I enjoy TNA. You don't have to defend them to me. But everyone is on the same level. Even guys getting pushed more than others. Robbie E is the only non X-Division guy who would be weird if he beat Aries for the title or pinned Angle clean. Everyone else is on the same standing at all times, regardless of who is champion or on a winning streak. It's really weird.
The only problem I have with Impact right now, they've forgotten about the X-Division. But I'm ok with that as long as they bring it back full time after the BFG series.
TNA may be good, but do they have anyone that dresses as nice as these two guys?Aries, Bully Ray, Bobby Roode, Angle, AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, RVD, and James Storm are clearly on a higher level than the rest of the roster. Joe is getting back there as well. That's a potential 9 different main event level guys. I'm pretty confident that if Eric Young, or Kenny King, or Zema Ion, or Mr. Anderson, etc. pinned Aries for the title, the fanbase would be pretty shocked/upset.
WWE's main event scene is currently Cena, HHH, and Punk in that order. I'd say TNA is doing a fine job. They're also in the process of rebuilding the tag division better (and faster and with less talent and less TV time) than the WWE has done in recent weeks.
Que comicoBobby Roode is betterer
-Cooler and epic theme.
-Better Wrestler
- Better heel
- Not married into the company
- Roooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
TNA may be good, but do they have anyone that dresses as nice as these two guys?
Aries, Bully Ray, Bobby Roode, Angle, AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, RVD, and James Storm are clearly on a higher level than the rest of the roster. Joe is getting back there as well. That's a potential 9 different main event level guys. I'm pretty confident that if Eric Young, or Kenny King, or Zema Ion, or Mr. Anderson, etc. pinned Aries for the title, the fanbase would be pretty shocked/upset.
WWE's main event scene is currently Cena, HHH, and Punk in that order. I'd say TNA is doing a fine job. They're also in the process of rebuilding the tag division better (and faster and with less talent and less TV time) than the WWE has done in recent weeks.
That was filmed in 2003, so there!ITS NOT 2000 ANYMORE.
Agreed, hopefully he has a new deal as he has been lights out the last few months for TNA. I do find it curious that Batista and King Mo are both on MMA live tonight, foreshadowing of things to come?I think this means that Bully Ray has signed a contract.
Storm, Joe, Hardy, Ray......best final four possible.
Hulk is very likely behind or involved in Aces & Eights.
Hulk is very likely behind or involved in Aces & Eights.
Ughhhhhhhh that would be terrible. I really hope you're wrong.
And looooooooool @ Aries and Hogan contemplating killing that guy. Poor prospect.
I think the JJ idea was scrapped when the plot broke on dirt sheets, so it's anything goes right now and who's to say that Hogan isn't pulling the strings from the inside.......how else are these guys getting through security?
Once again, I'm not taking shots at TNA. The question was asked if Kurt was still a big deal in TNA, and the answer is no, because no one is a big deal. Kenny King and Zema Ion are X-Division guys, which I already said didn't count because they are on a different level all together. But everyone within the X-Division is completely interchangeable as well.
And really, I don't think it would be a big stretch if EY won the belt. He's been one of the most over guys for years. The Impact Zone would pop huge for him winning the big one. And for sure Mr. Anderson is on the same level as all the other guys, it's just that no one would want him to win the title again. It's really just plug and play with everyone big enough to be in the BFG Series. Any guy in that list could be against A Double at a PPV and it would be the same as anyone else. TNA has ALWAYS had this problem, going back to the Nashville days. The last guys that really felt like a big deal was Joe during his undefeated run and Pope's run as actually Black Dusty Rhodes until his shoulder injury basically stalled his career entirely. Nothing is really a big deal or of any consequence in TNA.
The BFG Series does a lot to help that, but they need to do it year round.
LOL.....what was happening to that prospect?
They should make their own netflix instead
Well if you're talking about guys feeling like an actual "big deal," that's different. I was speaking strictly about "big deal" as in main event status vs midcard. The last time a North American wrestler felt like a LEGIT big deal for an extended amount of time was probably Samoa Joe during his ROH run. Calling out TNA for that is a bit unfair in the current climate considering that NOBODY feels like a big deal.