TheJollyCorner said:Probably no one here knows how sad typing that makes me.
TheJollyCorner said:Probably no one here knows how sad typing that makes me.
TheJollyCorner said:I appreciate the impressions. It's made my decision to NOT reward Konami with their tragic indifference to this once brilliant series easy.
Hastings has a single copy to rent. I'll eyeball that one. Probably no one here knows how sad typing that makes me.
Kiriku said:Speaking of controls, how are the controls supposed to work in the PSP/PS2 versions of the game? I can see a button mashing type of deal when shaking off monsters for example, or maybe some kind of QTE.
Harsh. True, but harsh.Protip to old Silent Hill fans; The franchise, as it were known, is dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Team Silent is dead. Get over it.
Better to see it put to rest than have its zombie trotted out in yet another paint by numbers Silent Hill "me to" release that barely captures any of the brilliance of the early games in the series.UrbanRats said:Harsh. True, but harsh.
Futurevoid said:I like the direction Shattered Memories takes the series in. I wouldn't put at the level of the early titles but I like it. I like the fresh outlook on the series and with some nips and tucks, Climax could create an extremely good "original" game in this series using the mechanics established in this game. Either on the Wii or the PS3/360.
EatChildren said:Protip to old Silent Hill fans; The franchise, as it were known, is dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Team Silent is dead. Get over it.
We also don't need you posting the same thing over and over again on every page. Just sayin'.
I was in the middle of writing a huge reply but im not going to bother anymore.
brandonh83 said:Which... is very disappointing and while I think the game is good overall, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being dismayed by the direction it took.
It's one thing to like the game and defend it, that's fine because it has several good qualities, but let's not start this again. We were fans of the series because of many things that Shattered Memories simply does not do, and there's not a thing wrong with being upset over the title. Just because some of you weren't there from the beginning doesn't mean it's okay to play the "well that's over with, gotta ACCEPT" card, because it's bullshit. If fans want to be upset with the game, that's just as valid as those of you who don't really care about what the series used to be.
I don't think that's whats being said though and you've misunderstood the intentions of what some have commented on. My personal intent was to say that as a long time and absolutely diehard fan of this series since the original - I've let go of the need to put Silent Hill into a "box of ideas" that each game needs to stringently fit into or else its just not Silent Hill. That's all. I'm open to new ideas and new directions for the series to go in that don't involve fog, rusty industrial otherworlds and the Order. That's all really. I'm ok with fundamental changes to the core of what the series is because - and it pains me to say this - the core Silent Hill experience has become predictable and somewhat boring in its own right. I can speak for no one else but myself on that front.brandonh83 said:I'm sorry, that's a fact, and you can't expect all the long-time fans of the series blindly accepting everything because Silent Hill is an extremely specific sort of series to a lot of people and it's foolhardy to just leave it at "well the old team is dead and the franchise is dead."
What's amusing about that statement is that Silent Hill fans have been doing just that for years. At least the diehard fans. Guys like you and I that went out and got Origins and Homecoming which truly aren't bad games but they are, in every way, a paint by numbers Silent Hill experience. I say that as someone that likes Homecoming but I'm not deluding myself into thinking it can stand up to the core games that started this series.brandonh83 said:you can't expect all the long-time fans of the series blindly accepting everything
What's amusing about that statement is that Silent Hill fans have been doing just that for years.
No different than folks being lectured about what Silent Hill should be, no? Welcome to a discussion forum. You take the good with the bad and vice versa...I'm just sort of dismayed about how people come in here with a negative opinion and they get lectured as if they don't know what they're talking about, when we do, in fact, know exactly what we're talking about.
*pulls out his Silent Hill fan membership card*brandonh83 said:It's equally okay to not like the game because as a long-time player there are certain aspects that each SH game must meet in order for it to be a quality installment.
No different than folks being lectured about what Silent Hill should be, no? Welcome to a discussion forum
Futurevoid said:I wasn't so much specifically saying that you're lecturing. I get your stance but I can see how others would misconstrue it as such. No harm no foul.
Though it's more direct than some folks would like I think there is a salient point being made by what he's saying though. I think we do, as fans need to accept that Team Silent is no more. With Yamaoka leaving Konami, the last member of what was defined the original four Silent Hill games (and even those that followed) has departed. Thank about that - no more Akira Yamaoka. I can tell you that as a fan, nothing has defined Silent Hill for me more than Yamaoka's music! What we get from this series from here on out is going to be markedly different that we're accustomed to. That may not work for everyone and I think the point that people have been trying to make for for pages now is simply this:Futurevoid said:And on the same token, I would like to see other people like TheJollyCorner make a post without the usual "team silent is dead silent hill is dead just accept it and take what they give"
Futurevoid said:So maybe Shattered Memories isn't a Silent Hill game by way of the the standards that we held the series to in the past - but why can't it be a new standard for the series moving forward? Something to build and grow on?
Why not build on the established name and keep it fresh? This is a sequel driven market where its easier to sell games that are of a known quality than gambling on a new IP. You make the mistake of assuming games are simply a creative endeavor where I'm sure you understand there is a business aspect to a game release as well.Kiriku said:But in that case, why not let the series rest in peace?
