mantidor said:why people talk about the good ending? is there a wrong way to play the game?
I may be confused here a bit but...SlipperySlope said:My previous post leads to a question.
ImNotLikeThem said:I may be confused here a bit but...Unless thats one of the things that can change drastically in a playthrough? But I don't recall getting that impression on any playthrough so far.where did you get that Cheryl killed anyone? I'm pretty sure she got arrested for stealing something.
Andrex said:Wellit says she attacked him, never said she killed him. Probably spent some time in juvenile detention or something like that.
It didn't feel scary at all, because there was no sense of danger. You knew that nothing will harm you in the normal world so ocd type exploration went into high gear while disregarding the imagery in front.Hiltz said:I was impressed by how Climax was able to make the game feel scary during the exploration parts especially at night. It almost gave me the same kind of vibe as Resident Evil Remake.
I always freaked out when you get to those parts where the environments quickly become covered in ice.
SlipperySlope said:I found a huge list of the echo messages/ghost messages in the game. Huge spoilers, so don't enter if you haven't beaten the game.
Wow, I missed so much stuff.
Seems like every message has variations. Wow!
And they even have the audio of the variations. And the attached pictures. Very well done site.
Anyway, in regards to the spoilers I was talking about earlier...
There are variations of the Malcolm being stabbed part. I actually remember another variation (what I typed above was on my most recent play through.
The other version I remember getting is this:
[Var. 3]
-911? Oh God. I think he's dead.
-Sir, can you describe the emergency? Who is dead?
-Malcolm! He's a security guard here. Oh my God, he didn't see it coming. She, she had a knife, and just pulled it out and cut him. Must have hit an artery or something.
-Is Malcolm breathing? Can you find a pulse?
-He'd tried to help her. Even afterwards, he said to me: it's not her fault. Oh God, that was the last thing he said!
This one I don't remember getting:
[Var. 1]
-911? Oh God, he's bleeding everywhere!
-Calm down sir. Who is bleeding? Can you describe the situation?
-The security guard, Malcolm. He's been stabbed. He's dead!
-Are you sure he is dead? Is he breathing?
-Oh God, she just went crazy. She was spitting and screaming. It's not right. Malcolm would never hurt a fly. She just went insane.
So yeah, he's dead. And she killed him. I guess she got less time for insanity? Still surprised the game didn't delve into that more. That's a pretty major game-changer in the story. She goes from being a victim to being a killer.
ShockingAlberto said:Well, if you assume all the echoes are about her (like I do), then she probably did it after being raped in the forest. It's likely she parlayed that in to an insanity plea, which resulted in her having to see a shrink. She's still a victim, even if she's crazy
pakkit said:Christ, the story keeps giving...!
SlipperySlope said:There is no "good" or "bad" ending. Well, except for the UFO ending I guess. That one is stupid. But of the "normal" endings, they're just different. One even has quite a different tone than the others. But I won't go into details. My advice: Beat the game however you like, then go to GameFAQ's to get info on the other endings and how to get them.
mantidor said:Yeah that was my point. After I finished I got theending, and I went to youtube to see the others, and there's really not a good or bad ending. All endings overall paint a pretty disturbing picture together, so they kind of complement each other. I have doubts about one though.Dahlia beating Harry
when harry films himself with the two girls, he shows a complete disregard for his family, which doesn't happen in the other endings in which he's beaten by Dahlia or says goodbye to his family, so is it an alternative or was he that lousy of a father? well I guess that confusion is part of what makes the story so great.
And indeed the game's change in content isn't just the endings or the dresses of the characters, a lot of the dialog changes, for instance near the endingI really don't get why that would change or what did I do to get such dialog.when Cybil pulls Harry out of the lake in every video I've seen she says she is going to retire, but in my playtrough she says that she will be waiting at the station
mantidor said:And indeed the game's change in content isn't just the endings or the dresses of the characters, a lot of the dialog changes, for instance near the endingI really don't get why that would change or what did I do to get such dialog.when Cybil pulls Harry out of the lake in every video I've seen she says she is going to retire, but in my playtrough she says that she will be waiting at the station
Adam Prime said:So with the new PSMove controlller... who wouldn't want to see Shattered Memories 2 on PS3/360? I'd like to see what Climax could do in HD.
Adam Prime said:So with the new PSMove controlller... who wouldn't want to see Shattered Memories 2 on PS3/360? I'd like to see what Climax could do in HD.
Until pointing gets fixed, I'm pretty happy with SM on the Wii.Adam Prime said:So with the new PSMove controlller... who wouldn't want to see Shattered Memories 2 on PS3/360? I'd like to see what Climax could do in HD.
ShockingAlberto said:Until pointing gets fixed, I'm pretty happy with SM on the Wii.
I thought the graphics were more than fine for the game.
Adam Prime said:So with the new PSMove controlller... who wouldn't want to see Shattered Memories 2 on PS3/360? I'd like to see what Climax could do in HD.
i'd love to see one get the port and two on both platforms.Swittcher said:I would LOVE to see it on the Wii myself.
plagiarize said:i'd love to see one get the port and two on both platforms.
shattered memories doesn't get the recognition it should. it's every bit as groundbreaking a piece of interactive fiction or whatever as Heavy Rain is imho... just didn't get the marketing push it deserved.
