darkwings said:I am really loving the flashlight aspect of it with the wiimote.
And no offense to the PSP, but i wouldnt want to play this on a small screen. Some of the atmosphere will be lost compared to a 50 inch LCD.
darkwings said:I am really loving the flashlight aspect of it with the wiimote.
And no offense to the PSP, but i wouldnt want to play this on a small screen. Some of the atmosphere will be lost compared to a 50 inch LCD.
sphinx said:I am not sure because there are times where he says "we are making progress here" which points at having a "therapy" that normally isn't just one session. I think it can be assumed that every time the game takes you back to Kaufmann, the Doc, then it's a new session.
I also always thought it was Harry being interviewed, I though actually that sessions were part of his adventures through silent hill. I mean, that he had this talk with the doc then went on looking for his daughter. Or that whatever strange things happened to him in silent hill was discussion material for the sessions in therapy... something like that.
So can you tell me, did I get a bad ending? Harry tells Cheryl "Just forget me" and turns into ice and shatters.
Can someone please tell me, are there echo messages, mementos or photos in the nightmare sequences???? and also: There are things that I can "use" but I can't figure out what to do sometimes because the game won't let me grab anything on the screen. Is it safe to asume that every usable thing serves a purpose and that I am surely leaving a memento or something behind?
SlipperySlope said:Did Cheryl say anything to her father during your ending?
Edit - Also, what do you guys think the brothel symbolizes?
sphinx said:If I remember correctly: "Why did you have to die (or go)"....
hehe, is that the worst ending?
oh and on the game about pairing married couples I put 2 men and 2 women together just to see if there was any gay related material in the coming chapters but no...
and WHAT THE HELL at the text with the ending credits, it DID mostly accurately describe my person
MiniDitka said:Just finished the PS2 version and can definitely recommend it to anyone that was interested but was worried how it would translate from the Wii version. While the graphics aren't are sharp and the controls not as immersive both do a pretty good job compared to the Wii version. Will have some gameplay vids up in a while.
But it's not a horror game. It's not really even that scary.sphinx said:I have not played this game on anything other than wii but I can tell to everyone looking at this thread to get impressions:
This is a Wii game, it clearly is made and tailored for the wii as first and only platform in mind with the other versions being there to get some more sales. So my tip to anyone on the fence: buy the PS2 version if you don't have a wii and are never ever going to get one. I wouldn't recommend the PSP version at all, sorry but horror games are terrible on small screens.
Owners of PS3s with PS2 compatibility and no Wii at home should absolutely buy this as well.
Dance In My Blood said:But it's not a horror game. It's not really even that scary.
Dance In My Blood said:But it's not a horror game. It's not really even that scary.
Lord Error said:Besides, PSP version will at least have advantage of not having huge chunky pixels, due to a small screen size. That's the version I plan to play at least. I know the big screen is good for immersive horror game, but no way I can stomach SD content with no antialiasing on a 50" screen anymore.
Unless of course, PSP version is completely botched, but it looked pretty good on that trailer.
No, you don't get to go around defining words. Horror is horrific. Intense, a sudden striking fear. Shattered Memories is a disturbing game, that can have an emotional resonance, but it doesn't set out to frighten the user.sphinx said:depens on what you consider horror.
If horror = Gore and enemies attacking you then yeah, it isn't a horror game.
If horror = obscure, disturbing, evil then it's a horror game.
Origins worked perfectly well on PSP, very immersive with headphones and tucked in bed with itsphinx said:I have not played this game on anything other than wii but I can tell to everyone looking at this thread to get impressions:
This is a Wii game, it clearly is made and tailored for the wii as first and only platform in mind with the other versions being there to get some more sales. So my tip to anyone on the fence: buy the PS2 version if you don't have a wii and are never ever going to get one. I wouldn't recommend the PSP version at all, sorry but horror games are terrible on small screens.
Owners of PS3s with PS2 compatibility and no Wii at home should absolutely buy this as well.
Dance In My Blood said:No, you don't get to go around defining words. Horror is horrific. Intense, a sudden striking fear. Shattered Memories is a disturbing game, that can have an emotional resonance, but it doesn't set out to frighten the user.
