Vintage Heavy
Pretty average Raw. Ending was terrible and dragged on too long with foot on the ropes foot on the ropes foot ont he ropes, alright we get it. At least end on a decent promo or something.
That Sandow match was but 1) his finisher blows and takes as much time as the killswitch, if not more, to setup. 2) He wasl iterally wearing underwear in this match, even had the lining at the top. 3) Ryder's tights were up high for half the match, his ass was spilling out. Honestly this is way too much man for me. Ryder was basically naked ffs. Then Sandow with the underwear.
I'll take a screencap of it. Probably 50-60% of the match this was Ryder and it was like they were focusing on it, fuck.
This is supposed to be PG, isn't it? This is why WWE and wrestling aren't 'cool' anymore, because every wrestler is tanned and oiled up and wearing goddamn fruit of the looms.
Dang. I've got to improve my image on WrassleGAF, lol.Yeah!!!!
News is appearing the Japanese press about a working partnership between WWE & All Japan, allowing "the import & export of talent to and from AJPW", and shows John Laurinaitis meeting with All Japan executives to broker a deal;
Wow - would love to see this come to fruition. There's a bunch of guys in either promotion who would surely benefit from working in such a different environment.
News is appearing the Japanese press about a working partnership between WWE & All Japan, allowing "the import & export of talent to and from AJPW", and shows John Laurinaitis meeting with All Japan executives to broker a deal;
I think there is about zero chance any WWE wrestlers will show up in AJPW. What you'll have is a few guys come over to WWE, have them feud or team with Yoshi, and then get sent back after being off TV for 8 months.
The great people of Japan need John Cena for 3+ years. He needs to blow their wrestling loving minds.
Muta's pretty much done wrestling, and his knees are shot to hell. He's already 'passed the torch' to Naito. Something older WWE guys and a lot of Japanese guys don't seem to know how to do.I think I would like to see Cena vs Muta. That'd be a wacky match. Looking at the AJPW roster, I only recognize a few people. I've watched a few of the NOAH vs NJPW matches over the past few years and the occasional American guy I want to see over there, but I've been completely out of puro for years now. I got into it for a bit and completely lost interested in anything besides puro video games.
But Cena vs Muta I'd totally watch. Or Muta vs Dolph, just to see how much crazier each selling of the 23 Shining Wizards gets. A Mark Henry path of destruction highlight video could be nice, I guess.
I think I would like to see Cena vs Muta. That'd be a wacky match. Looking at the AJPW roster, I only recognize a few people. I've watched a few of the NOAH vs NJPW matches over the past few years and the occasional American guy I want to see over there, but I've been completely out of puro for years now. I got into it for a bit and completely lost interested in anything besides puro video games.
But Cena vs Muta I'd totally watch. Or Muta vs Dolph, just to see how much crazier each selling of the 23 Shining Wizards gets. A Mark Henry path of destruction highlight video could be nice, I guess.
Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan
World Jr. Heavyweight Title Match;
01. Hiroshi Yamato (c) vs Dolph Ziggler - 14:48, Yamato retains with the Cross-Arm German Suplex.
Battle of the Super Heavyweights;
02. Mark Henry & Big Show vs Super Megaton Ohzumo Powers; Akebono & Ryota Hama - 12:22, Big Show picks up the win with a WMD punch, followed by a chokeslam on Akebono.
Jr. Heavyweight vs Lucha Libre;
03. Destruction; Kaz Hayashi & Shuji Kondo vs Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara - 24:12, Kondo picks up the win after catching Sin Cara in mid-air with the King Kong Lariat.
Strong Style vs Bare Knuckle;
04. Masayuki Kono vs Wade Barrett - 13:10, Barrett scores the pinfall with his rip-chord forearm smash finisher.
Unified World Tag Team Championship vs WWE Tag Team Championship Match;
05. Get Wild; Manabu Soya & Takao Omori (c) vs Team Friendship; Kane & Daniel Bryan (c) - 30:00, time limit draw.
Triple Crown Championship Match;
06. Masakatsu Funaki (c) vs Tensai - 11:54, Funaki retains with the Hybrid Blaster.
Six Man Mayhem;
07. Suwama, Taio Kea & Minoru Tanaka vs Alberto Del Rio, Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow - 16:33, Alberto Del Rio forces Tanaka to tap with the Cross-Arm Breaker.
WWE Champioship Match;
08. CM Punk (c) vs Seiya Sanada - 19:45, Punk retains after making Sanada tap to the Anaconda Vice.
Super Powers Collide - Legend Battle;
09. The Great Muta vs The Undertaker - 22:31, Undertaker wins with the Tombstone Piledriver.
Dragonzord said:I'm always surprised that AJPW is still around.
They've seemed permanently stuck to third place since Baba died, and I figured they'd just keel over when Mutoh retired.
I guess this'd be my fantasy AJPW vs WWE card;
Muta's pretty much done wrestling, and his knees are shot to hell. He's already 'passed the torch' to Naito. Something older WWE guys and a lot of Japanese guys don't seem to know how to do.
I think Sheamus would be awesome in Japan, actually. Big, clubbing gaijin with a unique look even among gaijin? I think he'd mesh very well with strong style wrasslin.They'd probably love Orton or Sheamus or something though.
Whatever, he's a pro wrestler. He'll never be done. His knees have been shot since 1996. I think he can do Muta spectacle matches into his 70s if he wanted to.
Those match times are terribly specific.
This is not the first time you thought about this, isn't it?
News is appearing the Japanese press about a working partnership between WWE & All Japan, allowing "the import & export of talent to and from AJPW", and shows John Laurinaitis meeting with All Japan executives to broker a deal;
Wow - would love to see this come to fruition. There's a bunch of guys in either promotion who would surely benefit from working in such a different environment.
I can see something like the Great Muta getting inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame as part of the agreement if it's true.
News is appearing the Japanese press about a working partnership between WWE & All Japan, allowing "the import & export of talent to and from AJPW", and shows John Laurinaitis meeting with All Japan executives to broker a deal;
Wow - would love to see this come to fruition. There's a bunch of guys in either promotion who would surely benefit from working in such a different environment.
The AJPW guys can join that Japanese guy in WWE doing absolutely fuck all. Funnily enough, I forgot his name because that's how many times I've seen him on TV.
The AJPW guys can join that Japanese guy in WWE doing absolutely fuck all. Funnily enough, I forgot his name because that's how many times I've seen him on TV.
Can all of the All Japan talent be escorted to the ring by Sonny Onoo? I'd like that very much.
Yoshi 'none of the writers like me' Tatsu;
Shame they didn't run with a feud with Tensai for him - would have been immeasurably better for both guys than the shit they've done, or more accurately, haven't done with them since.
He was the first victim of the returning Barrett Barrage, a noble demise to be sure.Come to think, I haven't seen Yoshi in a LONG time.
Not sure why the WWE pays these guys. It's a waste of money to pay wrestlers who don't wrestle.
I thought his mini-feud with Kidd was enjoyable. But they've botched Albert's return pretty badly. I don't think they had any idea what to do outside building him up early, and feeding him to Cena.Shame they didn't run with a feud with Tensai for him - would have been immeasurably better for both guys than the shit they've done, or more accurately, haven't done with them since.
He was the first victim of the returning Barrett Barrage, a noble demise to be sure.
I must had not been paying attention or went out for a little bit.