While I was a big fan of Homecoming, I want to quickly toss this out there: I think Shattered Memories Nightmare > Homecomings Otherworld.
I've spoken at length on this, but SHH Otherworld was a very clean "PG13" version of SH 1-3 Otherworld, relying too heavily on the industrial rustic design but without any of the frightening, disturbing imagry. It felt like a copy of a copy... it looked good, and had great sound, but it was so...
sterile in comparison to the other games that it felt like a cheap rehash.
In Shattered Memories, you have a wholey unique revision which is both glassy and disturbing. To the people saying its too barren, well I actually say theres more going on than in Homecoming: I've already seen plane crashes, frozen people, skeletons, giant double helixes, and various other weird things encased in ice... and really, you arent suppose to be standing still ever in here. The amount of detail in a zone you're suppose to be blurrying past I think is very impressive... the whole time you have that 'get me the fuck out of here' feel vs. the slow, plodding atmosphere Homecoming tried on you.
So yes, while I agree that the overall pacing of the game isnt that great, there isnt enough to do outside of the Nightmare, I do like their approach to the Nightmare world.
And I do find it funny that Silent Hill is now in Upstate New York

And while SH the towns seems less of a "character" in this game, the town has actually never felt more "alive." I've rarely played a game where I thought the setting was really a place so alive where people lived, ate, played, loved, died. I've called 2 dozen or so numbers I've found around there, some people selling me health insurance, a suicide hot line, I've called a number for a weather report, a prostitute, a forest protection agency... it all just feels so
real. A lot of love when into it (too bad there arent more things to do in it)
Then again, I'm only just finishing up the High School now so I have a lot to go.