SlipperySlope said:Edit - Wait a minute? You were asking for a sequel to be made for the HD consoles? You already have one called Origins, and it probably lost more money than SM did.
Combichristoffersen said:Origins wasn't for the HD consoles (it was originally released for PSP, and later ported to PS2), you're probably thinking of Homecoming. IIRC Origins had decent sales, while Homecoming got mediocre sales (and a lukewarm reception).
i think there are characters in the voicemails that can potentially be numerous characters depending on your choices. i think it was a purposeful design choice.John Harker said:Are we sure that's Cheryl? For some reason I always thought that was Dhalia in theMalcom recordings. Well, considering the version of Dahlia I had, it kinda made sense at the time it was either an echo of her mother or someone else at the HS. Not all of those memory echoes are of Cheryl
UrbanRats said:I LOVED SH:SM and i'm playing(and liking a lot)Heavy Rain right now.. the two games shares interesting features and they should meet each other.. an horror game with the exploration of SM(flashlight etc)the interaction of HR(have a cup of tea, oper the door)and HR QTEs... would be magnificent.
I never even noticed.iammeiam said:... The last couple of 'chase' sequences were really well done, I thought, but the previous ones were all irritating. The last one was fantastic because it sort of highlighted something I'd noticed earlier on, namely that...the creatures don't actively want to hurt you; creepiest thing I saw was, upon dying in an early chase sequence, that one of the nightmare things just starts gently petting Harry.
The atmosphere in this game is incredible.John Harker said:That slow walk scene after the high school to the club was mesmerizing, damn. It's such a shame Konami balked and decided not to promote this.
So much better than pressing a button. Analog stick door + flashlight pointer > button press. It's brilliant - and criminally underused (not once).abstract alien said:Opening doors with full control is such a huge breath of fresh air, and also a bit of a frightening one. There is a very eerie feeling about cracking open a door and taking a peak, as it really connects to you more than most mechanics in gaming.
This is true.Eurogamer: The problem with many games on Wii is not the fault of the hardware, but that of lazy developers ...
That he actually has to say that...Lead designer: We did a lot with this game we couldn't have done if it was 360 or PS3.
motion control... it's all the same, right?Eurogamer: Maybe ... which points to the future of the series on the most powerful console with motion control coming to both platforms later this year.
That he actually has to say that.Lead designer: Especially now the 360 and the PS3 are getting all the action I think people are gonna have to accept that this stuff is here and that actually adds quite a lot to the experience.
girl GAMER: Well another criticism that I've been hearing from fans is the fact that it's only on the Wii, PS2 and PSP. I Why didn't you guys decide to bring it to PS3 or even xbox360?
Producer: In the early stages of planning we looked at what Silent Wii on the Wii could be like, cause that seemed like a cool thing to do. You have the flashlight for the Wii remote. You have the speaker for the radio static. That's where a lot of our brainstorming began.
Re. PS2/PSP: We can't just make it for Wii cause there's a lot of Silent Hill fans that have played all 4 of them, or all 5 incl Origins on PS2, they played Origins on PSP, so there's a big fanbase there. So we also wanted to cater to them.
2 questions later
girl GAMER: Also, with other fans that are having xbox and PS3. Are there gonna be any titles of Silent Hill gonna be coming out? ...
Producer: We're always evaluating...
And really, this is the best controls scheme I've ever experienced for exploring the dark. It feels so immersive, so seemless. ... This world that you're walking around in, we've made that seemless as well. So we got no loading screens, no pauses to load. ... peer through the door ...
On the surface it's a simpler game, because you don't have those clever camera angles. You're not clicking buttons everywhere, there's no text on the screen, but actually it's a much richer experience cause the player is driving it. The player is saying: I'm gonna go into this corner right here. I'm gonna peer at this calender. I'm gonna see what it is.
He has lots of routes and choices. And the idea here is that - this is fully dynamic. We don't have any scripted scares. Everything is based around this kind of dynamic sense based AI. We have adaptive music. These levels are full of choices and routes. So every time you do a runthrough of a nightmare sequence, it's gonna be different. You can't kind of relax and anticipate what's gonna happen next.
Lead designer: This is the thing. When everyone got their Wii kits, you looked at it, immediately felt, well this would be really neat for a game about flashlights. And the game works exactly like you'd imagine. You move around with the nunchuk and you point the Wiimote to point the flashlight. And this is a an incredibly immersive and seemless way of exploring.
The Silent Hill franchise finally making the leap to Nintendo's magical gaming machine. Why make the decision to go there?
We saw a lot of room on the Wii for a mature hardcore gamer type game. But we also were looking at ways to enhance the survival horror experience. And if you look at the two Silent Hill trademarks there's the flashlight and then you got the radio static. And right there on the Wii remote, it has a flashlight and you have your radio static coming out of it. So it's kind of a no-brainer.
