rest of my generals seem okay all things told. I wanna go send Hilga and Rock against that fat guy they were complaining about, but one of Madruk's army seem to have popped up and started attacking him first; not eager to face them on, as I recall CJ always stressed staying out of their way unless you were forced to take them on.
Battles are interesting, although I'm kinda clueless at times. Like, I'm not 100% sure what the various tactics really do. If I chose Offensive formation, that leaves me with some units hovering around my general to defend them; all fine and dandy, except I was in a situation where the enemy general (Hikkis, I think?) had taken out all the units that ran over to attack him, and since all of HIS units were dead, we were kind of at a standstill. I think I got him to retreat when I sent a Sonic Boom his way, but man, that was awkward.
Still, I've spent an hour on it so far. This could grow on me once I'm surer of what the hell I'm doing.
So this came in Wednesday:
Spreading this across this topic and the Genesis one.
So, Dragon Force.
Well, okay, that's not ENTIRELY true, since that LP cj_iwakura had over on Penny Arcade was a decent primer on how the basic gameplay works, but nevertheless I'm always kinda thinking I'm doing something wrong at any given moment.
I'm doing Wein's scenario right now (mostly because there's a nice guide in the manual for about as far as I'd gotten to help me get acquainted to the UI). Captured four generals so far - Hikkis from Marymere, Hilga and Rock from a village up north, and this fourth guy who had decided he was gonna take the main castle head-on on his lonesome, but ran across Marymere first while I had some generals guarding it (let Hikkis take him out). Hikkis and Rock seem rather grumpy, although the rest of my generals seem okay all things told. I wanna go send Hilga and Rock against that fat guy they were complaining about, but one of Madruk's army seem to have popped up and started attacking him first; not eager to face them on, as I recall CJ always stressed staying out of their way unless you were forced to take them on.
Battles are interesting, although I'm kinda clueless at times. Like, I'm not 100% sure what the various tactics really do. If I chose Offensive formation, that leaves me with some units hovering around my general to defend them; all fine and dandy, except I was in a situation where the enemy general (Hikkis, I think?) had taken out all the units that ran over to attack him, and since all of HIS units were dead, we were kind of at a standstill. I think I got him to retreat when I sent a Sonic Boom his way, but man, that was awkward.
Still, I've spent an hour on it so far. This could grow on me once I'm surer of what the hell I'm doing.
Less punishing than the other 2 games on the comp as well. Probably the only one I have a chance of 1CCing lol.
So this came in Wednesday:
Spreading this across this topic and the Genesis one.
So, Dragon Force.
Well, okay, that's not ENTIRELY true, since that LP cj_iwakura had over on Penny Arcade was a decent primer on how the basic gameplay works, but nevertheless I'm always kinda thinking I'm doing something wrong at any given moment.
I'm doing Wein's scenario right now (mostly because there's a nice guide in the manual for about as far as I'd gotten to help me get acquainted to the UI). Captured four generals so far - Hikkis from Marymere, Hilga and Rock from a village up north, and this fourth guy who had decided he was gonna take the main castle head-on on his lonesome, but ran across Marymere first while I had some generals guarding it (let Hikkis take him out). Hikkis and Rock seem rather grumpy, although the rest of my generals seem okay all things told. I wanna go send Hilga and Rock against that fat guy they were complaining about, but one of Madruk's army seem to have popped up and started attacking him first; not eager to face them on, as I recall CJ always stressed staying out of their way unless you were forced to take them on.
Battles are interesting, although I'm kinda clueless at times. Like, I'm not 100% sure what the various tactics really do. If I chose Offensive formation, that leaves me with some units hovering around my general to defend them; all fine and dandy, except I was in a situation where the enemy general (Hikkis, I think?) had taken out all the units that ran over to attack him, and since all of HIS units were dead, we were kind of at a standstill. I think I got him to retreat when I sent a Sonic Boom his way, but man, that was awkward.
Still, I've spent an hour on it so far. This could grow on me once I'm surer of what the hell I'm doing.
Ah, yes, that'd be useful. I'll make sure to do that next time.You can use the Melee command if you run into a situation where the enemy general has no troops left and you only have defensive troops left circling around you. That will override any formation/orders they already have and make all your troops go attack everything in sight.
Yeah, I knew about your general disdain for Wein, but I'd rather make my own mind up about him, honestly. Admittedly was tempted to use Junon first, but maybe for my second run-through...People playing Wein's scenario makes me sad. It's incredibly dull compared to, well, all the others.
It's almost always best to play defensively, especially if the enemy general has a troop advantage.
Keep a formation like Protect or at least Offense and put them in Standby, then let them come to you. Once the majority of the enemy's troops are dead, THEN rush the general.
If the general retreats and escapes(and believe me they will), dispatch immediately afterward to chase them down and you'll catch up with them. Then you should be able to finish them off easily with a quick special move or two.
This one, pretty sure. I kinda wish I got the one with Astea on it (I like green <_<), but I wasn't feeling particularly choosy, especially since I had already ordered Flink from the same guy, and felt like saving him a little on shipping (Free Shipping on my end, so).Which disk did you get with Dragon Force? I think there are seven variants.
Not really. It uses three: A is Vulcan, B is Homing, C is spread. The other four are what you get when you combine those three, and while the game offers single-button binds to push those combinations for you, they aren't necessary to access the weapons in question. Ergo, you could still easily play Silvergun with this three button stick.
You are wrong.
While you could combine the buttons, I've found it less that optimal, but to each their own.
