I bought Burning Rangers when it came out, so I'll always treasure my copy.
The only Saturn grails for me are Hyper Duel and motherfuckin' Taromaru
yeah, a thread on another forum talked about reprinting efforts...literally no idea how that'd work but fuck if it looked close enough i'd support it at this point, nostalgia be damned
But then Sapphire situation would happen (ie: the bootleg copies would go for higher than the original print price because clueless guys)yeah, a thread on another forum talked about reprinting efforts...literally no idea how that'd work but fuck if it looked close enough i'd support it at this point, nostalgia be damned
hoping to get in on 645's MMX4 when that pans out, i got 1-3 on SNES and i recall some of you on here saying X4 is a fine place to pretend the series stops, haha.
But then Sapphire situation would happen (ie: the bootleg copies would go for higher than the original print price because clueless guys)
The only truly bad one is X7. Burn it to the ground if you own it.
Its surprising how Virtua Racing on the Saturn turned out to be a better port than the bad port of Daytona..
I have X collection, that's as close as i get...i do like how another here pointed out how MM8 kinda get shat on in the day (i was curious but put it on the backburner cause of series fatigue/middling reviews at the time) but now it's a goddamn pricey gem, watch Shaq-Fu be a pricey anomaly in 2050 hahaha
From what I read the original Saturn port has more faithful car handling compared to CCE, CE and Daytona for DC (however CE is closer than CCE in that respect)didn't Daytona CE deliver where the rushed one didn't? if nothing else, i'd be surprised if VR held the love Sega Rally did; granted, indy racer vs off roadish but still
original and remixed music to choose from
X4 is my favorite MMX game. Objectively it's probably only worse than X1, but I goddamn love playing as Zero.hoping to get in on 645's MMX4 when that pans out, i got 1-3 on SNES and i recall some of you on here saying X4 is a fine place to pretend the series stops, haha.
dat gold minewatch Shaq-Fu be a pricey anomaly in 2050 hahaha
CCE don't have them.I couldn't find any option for the original tracks in my CE copy...
ftfyThe only truly bad one is X7. BURN! BURN! Burn to the grou-Bur-Burn to-Burn to the grouuun-BURN! Burn to the-Burn to the-BURN!-Burn to the grouuuund! if you own it.
i literally just learned about Taromaru on GameSack the other night, burning that one soon to try it out! but yeah both those games are like down payment on a house type money
Daytona USA, the first Saturn version, is my favorite version of the game though. Yeah the graphics are bad, but it's got the best handling of any home port of Daytona, even including the Xbox 360 port! It controls perfectly and is a really great game as a result, even if it has no multiplayer and mediocre graphics and only 3 tracks. The first version of Daytona works with the Mission Stick in analog, too, which is great. The Mission Stick doesn't work with Daytona CE, unfortunately, and I actually like playing the game with that controller more than I do the wheel...
Yeah, with a X360 wheel I'd probably think more positively of the port, I admit... though it is pretty disappointing that it's only got the three arcade tracks, and doesn't include the other five tracks (the two added in CCE and the three more added in Dreamcast Daytona). DC Daytona's controls aren't that great (somewhat salvageable with a wheel I've heard, but it's way too touchy...), so it's unfortunate that all of that games' new content, including championships, more cars, more tracks, and all is DC-exclusive. Also, where's the splitscreen mode? The first Saturn version doesn't have it either, sure, but the other two Saturn versions and the DC version all do.
The world needed an arcade perfect port of the original Daytona. Can't you just be grateful for this one thing?!
That would be fantastic, yes.It could have had more tracks I agree, but I guess they just wanted to make a faithful arcade port. I'd love to see the same being done for other Sega racers:
Sega Rally, Sega Rally 2 (not the graphically toned down PC and DC version), Daytona USA 2, Virtua Racing, SCUD Race etc.
