Generico is really slumming it still being on CZW shows. He's so above that. I can't even figure out how CZW is still around.
When I think of CZW I feel a little sick inside, is that normal?
![]() - from just $9.99 - bell-time; 5PM EST
Main Event, Tie-Breaker Match;
El Generico vs Samuray Del Sol
Grudge Match;
Ricochet vs AR Fox
Six-Man Tag Team Action;
Rich Swann & The Super Smash Brothers vs Chuck Taylor, Drew Gulak & Orange Cassidy
Special Challenge Match;
Sami Callihan vs MASADA
Non-Title Match;
Johnny Gargano vs Jon Davis
Special Attraction Match;
Jigsaw vs Lince Dorado
SHINE Showcase Match;
Christina von Eerie vs Marti Belle
D.U.F. vs The Scene;
Pinkie Sanchez vs Caleb Konley or Scott Reed
![]() - from just $9.99 - bell-time 8PM EST
CZW World Heavyweight Championship
MASADA (c) vs El Generico
Chri$ Ca$h Memorial Ladder Match - Title Unification - Both Titles are on the Line
CZW World Jr Heavyweight Champion A.R. FOX vs CZW Wired TV Champion Dave Crist
CZW World Tag Team Championship
Danny Havoc & Devon Moore (c) vs Mr. Tofiga & Alexander James
Sami Callihan & Jake Crist vs The Super Smash Brothers
Rematch from Tangled Web
Rich Swann vs Shane Strickland
Fallout from the Break Up of BLK OUT
4Locos' Alex Colon vs Blk-Out's Ruckus
Chri$ Ca$h Opportunity Match
Pepper Parks vs Kekoa Ray has signed a new deal with TNA, has confirmed. The deal was signed about 3-4 days ago and I believe it is a two year deal. Ray will continue to agent for the promotion as well as wrestle. In my mind, this was a good signing for TNA as it was obvious Ray has evolved into the best heel in the company and it's not a far stretch to say he's worked himself into a position where he could conceivably be the TNA champion one day. Had he left for WWE or somewhere else, it would have been a huge loss to the company.
The signing means that for the first time since 1996, Ray and Devon are no longer working for the same wrestling promotion. There was a lot of talk at TV this week backstage that the company "didn't do right by Devon" as he got himself into better shape and had done everything that was asked of him, including working hard with younger talents and trying to help Garett Bischoff get over. There were those in the company shocked TNA didn't re-sign him as he was one of the most well liked people in the locker room and was often good cop to Bully's bad cop.
Ray and Devon will still be working together, obviously as their Team 3D Wrestling Academy in Florida remains open.
Thread. Repeat. Etc.
I'm kind of glad that he re-signed, going back to the WWE, if he opted to do that, would be a huge mistake.
Ha! Punk's "Don't Try This At Home" promo. "Don't try this at home and you'll earn my respect."
Where are you seeing this?
Why is McGuillicutty on tv?
Why is Regal commentating?
1. i don't know
You know what Trolls might be the best Super Nintendo game ever, I'm just saying.
Gabe Sapolsky said:Today is the start of the greatest test of my career. WrestleCon will be the biggest event of my career. The Road To WrestleCon begins today at EVOLVE 17: Generico vs. Del Sol III live iPPV from Voorhees, NJ. We have seven months to build things into a red hot, buzzworthy frenzy. This is the time to spark business. It's no secret that the business isn't good for anyone right now. I've been there for the boom periods of the 90s for the majors and 2000s for the independents. Some shows might draw good crowds, but nothing is touching those times now. The talent is amazing now. I love our roster. You have proven you are still willing to support something when it has your attention. Now it is up to us to give you that something. ECW Barely Legal was a show a year in the making that everyone worked towards. The first ROH and DGUSA shows were months in the making. The most important time of my career until this point, the ROH Reborn period, proved what we could do with our backs against the wall. The first ROH show at the Manhattan Center with Bryan Danielson vs. KENTA was months in the making and sparked something in me. WrestleCon is right there with all those events to me. Starting today we need to make it special. I hope you will join us at 5pm EST today for EVOLVE either on live iPPV at or in person at The Flyers Skate Zone as the most important time of my career and the history of EVOLVE and DGUSA begins.
You hit the enemies with custard pies and then you can EAT them! And you have to colour in the world by walking on it and in the end the sun is totally jazzed that you coloured everything in.
Dean Ambrose enjoys the big time as he debuts on TNA but two masked men are giving him a heck of a hard time. Will Dean who has newly sold out to wearing shades and Cena Jorts, win his match to further impress Kevin Nash? Will Eric Young and Ambrose become new tag champs? Will Kevin Nash eat another Soufflee made by Eric Young?
I didn't think he'd waste time on a kids show.
Genesis of McGuillicutty does what Sin Cara don't.
Having someone like Regal on there, might mean a few more lines could slip through that would make adults laughs, but go over the heads of kids - kinda like Pixar does with their movies.
...I am giving WWE too much credit with that though.
What about Simon Dean?
Money in the Bank '11 is only $9 in HD on iTunes. Should I? Haven't seen it yet, but heard nothing but praise.
Money in the Bank '11 is only $9 in HD on iTunes. Should I? Haven't seen it yet, but heard nothing but praise.
Money in the Bank '11 is only $9 in HD on iTunes. Should I? Haven't seen it yet, but heard nothing but praise.