Maybe it's because VF uses 3 buttons + combinations, but being able to access every attack in the game without having to move my thumb, index or middle finger off a button will always be preferable to mapping combinations to me.
I've always wanted that purple Vampire Collection PS2 Saturn controller. A GAF member was selling one at a decent price a year or two ago but someone snatched it before me.
so, Burning Rangers...that first level, it's hard knowing you need to keep going higher unless Chris tells you so sometimes, once you get used to it & the damn camera it's pretty dope
after that cutscene following the level 1 boss i'm guessing Naka & crew were Eva fans at the time
People playing Wein's scenario makes me sad. It's incredibly dull compared to, well, all the others.
I remember his map BGM sounding pretty nice (heck I remember the entire DF soundtrack being awesome lol)
bad pic I know.
I also have Enemy Zero and the US version of Marvel Super Heroes in my closest somewhere. If anybody wants those let me know.
I'm not the biggest SS collector so it will probably won't grow much from here.I plan on picking up Last Bronx and I might grab DBZ UB22 and the Panzer Dragoon games if the mood ever strikes.
My greatest desire is one of those white saturn consoles. I can't honestly justify the purchase but damn is that one sexy console.
Soul Hackers and Devil Summoner deserve to be together! Nice, all the same.
haha, I knew you were going to say something about that.
It's funny they announced the 3DS Soul Hackers days after I bought the Saturn version.
Ah, yes, that'd be useful. I'll make sure to do that next time.
It kind of annoys me that the manual says "See p38 for information on what the tactics do!", so I turn to p38 and get the starter strategy guide for Wein instead. p36 has details on the formations and has lists for the tactics that go with 'em, but doesn't actually detail what those tactics will make your units do... I am assuming the "Retreat" tactic is distinct from retreating from the battle as a whole, though.
Anyway, I'll keep those in mind. I knew about the chasing-the-runaways strategy from your LP, at least, although the one time I tried didn't exactly pan out quite right. I think I get it now, but I didn't realize you had to click the army you formed and choose Direct to get them moving anywhere when the guy says "select a destination for your troops"; I assumed I could immediately select the castle and they'd go on their way. As such, Hilga and Rock had enough time to wander off to another town and double back before I managed to intercept them. Oh well, same end result...
This one, pretty sure. I kinda wish I got the one with Astea on it (I like green <_<), but I wasn't feeling particularly choosy, especially since I had already ordered Flink from the same guy, and felt like saving him a little on shipping (Free Shipping on my end, so).
If you do fire up Dragon Force tonight, I'd watch. I'm at work and need something to do.
Twitch, eh? You used to be on uStream before, right?
I am so confused during every part of watching you play that game.
Do you get something for playing all the scenarios in Dragon Force?
Which Saturn USB controllers did you have? The original SLS-made ones, or the cheap ones that are all over ebay now? I had 2 of those Vampire Collection PS2 controllers when Play-Asia was getting rid of them for $15 a piece or whatever. I ended up selling them to some SRK people a year or two later. Kinda miss em now.![]()
I think you unlock minor things in the PS2 version for clearing each scenario, but it's not anything noteworthy. Probably something in the item/character/etc database specific to it. Can't remember.
Tradnor's scenario is the easiest or hardest in the game, depending on whether you already know how it plays out and how to use that to your advantage. That goes for the whole game in general, though, to be honest. Once you know how to exploit the battle AI in all its various ways the whole thing's a cakewalk. I never even bother using crests anymore when I play it, or even boosting the troop count for anything but the characters' default troops, even for characters like Teiris who virtually need it.
One day I kind of want to see whether I can beat it without handing out a single award.
Sorry to bring up a topic from a few pages back but wanted to make sure I was clear on some stuff, cable wise.
The 21 pin rgb Japanese scart cables are just for things like the xrgb series of video processor and should be avoided unless that is what you are going for. The scart format to get would be the euro rgb ones, as there isn't "US" standard for it, but I would need to make sure to get a cable that has the "Saturn" end being for the "US" system (well provided that I am using a US system) since it is a different plug for other regions. Is this all correct?
Assuming the previous statement is true is it the same for other systems, specifically the SNES, Sega Genesis/CD, and Playstation 1, which are systems I would also like to do the same for? Guess that question may be beyond this thread, but I ask because while the SNES cords that ebay seller (retro_console_accessories) has listed are marked as US version, there are a like 6 for each model Genesis. None with region marking. Half of which look to be for the 21 pin scart, but then the rest just have ascending prices and some labeled "raw sync". Which brings the next question, what is the deal with "raw sync"?
Moving on to the audio. I noticed that that rgb to yuv box doesn't have any audio out on the "component" side. Does that mean that I would have to make sure to get cables that have the 2 extra rca cables coming out/get a switch box with audio out as part of it if I was to use it? Or did I miss something?
And the last question. Say I have a TV that natively accepts RGB, like some of the Sony PVM monitors, but have BNC inputs for it instead of SCART. Is there someone out there that makes Saturn to BNC rgb cables so I can just skip the whole scart thing altogether?
Geez sorry for all the questions.
Edit: Well guess that wasn't the last question. Seems that seller sold out of the Saturn cables. Anyone happen to know how often they restock? Thanks again, friendly friends.
4) For the Saturn, choose SCART NTSC RGB. She sells 2 types of cables, PAL and NTSC, just buy the NTSC one.
8) If you are using a RGB to Component adapter you will also need an audio extractor like this: