I've BEEN following the dirt trail. I end up at the water station, run through those 2 rooms, climb over the fence, then I have no idea where to go.
The Quick Look made me want to buy the game.Metalic Sand said:Watched the Giantbomb quick look of this and now i want to buy a Wii :lol
Flunkie said:The Quick Look made me want to buy the game.
whatdidyousay said:I've BEEN following the dirt trail. I end up at the water station, run through those 2 rooms, climb over the fence, then I have no idea where to go.
whatdidyousay said:Really? What were your problems with the game?
whatdidyousay said:Eh, I'll just completely ignore this game I think. Ditto about the comment earlier about being stuck while sitting in the car. I hatehatehate stuff like this.
brandonh83 said:Well yeah,:lolthe entire game is the representation of what she tells Kaufmann. But what I don't really get, is why Harry seems so confused about everything that is happening. Cheryl must have a very... elaborate concoction of a story made up in her mind
A lot of things about the story don't make much sense to me, but I'm hoping to get some of that cleared up through discussion.
Miburou said:Um,I do not think it just represent what Cheryl is saying (that was the point of my previous post), but rather the dialog she's having with Dr. K, i.e. Harry is her side of the discussion, while the other characters are Kaufman's side, pushing her to accept the truth, while she tries to avoid it by summoning the nightmare world.
EatChildren said:It's important to remember thatHarry, however he exists in the otherworld, is irrelivant. He could be a doppelganger spat out by Silent Hill due to Cheryl's therapy, or he could be a spirit longing to escape his purgatory like world. What's important is that Harry's entire personality post-crash is 100% Cheryl. Everything you do in the game, every question you answer at the shrink, is essentially how Cheryl has chosen to see Harry.
As the shrink says, what seven year old really knows her parents? It's quite haunting, as the only 'real' glimps of Harry we ever get are in the video recordings. Harry himself might have some kind of free will or form, but his very personality in this form is still Cheryl's. He's a creation of Cheryl.
We always talk about how for every individual trapped in Silent Hill they see creations of their own mind. The world, the monsters, the horror; it's all something inside them deep down. Did we ever stop think that Harry is, in fact, just another one of these things? He is not trapped in Silent Hill, he was made in Silent Hill by Cheryl.
I'll save my comments for the actual gameplay later, but in terms of plot this is going to be a game I remember for a long time. The twist at the end is a stroke of genious, both making everything suddenly make sense, while asking the player to analyse everything all over again.
Hell, even themain menu and opening clip of Harry and Cheryl going to the ammusement park is perceived differently. At the start you kind of think of this as a reference to the past, in that it is a build-up to Harry's car crash and his connection to Cheryl. Then you realise it's all just a memory. It's Cheryl's tape. It's Cheryl's inability to let go. "I love my daddy!" is not a father longing for his daughter, but a daughter who gravely misses her father.
Well done, Climax.
as someone who just tried silent hill out and never finished any of the games due to the tidious controlls etc.. this is the stuff i wanted to hear.. now im gonna buy it for sure.. when it arrivesRocketDarkness said:Just finished it.
This was my first Silent Hill game, and while I can tell it's radically different than the other entries, I really enjoyed the fact that it was more of a tense adventure-horror game than a survival horror game.Man, that ending was a major twist. I got the "Harry is Dead" ending. Kaufmann told me that I had built him up in my head, but in the end, he was still just a human being. Harry told me he'd always be with me, then turned to ice. Then I left the clinic and hugged my mom. The ending summary of my personality was scarily accurate at times. I'm definitely going to go back to this game soon.
video game stories are always bullshit..Fantastical said:They ripped this game apart on The Geekbox. There are some spoilers, so beware if you are going to listen (nothing big, they hinted at something at the end, that may or maybe not happen... I haven't played the game). They liked the graphics, acting, and presentation, but hated the chase scenes and the gameplay. They thought the story was bullshit as well.
EatChildren said:It's important to remember thatHarry, however he exists in the otherworld, is irrelivant. He could be a doppelganger spat out by Silent Hill due to Cheryl's therapy, or he could be a spirit longing to escape his purgatory like world. What's important is that Harry's entire personality post-crash is 100% Cheryl. Everything you do in the game, every question you answer at the shrink, is essentially how Cheryl has chosen to see Harry.
Well done, Climax.
John Harker said:The security guard, if you call the Mall office, tells you he's been watching you the whole time on camera and he thinks you're a pervert there to voyeur on the high school kids.
in addition to that,wrowa said:I was surprised reading this. To me he said something completely else! :lol He told me that the mall was long vacated and there's no way I could be in there without making an alarm. And there's no way I could be in there right now anyway, because he can't see me on his cameras.
wrowa said:I was surprised reading this. To me he said something completely else! :lol He told me that the mall was long vacated and there's no way I could be in there without making an alarm. And there's no way I could be in there right now anyway, because he can't see me on his cameras.
Yeah, that was Harker's end from what I could gather, only thing is that it's not the same as in other endings. I posted a video of my end a page back, and it's alot more bittersweet and puts a different perspective on things.IMACOMPUTA said:I've seen talks of endings, but haven't seen mine mentioned. In mine, i got
All i have to say is that this game is amazing. I HATED the chase scenes.. Seriously HATED.. almost quit playing, but was so interested in the story that i had to push on.. But the amount of thought that went into the story, and all the symbolism that you can read into is amazing. I love games/movies like this.Cheryl: "Why'd you have to die?!" Harry: "Forget me..."
and then it showed Harry, Lisa, and Michelle in a bed (i think on the boat) and Harry was about to film a threesome.. Mentioned how they were roleplaying as the "nurse" and the "prom queen"...