A complete port of Daytona, with all of the content from the later console releases, would have been better. I think it's reasonable to complain when games cut large amounts of content out versus earlier versions. Yeah, what is there is good, but it should have been more. They just needed to include all the stuff that already existed...
That would be fantastic, yes.
Today, I learned that Clockwork Knight 2 in Japan has a whole bunch of additional stuff that the US release doesn't - namely, you have to refight the final boss of the first game at the very beginning, while the US cuts that out, and it looks like there's dialog in-between stages that's completely absent in the US release. On the flipside, the US version has a menu for a Boss Rush mode and a Movie Test, both of which are apparently entirely missing in the original Japanese release.
Meanwhile, Europe's kinda weird; allegedly they have the boss fight at the beginning and also initially lack that additional menu, but if you get all 32 cards in the course of the game, you unlock the menu (still no dice in the Japanese release).
And then there's the 2-in-1 rerelease in Japan, which apparently adds the menus back into the game. No idea about the additional boss fight, though!
Christ, how deep does this rabbit hole go? I'm honestly tempted to rebuy alternate region's copies of the game just to figure it all out.
(Oh, and I also learned of an intangible wall in the first stage, hiding a LeBon race. And here I thought I knew all of that stage's secret paths...)
Is actually in the US release! IIRC you have to use a certain code that's so ubiquitous, you probably already know what it is. (And if you don't know what it is, then I'm afraid you'll need GAF Gold in order to learn it.)the ability to play as Ginger
Is actually in the US release! IIRC you have to use a certain code that's so ubiquitous, you probably already know what it is. (And if you don't know what it is, then I'm afraid you'll need GAF Gold in order to learn it.)
EDIT: Or Yakumo could spell it out plain as day in the linked video, sure that works too[/spoiler]
BTW the aforementioned friend, I just bought him a Saturn for his bday. He loves strange obscure fighters (and the mainstream ones), what are some lesser known 2D fighters for the system? I know of Rabbit and Waku Waku 7 (Saturn port), and Groove on Fight... any others I should tell him to look out for?
Retrocore has a video of some of the extras in the Fukubukuro release, including the minigames and the ability to play as Ginger which you can see here: http://youtu.be/TaP0ZKh-618?t=12m23s
okay, i'm done: just finished up a big JP saturn order with the following haul:
Lunar 1 + 2
Deep Fear
Soukyugurentai Otokuyo
Puyo Puyo 2
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner
Marvel Super Heroes
Vampire Hunter
Sega Ages; Fantasy Zone
lotta moonspeak, but all for just under $100, feels like a good deal. only one that got away was the same seller had the Segaga LE (DC) minus the shirt, ended about $60 which is a good price but i didn't have it right now. looking at the US price for Marvel Super Heroes alone makes some of this feel like a steal.
Holy crap I had no idea Retro Core has been running for this long.
Looks like I have a ton of videos to catch up on.
Holy crap I had no idea Retro Core has been running for this long.
Looks like I have a ton of videos to catch up on.
Did you use a proxy to get those games? Nice haul!
Probably bad there is not even really a PC emulator that it better than ok. The Saturn is really complicated.Hows Saturn emulation on Android? I'm interested in maybe getting an Android device to compliment my iPhone, and if Saturn emulation is good, that'll easily push me over the edge.
Also check Elan Doree, Pocket Fighter and Sonic Council.Astra Superstars, but that one costs a lot. Asuka 120% Burning Fest Limited and Golden Axe: The Duel may be worth looking into. Never played any of them myself though.
Look into Cyberbots for something slightly less obscure.
If you want to check out all the fighting games on the Saturn, I linked to a Retrocore 5-part special that went through 65 of the Saturn's fighting games earlier..
So it was you that won that Souky copyokay, i'm done: just finished up a big JP saturn order with the following haul:
Soukyugurentai Otokuyo
Don t worry mate, my cheapness prevailed.ahahaha, yakumoto-classic no? my bad man, but i couldn't say no at that price!