Since a lot of people will be playing soon, I wanted to suggest a few tips to optimize your Shattered Memories playing experience!
1) Play with low lights. – this is kind of a Survival Horror no-brainer.
2) Consider not using headphones – The game uses a lot of Wii features, including the Wii Remote Speaker. So if you normally game with headphones, you’ll miss a lot of the coolness of Harry’s phone. If your situation requires headphones, there is an option to set all audio to the TV speakers so you don’t miss out on any details (but it might not be as cool )
3) Keep your decisions “personalized” – I know a lot of people game with siblings, significant others, etc. And for a lot of games this is helpful, because they can provide observations or help solve puzzles, etc. But since Shattered Memories is basing a lot of elements (including the ending!) around the player’s psyche, if you’re following another person’s direction then the results might not be as accurate as they could be. My suggestion would be to play once yourself and have your gaming partner watch. Then once you’re finished, switch off and have them play. Afterward you can both tell the other how accurate you felt the game analyzed them. (It’s also an easy way to see two different endings with minimal effort!)
You of course are free to play the game in direct sunlight with headphones and your entire group of friends deciding where Harry goes – it’s up to you. But if you’re after the perfect Silent Hill experience, these tips might help you on your way.
...An interesting aspect of this project is the differences between each console that the game is being released for. Silent Hill Homecoming was on Xbox360, PlayStation 3, and PC of course – but those are all fairly similar in their capabilities and the game wasn’t drastically different on any one of the three. Our goal with Shattered Memories is to provide the same core experience regardless of console, again, making sure the game isn’t drastically different regardless of which version you pick up.
However, Wii, PSP, and PlayStation 2 are all very different, so getting the game to work optimally on every system is a real challenge. Each game contains all the same events. The Psych Profile is just as expansive on the PSP as it is on the Wii. The most challenging part of this juggling act is our streaming world. Unlike other games in the series, and probably most other games in the genre, Shattered Memories never cuts away to a loading screen. Back in the old days, you’d press X to open a door and the screen would fade out and you’d see footprints or a loading icon. Then the next room would load. Then repeat. This isn’t just frustrating when you’re playing the game, but it also kills the mood. There’s nothing worse than having Yamaoka-san’s soundtrack creeping you out, running from a bloodthirsty nurse while desperately low on health, with your sanity wearing down from the incessant cacophonous noises… and having all that disappear for 15 seconds while the next corridor is shifted into memory.
So Climax came up with awesome tech that would eliminate the need to load the game room by room. Now Harry Mason is stuck in the horrific streets of Silent Hill with no 15-second pauses to save him. But that available memory is waaaay different from Wii to PS2 to PSP. Still, we committed early on to making sure you wouldn’t be staring at disembodied foot prints. It’s been a huge challenge – so we really hope you portable players appreciate it!
John Harker said:I almost want to suggest we start over with another official thread. Yikes.
:lolbrandonh83 said:Why?
ruffles said:Ugh I hate these chase sequences. I'm at the high school one and I keep dying cuz I don't know where I'm going. An on screen mini map would have helped.
Y2Kev said:I played 20-30 minutes of this on a break from another little game and I got to the part where I had to do the full body waggle and I died three times.
*sigh*Hesemonni said:Can't get past the second nightmare sequence. Fuck this game and series along with it.
chandoog said:whelp ... Gamespot put up a new preview for the PSP version ..
Surprisingly, the controls seem like they've been adapted pretty well.As for moving the flashlight around, you can't do it while Harry is walking (as you can in the Wii version). So, instead, the PSP version lets you hit the right-shoulder button, which takes you into a first-person view that gives you a closer, first-person view you can manipulate with the analog nub without moving Harry aroundNaturally, other concessions had to be made to accommodate the PSP's hardware, but one aspect of the game that hasn't changed much at all is the visuals. The PSP version of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories looks nearly identical to its Wii counterpart, but there are some slight differences. It seems like you can't see quite as far into the distance in some scenes. There are also some textures and areas that aren't clear as those found in the Wii version.
Tab0203 said:Why is this thread dying?
John Harker said:Are we sure that's Cheryl? For some reason I always thought that was Dhalia in theMalcom recordings. Well, considering the version of Dahlia I had, it kinda made sense at the time it was either an echo of her mother or someone else at the HS. Not all of those memory echoes are of Cheryl
selig said:And I´d love to see a SH-game for Wii that actually is about Silent Hill, the town and its mysteryThis game, actually, has no relationship to Silent Hill, as it´s all just the imagination of a person. Make the next game about exploring a real Silent Hill and its hell
Mr_Zombie said:Please, no.
I love that Shattered Memories went the Silent Hill 2 route, that it threw away the whole crazy cult and god things aside and just turned Silent Hill into a small town where shit happens that don't really need to be explained.
That' just, like, your interpretation, dude.selig said:But that´s exactly what i mean. there IS NO Silent Hill in SM. It´s all just the imagination of the girl. I´d like to have a game that´s not just a dream. It was great for this one game, but it´d be annoying to play several games that all are but dreams