This really seems like it could explain those characters.. Like, Cheryl found the video and since she knows nothing of her dad, except what she has seen in videos, those are the only characters in his life.. so she fit them in as a REAL nurse, and "prom queen".
If you enjoyed this story, it really reminds me ofSo, if you haven't, check that movie out.Mulholland Drive.
doomed1 said:Yeah, that was Harker's end from what I could gather, only thing is that it's not the same as in other endings. I posted a video of my end a page back, and it's alot more bittersweet and puts a different perspective on things.I think how Harry relates to Cheryl and the latter's perspective of the former is a very important bit, but the whole thing is meant to be very ambiguous. We could go on and on about how Harry was created by Silent Hill through the shattered memories and feelings of Cheryl and it all really happened in some bizarre way, or how the whole game was just a visual representation of Cheryl's conceptions of her father were being fought by Dr. K, or even how the game was Harry's spirit looking through Silent Hill, trying to find his daughter to try and give her closure. It's all so ambiguous that it really can't be pinpointed, so forgive me if I fail to see how trying to accurately pinpoint exactly what happens to be futile and riddled with holes without a developer comment. I mean, the vagueness is entirely the point, as the focus is on the relationship between Cheryl and her dead father and how that gets fragmented with time and feelings, i.e., the subtitle. Everything else is just icing on the cake and I would argue it's there precisely to string you along and send you a variety of conflicting messages. That's the whole point for the various differences in each play through, to customize the content for maximum disturbance.
Sorry, I meant scitek. I knew someone got it, I just forgot who. Brandon was another one I think an a consecutive play through, and somebody did mention theJohn Harker said:Actually, interestingly enough, the ending I actually got wasnt any of those either... (the one he posted I watched on youtube) in my ending, which I haent seen on youtube yet for some reason,
What I also did enjoy was the little tie-in for all your Momentos at the end, nice touch cause otherwise the seemed interesting but useless.
Active separation. There are some names and places, but it's all completely different, from changes in roll to the very structure of the nightmares.Punchy4486 said:I know this has been marketed as a "reimagining" rather than a remake, but for those who have completed it, does it at all tie in with the existing timeline, like the new Star Trek movie did, or does it actively separate itself from that all together, ala Batman Begins/The Dark Knight?
What's more terrifying, seeing that which you already feel uncomfortable with take form in freakish skin creatures or that which you take pleasure in become the object of your tension?John Harker said:One thing actually got me thinking. While it appears that the psychology-based game adaption elements seem to be pretty successful, they position this as "using your deepest fears against you." To be honest, I think they got some of the implementation rather backwards, haha. If I spend half the game staring at cleavage and picking sexually suggestive choices toward women, seeing enemies charging at be in the Nightmare with large breasts, vagina lips, and high heels to me isn't really playing with my fear... they should probably have a giant penis or other phallic symbolism. :lol
They should have gone with the opposite of how you played in the Nightmare parts! That's far more disturbing![]()
IMACOMPUTA said:I've seen talks of endings, but haven't seen mine mentioned. In mine, i got
Cheryl: "Why'd you have to die?!" Harry: "Forget me..."
and then it showed Harry, Lisa, and Michelle in a bed (i think on the boat) and Harry was about to film a threesome.. Mentioned how they were roleplaying as the "nurse" and the "prom queen"...
This really seems like it could explain those characters.. Like, Cheryl found the video and since she knows nothing of her dad, except what she has seen in videos, those are the only characters in his life.. so she fit them in as a REAL nurse, and "prom queen".
MiniDitka said:IMACOMPUTA said:I've seen talks of endings, but haven't seen mine mentioned. In mine, i got
That's ending I got on my first play-through. I've gotten 4 different endings but heard there are five so I'm going to give it another go and see if I can get the fifth.Cheryl: "Why'd you have to die?!" Harry: "Forget me..."
and then it showed Harry, Lisa, and Michelle in a bed (i think on the boat) and Harry was about to film a threesome.. Mentioned how they were roleplaying as the "nurse" and the "prom queen"...
This really seems like it could explain those characters.. Like, Cheryl found the video and since she knows nothing of her dad, except what she has seen in videos, those are the only characters in his life.. so she fit them in as a REAL nurse, and "prom queen".
Video montage of the different endings - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8qrasJrIsk
Thanks for that, the UFO one was simply amazing... but again, it didn't have my ending :lol I haven't seen it on youtube or anyone else say they saw it, I wonder what I did to trigger it. I kinda liked it though. A lot of it made sense considering how Dhalia was depicted throughout the game.
John Harker said:Thanks for that, the UFO one was simply amazing... but again, it didn't have my ending :lol I haven't seen it on youtube or anyone else say they saw it, I wonder what I did to trigger it. I kinda liked it though. A lot of it made sense considering how Dhalia was depicted throughout the game.
MiniDitka said:Video montage of the different endings - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8qrasJrIsk
Ridley327 said:The only thing that would make the UFO ending better is ifthey used the dog ending credits theme afterwards. GREATEST SONG EVER :lol :lol :lol
ShockingAlberto said:You know, I think I'd like the game more if there were no chases and no combat
Just tighten up the wandering around and give it a really tense and creepy story.
I think Konami is banking it all on GAF. I've seen web Ads for it all over GAF. :lolJohn Harker said:The story already is great!
Climax should be proud, it's one of the tightest/cleanest stories (with really solid writing and great voice acting) i've seen in a game in a long time. Then again, I can see how someone could be just not interested in it for what it is ::shrug::
Has the word of mouth been as good on other forums as it has been here?
Doesn't seem to be lighting up the pages here + with Konami deciding not to spend a single $1 on it that doesn't bode too well despite its general well reception.