The latest update reprints those images from Kotaku but with added commentary about their design decisions.
Has Harebrained Schemes said anything about target specs? Are they aiming this for iPhone? I'm asking because the textures and polygon count of these models are extremely low-spec.
Looks great to me.
And let me laugh hard at people who pretend to teach to Shadowrun's original creator what's the right mood or style for a Shadowrun game.
Star Wars was shit from the start, people will realized that someday.Ya! Everyone should also leave George Lucas to perfecting his work without complaint.
It never was, as far as I can remember.Is this still scheduled for January 2013?
Is this still scheduled for January 2013? There isn't even an in-game screenshot yet, AFAIK. All the tablet discussion is worrying. I thought this was primary a PC game and they were porting it to tablets later.
It never was, as far as I can remember.
Street Samurai
These powerful warriors are the martial masters of the Shadowrun universe, wielding smart weapons that are directly connected to their bodies reflexes. For players who want to slash and gun their way to victory, the street samurai is an ideal starting place.
Weisman Says: In Shadowrun Returns, Street Samurai can gain the ability to carry up to three weapons into combat and special ranged skills such as snapshot, armor piercing, and head-shots. In close combat, Samurai can gain actions like slash, stab, and cleave with bladed weapons, and the ability to disarm an opponent.
Harebrained Schemes
The February issue of Game Informer's Digital Magazine is out, featuring a 10 "page" article about Shadowrun Returns!
New art! New info! New quotes from Jordan!
Without further delay, heres a rundown of the new information the article mentions:
- The mag talks a little bit about the story of the game, A woman named Jessica Watts approaches your newly created protagonist for help. Her brother Sam, your old friend, has been murdered. Youre the only one she can trust and she begs you to come to Seattle to figure out what happened. We thought the only appropriate place to start a Shadowrun videogame was the morgue, so the first scene is there, explains Weisman. Your dead friend Sam is there, and like any film noir tale, the first character you meet is the Lone Star detective, Mitch Macklusky, who is immediately antagonistic. From there you find out that theres been a series of murders; these people have all been found with organs cut out. Youre charged with solving Sams murder, but as you did into that, more and more unravels, and the mystery expands from the lowest echelons of society, like the biker gangs, all the way up to the dynastic control of one of the largest megacorporations.
- While creating your character, youll answer a short set of questions that help determine your characters background. (This isnt implemented yet, so like all of our ideas, well see how it comes out in the wash.)
- In combat, we simulate stun damage by reducing your Action Points. So a punch may do 5 Hit Points and 10 Action Points of damage, reducing your ability to respond to the best of your ability. Berlin is going to be released as downloadable content after the game launches and will be free to Backers.
- We also hope to release downloadable environment packs, like the Ork Underground, regularly so Player-GMs have more places to create their own stories
and like any film noir tale, the first character you meet is the Lone Star detective, Mitch Macklusky[...]
I think this might actually be my most hyped Kickstarter project in development. That description sounds awesome.
Can I grab that Game Informer on iPhone?
I played the everlovin' shit out of the SNES game as a young person. Can't wait to play this new version.
Okay I am officially down.
...even though I was months ago when I backed it...
Guys, we already bought this game! What a cool feeling.
Jesus Christ, this is beautiful.Some great new screens from RockPaperShotgun:
If it ends up failing on anything, it'll probably only do so in battles. From all their updates, they seem like really creative guys who have a ton of ideas they have amassed over the years. It also sounds like they have long been obsessed with how to craft the ultimate dynamic RPG world and figured out a great system that is working in practice. A lot less has been said about battle mechanics, and since it is turn-based, one would assume they are using the tabletop rules or something very close to them. Thus, the key to success with that would be not letting ease of handling mechanics keep them from crafting creative and engaging battle scenarios that make the most out of them.Yeah, it's pretty good to know that us backers got it covered - yet it would also be more sad if the game does not end up being good.
Got a link to that?Love the female mage design.
I'm still a little sad we couldn't get a Deus Ex-style Shadowrun game, but this'll do.
Ah thought you meant something new.It's at the top of the page?
Some great new screens from RockPaperShotgun:
Hairbrained Schemes said:Hi Everyone!
As you may know, Game Informer magazine did a big article about us in their February issue. For those of you who didnt see it, heres the art from the article. Please note that these images are not in-game screenshots. Theyre concept pieces assembled from real game assets and posed characters. Hope you like them!