It's a bit ironic (but maybe intentional?) that the main characters which are the driving force for framing the overall season narrative are also the two weakest characters - Will and Riley. It is clear from the way they developed the story arcs that the Will/Riley story arc is the main story arc for the season. But at the same time they're both extremely thin characters and such stereotypical hero/heroine characters that it just feels totally uninteresting watching them. He's the generic nice guy white cop who believes he can make a difference, with a bit too much of a hero driven personality. She's the meek cute girl who has the most unfortunate luck ever, and runs from everything because she believes she is to blame for what happens to others around her. They meet, they fall in love, she gets captured, he rescues her, then he saves her from herself by making her save him. Zzzzzzz?
On the other hand, the rest of the cast really did a ton of heavy lifting over the season to make everything more colorful, interesting, and exciting. Nomi's arc is pretty great, and the way it serves as a backbone to support and complement the Will/Riley arc was great. There's a lot of positive energy in her storyline, and both her escape from the hospital in episode 4 and her escape from the house in episode 8 were fantastic scenes. Lito's storyline was extremely on the nose, but they picked the perfect cast to pull it off. Even when the theme was overbearing, it was still entertaining just to watch him and Hernando get it on. Lol. Shallow, but fun!
Wolfgang, Capheus, and Sun had the most exciting plot lines in the season. Crazy gang stuff, South Korean women's prison, lots of action, good shit. Can't say I was rooting for Wolfgang by the end of his arc though. He just seems like a total psychopath. But I guess it can be useful to have someone like that in a cluster... The way Capheus did the VAN DAMN flying kick with the bus in his final "fight" was amazing. Probably one of the more ridiculous things I've seen in vehicular action, but damn, sogood.gif. The prison stuff with Sun seems inspired by Lady Vengeance, and I'm surprised considering the graphic content in the series as it is, there wasn't any lesbian rape. Maybe something they're saving for season 2?

They really nailed the tone though. From the women congratulating her when she first got in, the wives talking about how they killed their husbands, the bullying, etc. Loved it.
The cinematography for the show is also fucking amazing. the sweeping scenes of the mountains in Iceland were the most beautiful, but there's also the parade in India, the highway chase in Nairobi, the fireworks in Chicago... stunning stuff.