Soon, all copies of Hyper Duel will be in the hands of GAF members. Then our master plan will be revealed.
Price-fixing? Make it the next Taromaru? lol
Soon, all copies of Hyper Duel will be in the hands of GAF members. Then our master plan will be revealed.
Can we have a secret handshake and a cool hat for the club? (I am thinking like the one in the Flintstones).
I know Taromaru has a low print run, therfore the price. But is the Hyper Duel situation the same? I get the impression there are plent out there, just that it is very well liked. Some games are generally hard to find but there are always Hyper Duels up for sale.
I know Taromaru has a low print run, therfore the price. But is the Hyper Duel situation the same? I get the impression there are plent out there, just that it is very well liked. Some games are generally hard to find but there are always Hyper Duels up for sale.
Hard to tell. Think there are fewer Taromarus based on fleabay but I think Hyper Duel had to have been a small print run. Released so late by a small company. Who knows.
I read there were only 7,500 Taromarus ever printed. Hyper Duel couldn't be that low, could it?
Against better judgement, im gonna track down Guardian Heroes. MS and their DLC policies + the possibility of the digital copy vanishing makes me want to have physical. Kinda the same thing that started me on the retro revival path in the first place.
But damn...then i'd need Radiant Silvergun, Ikaruga, and Virtual On OT.
What are you even taking aboutAgainst better judgement, im gonna track down Guardian Heroes. MS and their DLC policies + the possibility of the digital copy vanishing makes me want to have physical. Kinda the same thing that started me on the retro revival path in the first place.
But damn...then i'd need Radiant Silvergun, Ikaruga, and Virtual On OT.
Do it. It's a fantastic game and worth the price it commands on the Saturn, IMO. LOL, chances are your Saturn and copy of Guardian Heroes will still work long after the servers hosting GH HD have been shut down or after the last 360 has stopped working. Which ever comes first.
What are you even taking about
Tekno, you might like to know that Dungeons & Dragons collection is coming out on a PS3 retail disc in Japan for under $30. That should beat the Saturn price handsomely!
Does it release at the same time as the download?
Any chance of an English track being accessible on the disc?Tekno, you might like to know that Dungeons & Dragons collection is coming out on a PS3 retail disc in Japan for about $35. That should beat the Saturn price handsomely!
Look... I know things have been pretty crazy this week. But this is stupid. You can get a Saturn copy if you want, you don't need to justify it.However...with MS download policies and their hardware, there could be a time when there would be no way to redownload the game or even have some strange expiration of the license.
Any chance of an English track being accessible on the disc?
If so, we can safely predict a slew of Saturn D&D Collections up for grabs on ebay in the coming months...
How difficult is it to mod a PS3? Any difference between the three models?
Look... I know things have been pretty crazy this week. But this is stupid. You can get a Saturn copy if you want, you don't need to justify it.
Guardian Heroes XBLA requires no online authentication. Buy it, back the file up on a thumb drive, enjoy.I know, its just been something I had in the back of my mind for awhile now, posted just to see if anyone might have had the same line of thought.
Guardian Heroes XBLA requires no online authentication. Buy it, back the file up on a thumb drive, enjoy.
You can copy the file from your hard drive to the thumb drive from system -> storage. No fuss, no mussi'm long overdue for finally picking this one up, do you back up a game to a thumbdrive? if you go playing it on another 360, even under your login, won't you just have the demo? i forget how it works.
I've never had difficulty with it, idk. All my XBLA titles are on a thumb drive, but I don't jump from xbox to xbox and I don't lose my internet ¯_(ツright, but how do you go about playing it? ive had troubles in the past when trying to access games on a different system/hard drive than i originally bought them, especially offline
right, but how do you go about playing it? ive had troubles in the past when trying to access games on a different system/hard drive than i originally bought them, especially offline is pretty good. They sell both new and used games, both domestic and imported. Their stuff is always in amazing shape. Prices can be a bit on the higher side, but the quality is always well worth it. They have a physical shop too if you're in northern Virginia.
That's a good question. If it's like the PSN/XBLA Iron Galaxy ports, it should change based your system language settings, but I don't know for sure.
Can anyone recommend a good Saturn Web Store? I have no problem with imports if the game is cheaper.
i'm long overdue for finally picking this one up, do you back up a game to a thumbdrive? if you go playing it on another 360, even under your login, won't you just have the demo? i forget how it works.
yeah, see...couple all that with unreliable hardware, and it doesn't instill a lotta faith that i'll be able to play my copy of it 10+ years from now
If my 360 died tomorrow and Sega pulled Guardian Heroes off XBLA immediately afterwards, I STILL wouldn't go back to the Saturn version.
The XBLA version is just too good. Remixed mode, 12 combatant support, etc etc.
Didn't have much luck getting rid of my Saturn collection (needed between-job money) so eh..figured I'd post a picture of it.
Yeah it's random as hell and maybe a 1/10th of what it was.
Do you need to sell the whole thing at once or can we pick? I'd be interested in Last Bronx and maybe Twinkle Star Sprites.
What? GH is already out of XBLA? What hapenned? That party wasn't long. :/
Oh sorry I should have mentioned I'm not planning on selling any of the games.
If my 360 died tomorrow and Sega pulled Guardian Heroes off XBLA immediately afterwards, I STILL wouldn't go back to the Saturn version.
The XBLA version is just too good. Remixed mode, 12 combatant support, etc etc.
Didn't have much luck getting rid of my Saturn collection (needed between-job money) so eh..figured I'd post a picture of it.
Yeah it's random as hell and maybe a 1/10th of what it was.
How's Vatlva? I liked Car Battler Joe for GBA and was sorta interested in this.
I got the retail JP Vampire Resurrection today for PS3. Popped the disc in and it defaults to English for me. So that is probably how it works. Amiami has Chronicles of Mystara up for preorder, so I ordered from them.
That's not dithering, that's interlacing. Interlaced games (e.g. 480i) draw the even/odd scanlines separately, and yeah, it looks ugly on a progressive scan screen. There's a "deinterlace" option you can turn on to improve the appearance.
Get a USB stick, backup Profile & Games as many times as you like.
If your Xbox died, get another one... this is no different than a Sega Saturn or any other console except your games are now backed up digitally.
Stop assuming the Xbox 360 is an Xbone because it's not.