It's not scary, and that's primarily because there's a lack of any sense of real danger unless it's presented to you in an isolated game segment. I like the game, but don't bill it as something it isn't.
That's what I plan on doing, yeah :-Dsphinx said:o.k but make sure you have earphones and are playing in a proper room where you can focus on what is happening.
Lord Error said:Besides, PSP version will at least have advantage of not having huge chunky pixels, due to a small screen size. That's the version I plan to play at least. I know the big screen is good for immersive horror game, but no way I can stomach SD content with no antialiasing on a 50" screen anymore.
Unless of course, PSP version is completely botched, but it looked pretty good on that trailer.
MiniDitka said:Short Wii/PS2 video comparison. Will have some PS2 only and a few more comparison vids up as soon as possible.
PS2/Wii - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-o1kFrixDk
Doh! in my haste to get the video done I messed up *fuck* Oh well, not the first stupid thing I've done. Thanks for alerting me to my mistake(fixed it in the video notes)kinggroin said:Not sure if you did it on purpose or what, but your video has it labeled as "PS2 on the left, and Wii on the right".
Well, that's true for the beginning of the comparison (especially noticeable when the demon is seen through the ice in the shaderless ps2 version). However, at some point the videos switch position.
I was starting to say to myself, "damn, the PS2 version actually looks better after the nightmare sequence!" Then I saw "open" with the DS "X" symbol in the video on the right. Realized that the feeds are swapped. Biggest give away being the shaders on the water in the video on the left (the supposed PS2 version).
You're not fooling anyone mister.
Yeah, the ice transition/ice levels and the draw distance during the daytime levels are probably the most noticeable differences between the two.EmCeeGramr said:The ice transition effect with the bridge was totally gone.
edit: Wait, it's still there, it's just a texture effect now. The ice "melting" and the deforming metal of the bridge are gone, though.
ivysaur12 said:Any idea how this sold?
WTF is the game then if not horror? How friggin bold of you to say it's not scary and the developers didn't set out to make a "horror" game.Dance In My Blood said:No, you don't get to go around defining words. Horror is horrific. Intense, a sudden striking fear. Shattered Memories is a disturbing game, that can have an emotional resonance, but it doesn't set out to frighten the user.
It's not scary, and that's primarily because there's a lack of any sense of real danger unless it's presented to you in an isolated game segment. I like the game, but don't bill it as something it isn't.
Hiltz said:50k copies is pretty sad especially for the franchise's first appearance on a Nintendo platform.
A psychological thriller I guess.jrricky said:WTF is the game then if not horror? How friggin bold of you to say it's not scary and the developers didn't set out to make a "horror" game.
MiniDitka said:A few pics. Can you spot the differences :lol
teiresias said:This part doesn't even make sense in the PS2 version anymore because it looks like he's frightened by a blank wall into running away. :lol
PS2 - Left stick = forward,back and strafe Right stick = up,down,left and right.chandoog said:So it looks like the PS2 version is a straight port-up of the PSP version.
but does it use the right analog stick to free-move the torch during exploration ? someone please answer this already![]()
Are these two shots taken from the exact same point? If so, what happened to those colorful orbs in the PS2 version?
Wow, it looks like the statue can transform into different shapes! Spooky! :lol
JDS 1977 said:I wish they would have done this for 360 or ps3. I'm not into waggle and the ps2 version looks pretty rough. Sucks since it does look pretty cool.
JDS 1977 said:I wish they would have done this for 360 or ps3. I'm not into waggle and the ps2 version looks pretty rough. Sucks since it does look pretty cool.
DarkUSS said:Some differences are rather peculiar:
Are these two shots taken from the exact same point? If so, what happened to those colorful orbs in the PS2 version?
DarkUSS said:Wow, it looks like the statue can transform into different shapes! Spooky! :lol
SlipperySlope said:. Outside of puzzles, you only use waggle to get the Nightmares off of you. But that part is very natural. He grab you on the left? Push him off by swinging to the left. It's natural, and it beats dual analog.