Bless you, Wrestling with Text.
Aiii, it needs green and white. I mean the two best Power Rangers were green and white, and they were the same person. The rest of 'em sucked!
Green ranger is best ranger followed by red. Fact
You know what's funny? I never told Panda what my favorite ranger is.
He'll probably never know at this point, he wouldn't guess it in a million years.
Yellow, because asian, right?
It's the Phantom Ranger.
Followed by Ninjor
Followed by Blue Senturion
I sure don't remember any of these characters being in Power Rangers.??
It's the Phantom Ranger.
Followed by Ninjor
Followed by Blue Senturion
I was gonna guess blue because you're both geeks, the G STANDS FOR GEEK. GEEK-FEX
I sure don't remember any of these characters being in Power Rangers.
I stopped watching after Zeo ended, but what in the hell is that last one?
I...I think I need to go ly dow,
Both of these iPPVs are now available on the same iPPV system, WWNLive for $9.99 each. I highly recommend joining us, at least for Evolve 17 on Saturday night.
Also, I am going to be running a contest based on participation during "Best of the Indies" week. I'm still working out the details, but it will be up before Saturday since it will involve whoever actively watches the most events with us. I will be giving away a dvd or two from my personal collection, haven't decided which ones though.
I have no idea what this means. Is this some wacky thing people from Europe say?I think that's what you meant.
I have no idea what this means. Is this some wacky thing people from Europe say?
Damn crazy GAF memes. First the Castlevania thing, now this!Look up jbaird's infamous thread.
(I Forget the exact story he made up but it had something to do with his gf/mom or something missing. He eventually said he had to "go ly dow,"
Eddy Guerrero/Black Tiger/Minoru Tanaka vs. Koji Kanemoto/Jado/Gedo
Eddy Guerrero & Black Tiger vs. Wataru Inoue & Katsuyori Shibata
Eddy Guerrero/Black Tiger/Koji Kanemoto/Jado/Gedo vs. Jushin Liger/Minoru Tanaka/El Samurai/Masahito Kakihara/Masayuki Naruse
Eddy Guerrero/Black Tiger/Koji Kanemoto/Jado vs. Jushin Liger/El Samurai/Katsuyori Shibata/Wataru Inoue
Eddy Guerrero/Black Tiger/Jado/Gedo vs. Wataru Inoue/Katsuyori Shibata/El Samurai/Minoru Tanaka
Eddy Guerrero vs. Masahito Kakihara
Eddy Guerrero vs. El Samurai
Eddy Guerrero vs. Minoru Tanaka
And... downloading.I just remembereded some FREE Latino heat!
Do you find him attractive?Well Dave 'Batista' Batista is a granddad.
Well Dave 'Batista' Batista is a granddad.
I'm watching Summer Slam 2000 and someone in the front row has a sign that reads "Chyna, get me a beer bitch"
Goddamn. Some signs are just amazing to see.
I'll never forget the "I'd rather be in Chyna"
Power Ranking the Top 50 Hottest Women in Wrestling Today
Not a bad pick, but not my pick, certainly!
Mickie James not being in the top 5 makes this list invalid.Power Ranking the Top 50 Hottest Women in Wrestling Today
Not a bad pick, but not my pick, certainly!