The difference between BERLIN and HONG KONG was less than 1%!!!
So. . . IT'S A RUN-OFF!!!
A run-off survey was just sent to backers. We'll announce the results Monday, May 21st.
Sweet. Berlin should be good.
Some concept art was posted...
Eh, not digging the character art. Hopefully the concept is just that and not indicative of the final product :/
I dig that art.
If there was on thing that turned me off about the Shadowruns of the past it was how they tried make all the mystical elves and orcs realistic looking. Ended up looking a little to generic fantasy for my tastes.
Way too cartoony for my taste. And it's not even the cartoon-ish part that is the problem, something like in Ralph Bashki's style could work, but it looks like a Saturday Morning kid's cartoon. Way too bright and colorful and soft (despite the use of a lot of brown).
New wallpaper. I agree that the art style is too "soft" and round:
Love the look of that screen.More concept art today (I'd link it, but the files is like 3.3 megabytes). Almost hidden in a post about GenCon.
Shows what the city view/legwork screen might look like.
To me it looks good, but they've continued (not surprisingly) the cartoon style characters, which isn't quite what I expected out of Shadowrun (reminds me of the movie Cool World, which I think about 5 people saw)
Lime quote fail small image
Here is the image in proper size[img][/url][/QUOTE]
haha, typical Dennis. You do know that it's possible to view quoted images in full sizes if you click on it? I usually just quote large images like what I did above, so the people with small monitors have the option to mess up their browser view, rather than force them to it :)
Even when clicked it is not full sized.haha, typical Dennis. You do know that it's possible to view quoted images in full sizes if you click on it? I usually just quote large images like what I did above, so the people with small monitors have the option to mess up their browser view, rather than force them to it![]()
Even when clicked it is not full sized.
I know about the feature. I'm just glad that Dennis saved me from having to drag the image to a new tab by posting it in full sizeEither quickly drag the picture (it will full-size) or right-click->view image (new page in full size). It's been the standard since the new forum update last year.
Would you prefer them to go even more futuristic? It seems a bit too close to the present day world. Or at least that's what it seems like. I'm not very familiar with the Shadowrun universe so maybe this is how it's always been. Still, I like it overall. Just a bit different from what I imagined it'd be like.Alright, in isometric view I don't mind the art style, even though it still reminds me of Gorillaz. Something about zooming way the fuck out allows me to accept a not-so-realistic world. Still... I feel weird calling it cyberpunk. Even if that is the theme of the game, it is not what has been firmly established as the look, which is dark, gritty realism.
Well cyberpunk usually has modern day stuff that is the slummy shithole parts of the world where they have technological stuff but all in the old structure, then in another area or maybe a floating/suspended area above it, a hyperadvanced and cleaner fully technological city. From what I have read of Shadowrun stuff, they separate these into districts rather than have crazy stuff like floating cities, but they still keep the base concept of class separation while adding fantasy things.Would you prefer them to go even more futuristic? It seems a bit too present day in my eyes. Or at least, at least that's what it seems like. I'm not very familiar with the Shadowrun universe so maybe this is how it's always been. I still like it overall, though. Just a bit different from what I imagined it'd be like.
Yep, that's it.And that's so funny you mention Gorillaz (I'm assuming you mean the band). Couldn't put my finger on it, but it totally does remind me of their artwork.
Agreed on all counts.Personally, I love it. Maybe not the style I would pick myself if i was in charge, but as far as the game itself is good and it looks pretty enough (which is definitely the case here) I'm totally fine with it.
To be honest, it looks far better than the first concept screen for Wasteland 2 to me.