Shadow Hog
I sometimes wish my copy of X4 had a box. I have the disc (skips a little on Dr. Light's theme, but otherwise is fine) and the manual, but no box...
Stunner market crashed with the rise of retro gaming on HDTVs.
Only MM8 have exclusive Saturn content. Two mini boss fights against Woodman & Cutman.
One of these days I'll sink $80 into MMX4. Not too long ago a CIB copy was $40![]()
Are the MM games really that expensive these days? I bought a sealed copy of X4 for like $30 back in 2008, when I first was getting into the Saturn... guess that was a good call.
I got my CIB copy of X4 for about $40 last year. Looks like I lucked out.
Apparently. MM8 Saturn had a really weird price jump in the last year or so, and it seems the same's happening to X4.
Anyone have any opinions on the street fighter collection on the Saturn (US version) vs the PS1 release? Or any thoughts in general?
Every retrogame took a bump price in the last two years and the prices continues to rise. Games that were $ 10 are now $ 50, games that were $ 50 now goes over $ 200.
It will be difficult to build up a nice collection in The coming years.
I'm honestly starting to wonder if that's just going to be the new state of things, rather than a temporary phenomenon. And perhaps more importantly, what's caused the surge in interest, because I can't see it being pure nostalgia.... the demand seems too widespread for that.
2/12/2010Every retrogame took a bump price in the last two years and the prices continues to rise. Games that were $ 10 are now $ 50, games that were $ 50 now goes over $ 200.
It will be difficult to build up a nice collection in The coming years.
My biggest hope regarding all things Saturn is that one day the Saturn version of Vandal Hearts gets a translation (or just uses the Playstation one).
I wouldn't mind playing a translated version of Grandia either.
I'd guess many factors, while no evidence to prove either way, i'd say the following are driving up demand.
Gaming taking a shift away from the mechanics games focused on up into the late Ps2/early 360 generation.
Generation going on too long, people got bored.
Games becoming outright harder to find, many forums, communities, etc have boomed with the desire to collect, and this means when people find the, they keep them, and many less circulate.
Ebay sellers working in tandem to artificially inflate listings, almost any game nowadays never has a low auction start, but instead a buy it now or high auction start price that makes it so you either pay the price, or don't get it at all, causing the inflation to increase faster than prior.
People who grow up during those eras now having jobs and money.
I'm sure eventually the prices will go down, but I'm still trying to finish off my collections despite the high prices just in case, I only buy things i want to play anyways, so even if my items 'lose value' i'll be happy I own them.
Isn't there also an exclusive music track?
YesIs X-Men vs. Street Fighter better than Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter?
In terms of presentation MSHvSF is the clear superior. But both games are broke as fuck competitively, with XvSF still being very very fun. I kind of like it more than Marvel 2Yeah I prefer XvSF. The SF roster in MSHvsSF was kinda lame with like half of them being shotos lol. I loved the crazy ass portraits though.
I'd guess many factors, while no evidence to prove either way, i'd say the following are driving up demand.
Gaming taking a shift away from the mechanics games focused on up into the late Ps2/early 360 generation.
Generation going on too long, people got bored.
Games becoming outright harder to find, many forums, communities, etc have boomed with the desire to collect, and this means when people find the, they keep them, and many less circulate.
Ebay sellers working in tandem to artificially inflate listings, almost any game nowadays never has a low auction start, but instead a buy it now or high auction start price that makes it so you either pay the price, or don't get it at all, causing the inflation to increase faster than prior.
People who grow up during those eras now having jobs and money.
I'm sure eventually the prices will go down, but I'm still trying to finish off my collections despite the high prices just in case, I only buy things i want to play anyways, so even if my items 'lose value' i'll be happy I own them.
You mean for a level or something? I just don't know. D:
There would be basically two for starters, since both exclusive bosses have their own boss themes.
Is X-Men vs. Street Fighter better than Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter?
So apparently I've lost my Saturn s-video cable. Ugh. I don't really want to spend $50 to replace it in case I can find mine. Would getting a SCART cable and a SCART -> s-video adapter be my best/cheapest option?
So apparently I've lost my Saturn s-video cable. Ugh. I don't really want to spend $50 to replace it in case I can find mine. Would getting a SCART cable and a SCART -> s-video adapter be my best/cheapest option?
It would give you a better image quality (RGB >>> s-video) however it won't be cheap.
A scart cable will cost you around US$ 16, but the converter + audio extractor will end around US$ 60. Plus shipping, of course.
RGB converted to S-Video is better than S-video from the system? Is that possible?
Would anyone lend me money to complete my collection?
Is Rockman X4 better on Saturn than on PSX?
Not as good. Ive found a few problems with R4.Guys, guys, guys.
Where the fuck was I?
There a new stable version of SSF since June 8th. Heh...R3 is dead, long live R4!
Here ya go.
Not as good. Ive found a few problems with R4.
Text flickering and some games just didn't work as good. Ive been really impressed so with R3. But maybe some tweaking is in order?Aaaw, really? What happened in your case?![]()
Not the Shoot 'Em Ups!!JP prices are pretty cheap. Its the NA and EU to be worried about :/
Can you send the complete files i need for this to happenThought I might post this here, as my first post ever : )
I managed to make SweetFX compatible with SSF Ver0.12 beta R3, using the AdvancedCRT shader (which is nothing else but the cgwg CRT shader ported to HLSL) :
I recommand setting 320 as CRTResolutionX and 240 as CRTResolutionY since that's the native Saturn res (afaik)
It doesn't seem to work too well in fullscreen mode though, keep it windowed mode for now.
Not the Shoot 'Em Ups!!