How much did EA market Dead Space Extraction yet it bombed? The Wii is a difficult market and third parties are still trying to figure out the best way to crack that particular nut. Especially with a "hardcore" gamers title like Silent Hill. I've seen plenty of ads for the game in various gaming magazines. There are ads for the game right at the bottom of this forum in fact targeting the very gamers who would by it. I would imagine you mean television ads which are costly and I absolutely understand why Konami would forego them.Kiriku said:And how much did Konami even care to market Shattered Memories
Really? I mean really? You think its easier in this market to create a new series, develop it and make that series viable to the game consuming public than building a game around an already established name like Silent Hill? If you honestly believe that, I don't know what to say.Kiriku said:Trying to keep the SH series alive at this point and convince people it's still SH seems like more work than actually trying to create something new.
Futurevoid said:Really? I mean really? You think its easier in this market to create a new series, develop it and make that series viable to the game consuming public than building a game around an already established name like Silent Hill? If you honestly believe that, I don't know what to say.
Miburou said:SH3 wasn't a retail disappointment; it sold 1M on PS2 and PC (it was in Konami annual report). Might've been a bit lower than SH1 (which did well in the US) and SH2 (which did 1M copies, 350K of which were retailer preorders in Europe) but probably not by much.
Us Silent Hill fans have a hard time letting go:lol . It speaks to the quality of the original games that hooked us all. Though trust me, it does get exhausting trying to explain the reasons why I think the changes made in Shattered Memories will be a good thing for the series in the long run.Rez said:it's not the discussion that's irritating, it's the fact hat it's the same one. over and over again (across multiple threads).
Konami would have been smarter to give the series some breathing room after the release of Silent Hill 2 which was more successful than I think even Konami expected. There was a division internally at Team Silent during development of the third game and the direction they should go in with that game and "Room 302" from what I remember reading. I think if Konami wouldn't have been so bullish on getting a new game out there as quickly as possible, the series name wouldn't be as "faded" in gamers eyes. From a business perspective I understand the "strike while it's hot" mentality though.Ridley327 said:Weird; Konami has always made it sound like they weren't happy with the sales, which makes me wonder what they had expected for it.
Futurevoid said:U
Konami would have been smarter to give the series some breathing room after the release of Silent Hill 2 which was more successful than I think even Konami expected. There was a division internally at Team Silent during development of the third game and the direction they should go in with that game and "Room 302" from what I remember reading. I think if Konami wouldn't have been so bullish on getting a new game out there as quickly as possible, the series name wouldn't be as "faded" in gamers eyes. From a business perspective I understand the "strike while it's hot" mentality though.
It started out as side project with a mixture of new ideas and old staples from the series proper a. Almost like an offshoot that Team Silent had been working on specifically because they wanted to explore a new direction. It began development shortly after Silent Hill 2 and alongside Silent Hill 3. The team was, from what I remember reading at the time quite split on how to move ahead because there were a good number of people on the team that did not want to revisit the original storyline.Miburou said:It didn't start out as an SH game
I think the quality of the game had an effect on the overall legs it had sales wise but you and I know that this business is all about initial sales and Silent Hill 4 struggled in that regard before folks even had a chance to play it. I think the first point you made about the short turnaround time between 3 and 4 contributed to a feeling of exhaustion folks had with the series. The fact the The Room was so different was the icing on the proverbial cake.Miburou said:Well, there were more or less 2 years between 2 and 3, which I think was adequate, but SH4 coming out about a year after 3, not feeling like an SH game, and having some serious issues (such as having to revisit every area and having a limited inventory system this requiring frequents trips back to the apartment) is what did the most damage to the series.
Miburou said:Well, there were more or less 2 years between 2 and 3, which I think was adequate, but SH4 coming out about a year after 3, not feeling like an SH game, and having some serious issues (such as having to revisit every area and having a limited inventory system this requiring frequents trips back to the apartment) is what did the most damage to the series.
Ridley327 said:I wonder if Konami would be interested in contacting Masafumi Takada of Grasshopper Manufacture to work on future SH soundtracks; the Killer7 soundtrack is reminscent of Yamaoka's more ambient work in the series and I think it'd be a great fit. Not to mention it would give the world an excuse to release another top-shelf Takada soundtrack.![]()
EatChildren said:This this this. Grasshopper/Suda are pretty much the A team of who I'd put behind any franchise that needs a kick in the pants, from gameplay and art to sound and story.
Miburou said:I think I'm beginning to understand brandon, shidoshi and jolly corner's dismay now.![]()
it was only on 2 platforms the x box and PS2.Ridley327 said:Even after SH3's retail disappointment in all territories, Konami still told the team to rename Room 302 (which, in turn, did worse than SH3, despite being on three platforms). They're either gluttons for punishment or they think the brand is worth enough to soldier on with it. I guess they figure since the film was an overall success for them, it's worth carrying on.
brandonh83 said:If that is your idea of the future, EC, I will have no part of it!